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Archiv klubu Filmy na motivy comicsu [ŽP: 4 týdny] (kategorie Film) moderuje knedle.
Aktualne v kinech:
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Natočeno v poslední době:
- X-men - X-men 2 - X-men 3 --- Hulk --- Spider-Man - Spider-Man 2 - Spider-Man 3 --- DareDevil --- Punisher --- Hellboy --- Catwoman --- Elektra --- Constantine --- Sin City --- Fantastic Four - Fantastic Four 2 --- Batman Begins --- 300 --- V for Vendetta --- Superman Returns --- Ghost Rider --- IronMan --- Wanted --- Incredible Hulk --- Dark Knight --- Hellboy 2 --- Spirit --- Punisher: War zone
Čeká nás:
--- X-Men Origins: Wolverine (05 2009) --- Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (07 2009) --- G. I. Joe (08 2009) --- Iron Man 2 (5 2010) --- Green Hornet (6 2010) --- Thor (7 2010) --- Jonah Hex (8 2010) --- The Smurfs (12 2010) --- The Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn (? 2011) --- Kick-Ass --- Scott Pilgrim vs. The World --- Y: The Last Man --- Nick Fury --- The Flash --- Green Lantern --- Spider-Man 4 --- The First Avenger: Captain America --- Preacher --- Justice League: Mortal --- Avengers --- The Witchblade
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knedle knedle online - Krabice živých 15.2.2005 17:01  641
tak sem se opet podival na Daredevila a opet sem se ujistil, ze je to hroznej film... snad mimo CF a jeho BullsEye
kryspin 15.2.2005 12:10  640
Já jsem všude ;-)
knedle knedle online - Krabice živých 15.2.2005 00:27  639
kryspin - ty uz si i tady? :)
kryspin 14.2.2005 21:20  638
Mno a já se těším na adaptaci Darkness. Samozřejmě ale víc na SIN CITY
zoid 14.2.2005 18:43  637
Film Sin CityPrávě jsem viděl trailer an film Sin City a ož jsem celej žhavej až to bude v kinech.
picky Picky - Go to the toilet bowl! 10.2.2005 20:58  636
No hlavně aby už byla i u nás jednička...
case Case Greatest comedy of the generation of - blah blah ever to do a thing on a thing. 10.2.2005 20:32  635
Keanu Reeves wants to come back as John Constantine, as long as the audience likes what he's done so far in the first film opening February 18th. Reeves told IESB that "My contract didn't have a second film in it. But myself and some of the producers and Francis Lawrence fell in love with the guy. I fell in love with the guy. I had one of the best times I've ever had working on this project. So we would talk about 'What could we do? What happens to Constantine?' You know, we'd think, 'He's a heroin addict in Morocco, and he's got this spell, and he's killing people, but he's trying not to kill people, so he keeps knocking himself out. Then [producer] Akiva Goldsman was like, 'No! He wants to stop Revelations'. We'd do these kinds of things. Ultimately, it's up to the audience. That would mean that the studio would have the resources to go forward with it. I would love to play Constantine again as long as I worked with the same people, definitely Francis Lawrence and Akiva Goldsman, and everyone involved in this project because I could not imagine doing this without them."
picky Picky - Go to the toilet bowl! 1.2.2005 11:35  634
No rozhodně to vypadá zajímavě... zajímavě ujetě. Sem zvědavej, co z toho nakonec bude.
gorila 1.2.2005 10:40  633
Taky je nesnáším, i když zrovna s tímhle jsem neměl problém.
case Case Greatest comedy of the generation of - blah blah ever to do a thing on a thing. 1.2.2005 09:49  632
Já kvůli těmhle zhovadilostem je vždycky musím lovit po všech čertech, protože mi streamy neprolezou přes proxy :( Nesnáším streamovaná média...

No, ale to sem nepatří, já vím.
captainn 1.2.2005 09:41  631
CaseObávám se, že nikdy.
case Case Greatest comedy of the generation of - blah blah ever to do a thing on a thing. 1.2.2005 09:39  630
Ach jo, kdy už je přestane bavit dělat ty trailery pouze streamované... Vždyť to stejně jde stáhnout, jen je to zbytečně komplikované...
gorila 1.2.2005 09:28  629
Tohle by některé z vás mohlo hodně zajímat.
captainn 27.1.2005 23:23  628
takže [dju:]
celestius 27.1.2005 23:07  627
no však - já myslel "do" jako "výslovnost" due.

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