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Archiv klubu Marco Beltrami [ŽP: 8 týdnů] (kategorie Hudba) moderuje Lokutus.
Oficiální stránky

fanouškovské stránky I
fanouškovské stránky II
Soundtracknet interview 8/9/1998
Interview - Holywood Reporter 20/4/2004
Interview - Scoring with genre films pt. 1
Interview - Scoring with genre films pt. 2
Interview - Scorelogue - Dracula 2000
An evening with Marco Beltrami on the phone
Interview -
OSTweb: tabulka Marca Beltramiho

Vybrané releasy:

- Love and Monsters, Michael Matthews, USA 16. října 2020, trailer

Následující projekty:
- A Quiet Place: Part II, John Krasinski, USA 17. září 2021, trailer
- Chaos Walking, Doug Liman, USA 22. ledna 2021, trailer
- Fear Street, Leigh Janiak, USA 2021, trailer, oficiální stránky
- Fear Street 2, Leigh Janiak, USA 2021, trailer, oficiální stránky
- Fear Street 3, Leigh Janiak, USA 2021, trailer, oficiální stránky
- The Cowboys, Tommy Lee Jones, USA TBA, trailer, oficiální stránky

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lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 9.3.2005 22:00  146
podle všeho má hudba v úvodní sekvenci docela pěkně solidní potenciál :) --- a rozhodně i na film se dooost těším... Tamahori zatím ani v nejmenším nezklamal - spíš naopak :) což se nedá zrovna dvakrát říct o matlákovi Cohenovi :)
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 9.3.2005 21:57  145
I found this in the guy clearly hated it, but doesn't mean a thing to me. take a read if you want:

the first five minutes of the Triple X sequel, xXx: State of the Union. It was made by Revolution Studios as a promotional thing. I never saw the first film, so I really can't judge this against that. The FX were almost complete, and the music was temp.

The film starts on a farm with seemingly peaceful shots of horses in open pastures. Cut to inside a barn where a "farmer" is doing farmer stuff (he isn't really a farmer, as the whole setting is a cover for a government operation). The horses inside the barn become agitated, and for good reason, the farmer soon realizes that all his partners are dead. All of a sudden, a ninja (ninja!) appears out of nowhere and stabs poor farmer in the back with a big knife, which sticks out through his chest.

Several ninjas, dressed in all black with masks and red goggles, throw what look like round futuristic lawnmowers on the grass. They start spinning and shoot down into the ground about 100 feet, leaving long tunnels. Cut to inside the government facility, the lawnmower-gadjets break through the ceiling with sparks flying everywhere. Then all hell breaks loose.

The ninjas start shooting everyone and they release these little flying robots that look like miniature versions of the robots in Batteries Not Included. The ninjas are winning the battle. We then see Sam Jackson who fights for a moment, bats down one of the flying robots, and then takes an elevator up to the surface to escape. He's met by another agent, some comic relief ensues, and then Jackson and the agent get into a pimped out 70's car. The headlights slide open and rockets shoot out and blow out the whole side of the barn they are in. Jackson hits the gas and the car jumps out of the barn and escapes down a road.

Now for some of the most forced and hilarious dialogue I have heard in a long time, I can't remember it word for word, but here's the gist of it:


They attacked our facilities, we need a new triple X. Not a skater or snowboarder, we need someone with more attitude.


More attitude?


Yes. This new triple X has to be badder.


Where are we going to find that?

Cut to a prison where Ice Cube is walking to his cell in chains, apparently showing us his 'bad' face with lots of attitude. A rap song begins to play and the opening credit sequence begins (which was the best part, it had a great design).

So, yeah, that's that. Lots of things blowing up, lots of FX (which look good), and lots of the first five minutes. I wasn't to thrilled, but I'm sure the masses will lap it up. From the Director that ruined Bond with the cinematic abortion that was Die Another Day, don't count me in line whenever this turd comes out.
team_daddy Team_Daddy - prodavam nějaký soundtracky 9.3.2005 19:15  144
predstav si to znazornit graficky, hvezdickou? kolacem? :-)
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 9.3.2005 19:10  143
se musí.... z trilogie u mě vede jednoznačně dvojka...jednička a trojka, maj sice obě něco do sebe, ale vcelku za dvojkou pokulhávaj a i když tedy trojka je u mě tak za 3.5, pořád váhám k jakýmu hodnocení se přiklonit - stejně tak u jedničky, u který taky dost záleží na tom, která verze to je konkrétně...
team_daddy Team_Daddy - prodavam nějaký soundtracky 9.3.2005 18:30  142
3.75? Hergot Lokutus, ty to beres do detailu :-)
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 9.3.2005 18:29  141
blade_triniti blade_triniti lover of Hans Zimmer 9.3.2005 12:34  140
Co říkáte na tyto dílka?! Zrovna je dostávám pod ruku...z netu:-) Tak bych rád věděl něčí názor:

Land's End
Scream (complete)
The Incorporated
Scream 2
Dracula 2000
team_daddy Team_Daddy - prodavam nějaký soundtracky 2.3.2005 10:13  139
Tak nakonec na T3 tak zly nebudu, objevily se tam vytecne akcni skladby, skoda jen tech pomalych, hucicich ty me skutecne neoslovili ani pres sluchatka...zitra vyjevim sve finalni hodnoceni
team_daddy Team_Daddy - prodavam nějaký soundtracky 1.3.2005 10:24  138
ID137: tak to sem fakt rad, ze to vim :-)
ID136: to je mozny, jsem to projizdel opravdu hopem
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 1.3.2005 10:09  137
btw, pokud by to ještě někdo nevěděl, tak před cca 12-15 hodinama začalo nahrávání xXx: State of the Union :)
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 1.3.2005 10:05  136
špatně hleda - BPRD track
team_daddy Team_Daddy - prodavam nějaký soundtracky 1.3.2005 07:27  135
HellboyTak tady mam z hudby ve filmu sakra lepsi pocity nez u T3 a i I, Robot...tusim, ze to bude mnou nejlepe hodnoceny Beltrami, ale chci se ofiko releasu jsem hledal hudbu, ktera hraje u Meyersova prijezdu do uradu a nenasel jsem ji, je to tim, ze tam neni, nebo jsem spatne hledal...nenasel jsem ani track podobneho nazvu

Tu T3 jsem jeste na sluchatka neposlouchal, takze Vam zatim vic nepovim :-)
team_daddy Team_Daddy - prodavam nějaký soundtracky 28.2.2005 17:35  134
no tak zkusit to muzu
scajo 28.2.2005 17:34  133
Daddy: Zkus sluchátka, tichá hudba nemusí být vždycky nudná a nezajímavá a v případě T3 complete IMHO rozhodně není..
team_daddy Team_Daddy - prodavam nějaký soundtracky 28.2.2005 16:11  132
CD1 = IMHO nuda

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