Pilot odvysílán a tady se mlčí? ;)
Tak trochu rozproudíme vody z jiného konce:
Jackson wanted for Pacey resurrection
Actor Joshua Jackson is being targeted by TV bosses eager to bring his Dawson's Creek character back to the small screen. Jackson rocketed to fame playing troubled teen Pacey Whitter in the show--which ran from 1998 to 2003--about four friends in a small coastal town who help each other cope with adolescence. And now TV chiefs are offering Jackson a lucrative contract in an effort to tempt the actor--who is pursuing a film career after scoring success in movies like Cruel Intentions and The Skulls--back into the role for a spin-off series, according to British newspaper the Daily Star.
Pro neagličtináře: TV šéfové podle britských novin (divné, ne?) prý tlačí na Joshe, aby si zahrál Paceyho "Whittera" ;) v spin-offu DC.
Jelikož pravděpodobnost, že by v tom hrála i batmanovo milenka Katie, je hoooodně malá, tak bych mu třeba i přispěl na honorář, kdyby to tedy mělo navazovat na DC, což by znamenalo, že... modří vědí ;) |