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Archiv klubu Marco Beltrami [ŽP: 8 týdnů] (kategorie Hudba) moderuje Lokutus.
Oficiální stránky

fanouškovské stránky I
fanouškovské stránky II
Soundtracknet interview 8/9/1998
Interview - Holywood Reporter 20/4/2004
Interview - Scoring with genre films pt. 1
Interview - Scoring with genre films pt. 2
Interview - Scorelogue - Dracula 2000
An evening with Marco Beltrami on the phone
Interview -
OSTweb: tabulka Marca Beltramiho

Vybrané releasy:

- Love and Monsters, Michael Matthews, USA 16. října 2020, trailer

Následující projekty:
- A Quiet Place: Part II, John Krasinski, USA 17. září 2021, trailer
- Chaos Walking, Doug Liman, USA 22. ledna 2021, trailer
- Fear Street, Leigh Janiak, USA 2021, trailer, oficiální stránky
- Fear Street 2, Leigh Janiak, USA 2021, trailer, oficiální stránky
- Fear Street 3, Leigh Janiak, USA 2021, trailer, oficiální stránky
- The Cowboys, Tommy Lee Jones, USA TBA, trailer, oficiální stránky

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lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 16.8.2006 19:25 - Pošta (12:36) 783
zajímavý a mimořádně slibný :)This is not to be confused with a review. I'm not a critic and I hate reviews, so I wouldn’t write one even if I could. This is the informal reaction of a movie lover, offered in the manner of Jackson Pollack throwing paint at a canvas—emotional and messy. (Anybody who feels cheated not getting a plot summary and all that review-y stuff should stop reading now, because this will surely frustrate them. I won’t be giving a single story detail. They’ll be able to get that kind of thing in plenty of other places, if that’s what they want…but I, for one, urge everybody to avoid reviews and see the film knowing as little about it in advance as possible, as I was lucky enough to do.)

Bear in mind also that my reaction can hardly be deemed unbiased, because Guillermo is a dear friend and I love him. Consider that caveat a given. Now, putting my personal feelings toward him aside as best I can, let me say this:

I think PAN'S LABYRINTH is a masterpiece. The real deal. A perfect film. A gem.

I had the pleasure of hosting an informal “friends and family” screening of PAN'S about a month ago on the old Samuel Goldwyn lot here in Hollywood (right across the street from the venerable Formosa Café, known to movie buffs as the place where Lana Turner tossed a drink in Lt. Edmund Exley’s face in L.A. CONFIDENTIAL). It was my way of welcoming Guillermo back to Los Angeles after his extended stay in Spain filming PAN’S…he was gone almost two years and sorely missed by his friends! Eighty or so people showed up, and I don’t think there was a person attending who wasn’t knocked out by the film. We gave it a standing ovation, and a sincere one. Jeff Goldblum came out of the theater afterward looking like a five year-old who’d just seen his first movie, eyes wide as proverbial saucers. Clive Barker was grinning like a proud papa (or a homicidal maniac, I couldn’t really tell). I was dazed and positively high with admiration. Somewhere in the ether, I swear to you, I could hear Jean Cocteau applauding.

PAN’S LABYRINTH is a return to the notion of film as art—one man’s vision, from the heart, the gonads, and the gut. It's gorgeous and unique and very moving. As a filmmaker, I found it both humbling and inspiring—humbling because it sets the bar so high; inspiring because it shows what passionate filmmaking can and should be. It is a gauntlet thrown down, a declaration that movies should count for more than just opening weekend grosses, that “Ars Gratia Artis” shouldn’t just be a forgotten slogan in a dead language decorating a roaring lion logo.

I’ve seldom seen a movie more in love with film—with the very idea of film. It rolls around in its love of cinema like a dog in grass. Every frame exudes a love of movies…but not the easy, referential kind that recycles other films in the guise of “hip homage.” This is a purer love born of a filmmaker’s desire to be daring, original, to take chances. It is Guillermo’s gift to anybody who ever had their breath taken away the first time they saw a Kubrick or a Scorsese or a Spielberg bust a new move in cinema. It reeks of classicism—the way it’s shot, paced, edited, scored. It’ll feel old-fashioned to some—but that is one of its greatest strengths: there isn’t a whiff of MTV-era filmmaking about it.

Letting my personal feelings sneak back in for a moment, can I just tell you what a thrill it is to see a friend as deserving as Guillermo hit his artistic stride?

Is it a huge film? A blockbuster? The next LORD OF THE RINGS? No. The only things epic about PAN’S LABYRINTH are its emotional landscape and the power of its imagination—otherwise it’s intensely personal and intimate, small enough to hold in the palm of your hand. Though it has its share of thrilling moments, it’s not a thrill ride…it’s a rumination, a meditation, a journey through fairy tale magic and gut-wrenching realism. That it blends these things at all is ambitious, that it blends them perfectly is a miracle. Stephen King, who just saw the movie yesterday and loved it, wrote me an email calling it “an R-rated fairy tale,” and that’s as accurate a description as you can get.

Those who know Guillermo only by his more commercial films are in for a big surprise. Those who know him by his more personal films like DEVIL'S BACKBONE...well, they're in for a surprise too. PAN'S is definitely in the DEVIL'S BACKBONE camp (one could say it’s a spiritual companion to it), but even DEVIL'S BACKBONE—excellent though it is—just had its ass handed to it.

In a world where movies have largely become marketing commodities micromanaged by business school graduates, PAN’S LABYRINTH stands like a rare and radiant flower that unexpectedly grew and blossomed atop the crap heap. It reminds us that “art for art’s sake” is still possible in film even amidst all the franchise-and-tentpole “product” being shoveled year-round onto our screens. I bless del Toro for the reminder.

Go see it. Drag your family and friends. Tell strangers. We must support movies like this. Like government, we get only the movies we deserve, so vote with your box office dollars. Next November, when conversation rages about what movie you’ll all go see that weekend, convince everybody to go to PAN’S LABYRINTH. If your dorky friends are hypnotized sheep who can’t bear to pass up whatever big, shiny Hollywood poop-fest is being sold to them with their Happy Meals that week, go by yourself.

For once, do yourself and other film lovers a favor and pay to see a small but important film on the big screen. Don’t be a dickhead and “wait for the DVD.” If we support films like PAN’S LABYRINTH, perhaps we’ll get more daring and original films once in a while. If we don’t, all we’ll be left with are RUSH HOUR sequels and BEWTICHED remakes...and nobody to blame for them but ourselves.

Frank Darabont
fjw 10.8.2006 21:59  782
Lokutus: Celej ost je za ***** :)
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 9.8.2006 12:44 - Pošta (12:36) 781
a co zbytek tracků? :) IMHO finále je díky začlenění sboru ještě o poznání zajímavější než Main title :)
fjw 9.8.2006 00:09  780
NP: 01. The omen - Main titles *****
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 7.8.2006 12:42 - Pošta (12:36) 779
TMNT - asi těžko.
rybar rybar 7.8.2006 12:12  778
I Robot - the best of Beltrami :)
rybar rybar 7.8.2006 12:11  777
ta hudba co je v traileru na TMNT je od Beltramiho?
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 26.7.2006 19:42 - Pošta (12:36) 776
chtělo by to protrpět ten film, pak by i ten unylejší zbytek získal jistou působivost - např. jedna z nejlepších scén - On the Heels of Spiletto, zajímavý sekvence s čoklama (imho nadčasovější než dnes již poněkud předpotopní elektronika) nebo nenápadnej motiv Mrs. Baylock... Omen chce rozhodně čas (ostatně jako v podstatě cokoliv od MB) a soustředěnej poslech v klidu...
team_daddy Team_Daddy - prodavam nějaký soundtracky 26.7.2006 19:39  775
The OmenTak nejak mam prave v poslechu. Film jsem nevidel. Beltramiho tvorbu neznam skoro vubec - 3 soundtracky. Predem nutno rict, ze kvalitativne na Jerryho original nema, ale to jeste nic neznamena, Jerryho Omen je nedostizitelny. Kde to ma Beltrami ukrutne naslaply jsou rychlejsi a vypjatejsi pasaze jako Altar of Sacrifice, Boy Genius atd. Mohl trochu vic vyuzit sbory, ale budiz, rozhodl se jinak, zapor to neni. Kde to vsak trochu skripe jsou pomalejsi pohodove a radoby tajemne pasaze, tam to na poslech IMHO moc neladi. Takze hodnoceni nekde kolem 3,5* - vyborna svizna hudba, unylejsi zbytek. Pokracujem v poslechu a jeste se uvidi.
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 24.7.2006 09:53 - Pošta (12:36) 774
No, je to koneckonců jen první teaser a premiéra filmu bude až někdy v březnu, takže není divu, že zatím jen předvádějí kvality animace k nažhavení fanoušků, aby pak vypustili čím dál tím nadupanější trailery, který budou interesovat čím dál tím víc, ale uvidíme... třeba to opravdu bude takovej výbuch - i když animace tedy zatím vypadá imho dost dobře.
vantom VanTom 24.7.2006 09:23  773
B_T: Posluhovači Trhače se jmenovali "Roxtýdy a Beebop" (nebo tak nějak, ale zaboha si už nepamatuju, jak se to píše) :-)))
vantom VanTom 24.7.2006 09:21  772
FJW: Trhač (aka Shredder) je správně, ale ten růžovej mluvící mozek v robotickém těle se jmenoval Krang. :-)))

Každopádně, když z filmu vypichují takové akční scény, jako že malá holčička na párty kopne želváka do koulí nebo želvy na skateboardu, tak se dost bojím, že tenhle film mě naprosto mine. :-(
blade_triniti blade_triniti lover of Hans Zimmer 23.7.2006 17:17  771
JO super dík, a já myslel ještě ty dva posluhovače Trhače právě:-)
fjw 22.7.2006 23:46  770
blade_triniti: Ty dva největší protivníci se jmenovaly "Trhač" a "Rank" (to byl ten mluvící mozek) :)
blade_triniti blade_triniti lover of Hans Zimmer 22.7.2006 19:15  769
TAk to jsem teda zvědav, jak se Beltrami vypořádá s hlavním tématem, které bude zapamatovatelné jako třeba Batman..hmmm:-)

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