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Archiv klubu Brutální Nikita [ŽP: 12 týdnů] (kategorie Televize) moderuje bundaboy.
klub Brutální Nikita
Brutální Nikita

Peta Wilson (Nikita), Roy Dupuis (Michael), Alberta Watson (Madeline), Eugene Robert Glazer (Operations),
Matthew Ferguson (Birkoff/Jason Crawford), Don Francks (Walter), Carlo Rota (Mick Schtoppel/Mr. Jones),
David Hemblen (George), Siân Phillips (Adrian), Kris Lemche (Greg Hillinger) a další

LFN CZ (bundaboy) - LFN (Nikki) - LFN (Makk) - LFN (MirekJ) -
» Naše klubová Sekce 1 « a » Fotky z křestu LFN knížky nové «

-=| ZAHRANIČNÍ ODKAZY |=- - Roy Dupuis - Peta Wilson - Alberta Watson - Eugene R. Glazer
LFN Forever! - - SPooKY: La femme NIKITA - Section Intel - LFN hudba
LFN scénáře 1 - LFN scénáře 2 - Bomis Peta Wilson Ring - Céline Bonnier

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mausi 12.11.2004 08:24  1157
LFN Music Clipod LorenyBR: Dark Sides, Sunny Sides fo Love
15,9MB; 6:33min
mausi 12.11.2004 07:59  1156
OTTohle poslal Matthew Ferguson naší skupině CynbytheSea, tak to přeposílám i vám:

From: Andrew Miller

Hello Natalie. How are you doing in North Carolina?
I am back in Iraq as you already know, but what you
don't know is that it is 10 times worst and 10 times
more dangerous. I almost bought the farm a few times
since I came back. This is my first access to a
computer since I came here, so it is quite alright. I
wouldn't have gotten to read anything until today
anyway. For the most part, I am doing fine
physically. I just have your occasional dislocated
toe, and a bruised back. Mentally, is a completely
different story. I have seen things that I couldn't
never have imagined. I have experienced things that I
wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I want to come home,
but to do that I have to engulf my entire mind, body,
and soul into this place. I almost have to become
less than human to do it. If I start to think about
home, I will be dead. If I start to think about my
friends, I will be dead. If I start to think about
anything else, besides killing the enemy, I will be
dead. I don't make friends here on purpose, because
we lose people at a high rate right now. I will not
mourn for anyone while I am here, friend or foe. This
place has taken so much from me, that there is nothing
left to give. They told me that I will be leaving
soon to England. From England, I would be headed
home. They just don't know when. When they annouced
that news, most everyone cheered. Most of everyone.
Mostly all of the replacements cheered. Only four
people, including myself was apart of the original
squad of 16. We were there from the beginning and we
know what happened to everyone else. The replacements
were not there from day one. Some of them had not
faced a single gun battle, or had an RPG (Rocket
Propelled Grenade) fired at them, or even know how
loud the whistle of an incoming artillery round is. I
am sorry for how I sound right now. I just want to
leave this place.
mausi 11.11.2004 18:04  1155
Ty obrázky jsou z filmu Chasing Cain.....
mausi 11.11.2004 17:57  1154
mausi 11.11.2004 17:56  1153
Alberta a Peter Outerbridge
mausi 11.11.2004 17:56  1152
Alberta a Peter Outerbridge
mausi 11.11.2004 17:55  1151
Alberta a Peter Outerbridge
mausi 11.11.2004 17:51  1150
EG v Mutant X
jennys 11.11.2004 14:00  1149
Belthazar: a ten film byl taky brutální:o)
belthazar 11.11.2004 13:48  1148
Ta ofina je náhodou boží obr. 6

Ofinka a školní uniforma, ale to by bylo z jiného filmu...... :))
phailo phailo aut vincere aut mori 11.11.2004 13:22  1147
jennys: to je mi uplne putna co je moderni, ale to je fakt hruuuuuzzaaaaa:/ proto taky nemam rad 1. a 2. serii :)
jennys 11.11.2004 13:20  1146
phailo: víš houby, co je moderní;o))
phailo phailo aut vincere aut mori 11.11.2004 13:17  1145
jennys: ta ofina je priserna:-P
jennys 11.11.2004 12:23  1144
a několik obrázků z první série

Nikita 1
Nikita 2
Nikita 3
Nikita 4
Nikita 5
Nikita 6
Nikita 7
jennys 11.11.2004 11:50  1143
Hard Landingpár obrázků z pondělního dílu:o)

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