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Archiv klubu Filmy na motivy comicsu [ŽP: 4 týdny] (kategorie Film) moderuje knedle.
Aktualne v kinech:
Watchmen ( imdb csfd )

Natočeno v poslední době:
- X-men - X-men 2 - X-men 3 --- Hulk --- Spider-Man - Spider-Man 2 - Spider-Man 3 --- DareDevil --- Punisher --- Hellboy --- Catwoman --- Elektra --- Constantine --- Sin City --- Fantastic Four - Fantastic Four 2 --- Batman Begins --- 300 --- V for Vendetta --- Superman Returns --- Ghost Rider --- IronMan --- Wanted --- Incredible Hulk --- Dark Knight --- Hellboy 2 --- Spirit --- Punisher: War zone
Čeká nás:
--- X-Men Origins: Wolverine (05 2009) --- Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (07 2009) --- G. I. Joe (08 2009) --- Iron Man 2 (5 2010) --- Green Hornet (6 2010) --- Thor (7 2010) --- Jonah Hex (8 2010) --- The Smurfs (12 2010) --- The Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn (? 2011) --- Kick-Ass --- Scott Pilgrim vs. The World --- Y: The Last Man --- Nick Fury --- The Flash --- Green Lantern --- Spider-Man 4 --- The First Avenger: Captain America --- Preacher --- Justice League: Mortal --- Avengers --- The Witchblade
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[ 1086 ] <Novější  <<<Nejnovější  Nejstarší>>>  Starší>  
gorila 20.12.2004 18:49  555
PG 13 je prokletá kategorie, ta už ,,zabila" filmů:-(
nash nash poutník na cestě 20.12.2004 18:29  553
no vzhledem k tomu, že se to snaží stlačit na přístupnost (tuším 13)...tak mám strach, že to moc nobře nedopadne...
case Case Greatest comedy of the generation of - blah blah ever to do a thing on a thing. 20.12.2004 13:28  552
Gorila: Ano, mám z toho filmu podobný pocit...buď anebo :) Množství CGI mě vůbec neznervózňuje, nicméně.
gorila 20.12.2004 13:26  551
Constantine bude buď naprosto geniální nebo sračka. Zatím podle traileru věřím spíš na to první...jsem hodně zvědavý, i když množství CGI mě trošku znervózňuje.
case Case Greatest comedy of the generation of - blah blah ever to do a thing on a thing. 20.12.2004 13:01  550
Hm, tak jsem teď viděl trailer na Constantine a vypadá to zajímavě...a vzhůru na Batman Begins...
chewiedc ChewieDC What are the rules of attraction? - Rule #1 There are no rules 19.12.2004 13:08  549
Zejména to zasazení děje do období 2. světové války je více než zajímavé.
picky Picky - Go to the toilet bowl! 18.12.2004 23:30  548
Hmm... tak snad to dopadne dobře, špatně to nezní...
case Case Greatest comedy of the generation of - blah blah ever to do a thing on a thing. 18.12.2004 20:46  547
Twentieth Century Fox has picked Sheldon Turner to draft "Magneto," an action-thriller spin-off based on the villainous character played in the first two "X-Men" films by Ian McKellen according to Variety. This would be the third "X-Men" movie project currently in development alongside a third "X-Men" penned by Simon Kinberg and a separate "Wolverine" spin-off by "Troy" scribe David Benioff. Turner recently scripted the Adam Sandler remake of "The Longest Yard," rewrote "The Amityville Horror" and drafted a prequel to "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre." The film will be a prequel as such to the first "X-Men" film and start off around that film's prologue which showed him as a child being led to a concentration camp by Nazis. As the character will be young, it's not clear whether McKellen will be in the film at all. The storyline will heavily involve Professor X who was a soldier in the allied force that liberated the concentration camps. The professor meets Magneto after the war, and while they bond over the realization that they are alike in their special powers, their differences soon turn them into enemies.
fincher 9.12.2004 17:20  546
Case: A je tam Rus? :)
case Case Greatest comedy of the generation of - blah blah ever to do a thing on a thing. 9.12.2004 10:24  545
BTW vyšlo demo na hru The Punisher...
picky Picky - Go to the toilet bowl! 9.11.2004 21:40  544
Asi se něco změnilo a zapomněli nám to říct...
captainn 9.11.2004 19:26  543
A já vždycky myslel, že je to Pickyho klub.
baz 9.11.2004 19:22  542
PickyAle v TOMTO klubu se mluví pouze o filmech podle komiksu. Doteď:)))
celestius 8.11.2004 12:48  541
No yo, epizoda III :))) Skoro jsem na ní zapomněl :)
captainn 8.11.2004 12:20  540
Sám sem si za pecí, zadělal telecí.

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