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Archiv klubu The Dresden Dolls [ŽP: 8 týdnů] (kategorie Hudba - V ODPADU) moderuje Šéf Lopuchu. | |
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shamlieth 26.1.2007 20:34  221
to je v Praze, ze jo? Jetma videt Karluv most a Orloj na Staromaku :)
rimmer 26.1.2007 00:49  220
Amandino pražské karaoke verité video, natáčené před dubnovým koncertem:
shamlieth 20.1.2007 18:28  217
rofl :D
dadel Dadel S dvouhaléřem v ruce, s žertem v srdci - SIVÝ ČTVERÁK!!! 20.1.2007 16:07  216
Beer Activated Girl
shamlieth 17.1.2007 13:37  215
Pani, tady to tedy zije..
shamlieth 4.1.2007 19:20  214
Nová verze klipu k Sing :)
pan_ape 4.9.2006 14:07  213
rimmer 22.7.2006 21:05  212
Neskutečná studnice mp3jek DDs! Desítky a desítky songů ke stažení. Živáky, covery, písničky nikdy nevydané na albech.

A texty k většině z nich:

Hezký poslech :)
shamlieth 12.7.2006 16:57  211
Někdo měl dlouhou noc :)
rimmer 10.7.2006 23:58  210
Video - The Dresden Dolls: Eisbär

Thank you, sreaming people.


Eisbär, Eisbär,
kaltes Eis, kaltes Eis,
Eisbär, Eisbär,
kaltes Eis, kaltes Eis.

Ich möchte ein Eisbär sein
im kalten Polar,
dann müßte ich nicht mehr schrei´n,
alles wär so klar.

Ich möchte ein Eisbär sein
im kalten Polar,
dann müßte ich nicht mehr schrei´n,
alles wär so klar.

Ich möchte ein Eisbär sein
im kalten Polar,
dann müßte ich nicht mehr schrei´n,
alles wär so klar.

Ich möchte ein Eisbär sein
im kalten Polar,
dann müßte ich nicht mehr schrei´n,
alles wär so klar.

Eisbären müssen nie weinen.
Eisbären müssen nie weinen.
Eisbären müssen nie weinen.
Eisbären müssen nie weinen.
rimmer 10.7.2006 23:50  209
Video - Amanda Palmer: The Ampersand


I walk down my street at night
The city lights are cold and violent
I am comforted by the approaching sound of trucks and sirens
Even though the world's so bad, these men rush out to help the dying
And though I am no use to them, I do my part by simply smiling

The ghetto boys are catcalling me
As I pull my keys from my pocket
I wonder if this method of courtship has ever been effective
Has any girl in history said "Sure, you seem so nice, let's get it on"
Still, I always shock them when I answer, "Hi, my name's Amanda"

And I'm not gonna live my life on one side of an ampersand
And even if I went with you, I'm not the girl you think I am
And I'm not gonna match you, 'cause I'll lose my voice completely
No, I'm just gonna watch you, 'cause I'm not the one that's crazy

I have wasted years of my life agonizing about the fires I started
When I thought that to be strong, you must be flame retardant
And now to dress the wounds calls into question how authentic they are
There's always someong criticizing me: "She just likes playing hospital"
Lying in my bed, I remember what you said: "There's no such thing as accidents"

But you've got the headstone all ready, all drawn up and pretty
Your sick satisfaction, those his and hers matching
The headstone's all push up'n, pairs to the horizon
Your eyes full of ketchup, it's nice that you're trying

The headstone's all ready, all carved up and pretty
Your sick satisfaction, those his and hers matching
The daisies all push up'n, pairs to the horizon
Your eyes full of ketchup, it's nice that you're trying

But I'm not gonna live my life on one side of an ampersand
And even if I went with you, I'm not the girl you think I am
And I'm not gonna match you, 'cause I'll lose my voice completely
No, I'm just gonna watch you, 'cause I'm not the one that's crazy

As I wake up to a cough, the fire burned the block but ironically
Stopped at my apartment and my housemates are all sleeping soundly
And nobody deserves to die for you were awful adament
That if I didn't love you then you had just one alternative

And I may be romantic and I may risk my life for it
But I ain't gonna die for you, you know I ain't no Juliet
And I'm not gonna match, 'cause I'll lose my voice completely
No, I'm just gonna watch you, 'cause I'm not the one that's crazy
rimmer 10.7.2006 23:43  205
Video - Amanda Palmer: The Kill


I am anarchist
An antichrist
An asterisk
I am atheist
An acolyte
An alcoholic
I am eleven feet
Okay, eight
Six foot three
i am an amazon
an ampersand
an accident
I fought the British and I won
I am a rocket ship
A jet fighter
A paper airplane

Say what you will
I am the kill
The only only one that makes you real
the only thing that makes you really truly safe from me

Put Pat Sajak back in office
Put Pat Sajak back in office
Put Pat Sajak back in office

I have a tendency
To exaggerate
Just a little bit
I am a plagiarist
A terrorist
Attention getter
I am optimist
A closeted
I fought the British and I won

Say what you will
I am the kill
The only thing that makes you real
Say what you will
I am the kill
The only thing that makes you real truly safe from me

Put Pat Sajak back in office
Put Pat Sajak back in office
Put Pat Sajak back in office

But the sun still sets on you
And your retarted party
Nobody came to ditch you and so you drink to
all the emptiness until you wake up
And there's hell to pay again

But the sun still sets on you
And your retarted party
Nobody came to ditch you and so you drink to
all the emptiness until you wake up
And there's hell to pay again

And the punchline poisioned you
And all the comebacks in the world are in your head
But you can't say them until everybody leaves
And it's just you and your imaginary friends...
Your imaginary friends...
Your imaginary friends...
your imaginary friends...
your imaginary friends...
pan_ape 4.7.2006 13:22  204
Rimmer: Ohřívat sny, aby byly aspoň trochu připravenější? Házet hrách na stěnu? Chodit se džbánem pro pivo?
kill_file 30.6.2006 18:11  202
znate nekdo Mates of state nebo Quasi?
pan_ape 23.5.2006 13:11  201
Ad vztah Briana a Amandy

Spojuje nás hodně hluboké přátelství. Skoro bych řekl, že jsme si bližší než mnozí manželé. Už nejsme milenci, nespíme spolu. Ale k nikomu jsem nikdy neměl tak blízký vztah jako k Amandě.


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