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case Case Greatest comedy of the generation of - blah blah ever to do a thing on a thing. 23.4.2005 22:01  872
První oficiální fotka Brandona Routha coby Supermana (v kostýmu)

Bacha, má asi 2MB...

A Nicolas Cage coby Johnny Blaze...

hausmarke hausmarke Morbid transformations - distorted complications 23.4.2005 15:13  871
Po zliahdutí Constantina som prestal po 10 rokoch fajčiť.
Za to vypijem 2krát to¾ko piva:)

Skôr to bolo tým,že som vykašliaval niečo podobné ako Keanu...
mejdan 23.4.2005 14:51  869
ad.temano Konstantin je naprosto výbornej. Občas jsem měl takový divný pocity při sledování, trošku sevřenej pocit. Možná že to bylo tim jak mi přišlo z jeho světa všechno reálný - možná i zobrazení pekla.
gorila 17.4.2005 19:39  868
Sakra, jsem slepej jak patrona, četl jsem to po tobě dvakrát, jestli to tam nemáš:-) Odcházím se zahrabat, to je zase den.
case Case Greatest comedy of the generation of - blah blah ever to do a thing on a thing. 17.4.2005 15:07  867
Gorila: Poslední odstavec ID 859 ;)
gorila 17.4.2005 14:48  866
A teď koukám, zcela aktuálně myslím že vůbec první fotky Clarka Kenta.
gorila 17.4.2005 14:44  865

Ok, v poho. Když už jsmě u těch novinek, ještě se minulý týden objevila jedna

Multiple internet sources are reporting this morning that bad-ass Vinnie Jones, who starred in SNATCH and LOCK, STOCK AND TWO SMOKING BARRELS for X3 director Matthew Vaughn, is in talks to star in the third X-MEN movie as none other than...The Juggernaut!
celestius 17.4.2005 14:24  864
Constantine docela nadprůměr, že by to byla nějaká extra bomba se mi nezdá, ale teda s originálem to nemá společnýho vůůůůůůůůůůůůbec nic. Comicsovej Constantine je úplně jiná osoba.
case Case Greatest comedy of the generation of - blah blah ever to do a thing on a thing. 17.4.2005 13:54  863
Gorila: Já jsem zkopíroval to, na co jsem narazil. Teda ano, krom poznámky, že to je potřeba považovat za hodně velký 'drb', jelikož by těžko něco takového říkal Bale jen tak fanouškovi na letišti. Ale říkal jsem si, že to snad každému dojde...

Nicméně některé věci, co jsem sem kopíroval, jsou z půlky března a kupodivu tady jsme se o nich doteď nedozvěděl...takže asi tak...
gorila 17.4.2005 07:35  862
No, to jsi trochu vytrhnul ze souvislostí to s tím B vs S.:-) Resp. bylo by dobré zkopírovat i ten komentář z joblo, protože ten to vrací zpátky na zem a je přesný:-)
hartigan 16.4.2005 21:59  861
JIMBO:Mně se to taky celkem líbilo,až na herecký výkony RACHEL WAISZ
case Case Greatest comedy of the generation of - blah blah ever to do a thing on a thing. 16.4.2005 21:56  860
"'Frequent Flyer' claims to have met the lovely Christian Bale at Heathrow last week and dropped in this: "He's still quite bulky from the Batman part! Anyway, I said Hi, got an autograph, wished him luck with Batman (asked me if I was going to see it - like, duh) and I said I hoped he's back for Batman again. "Two more actually, and then Brandon Routh, the new Superman, and I, are doing Batman vs. Superman as a movie"."
case Case Greatest comedy of the generation of - blah blah ever to do a thing on a thing. 16.4.2005 21:54  859
" Ain't-It-Cool-News is reporting the rumor that Beast, Gambit and Angel will join the mutant line-up for 20th Century Fox's X-Men 3. While fans will be pleased to hear this, the site adds that Angel might actually be a girl in the movie. I really got a kick out of that last part. I really hope they don't go with that idea. -Thanks to 'Superherohype' for the heads up! UPDATE: IGN Filmforce has a follow-up to the news that Beast, Gambit and Angel will appear in X-Men 3. The site says that Angel will indeed be male, not female as was previously reported, and it will be a major character in the film. Beast is expected to be seen in his transformed part while Gambit is not expected to be a major character. Cyclops also won't have a big role in the story, the site adds."

"Famke Janssen has officially signed on to star in X-MEN 3 confirming the rumors that the Phoenix character will indeed be a part of this film. It's unclear how large a role Janssen and Phoenix will have in the film - rumors have ranged from her character being the lead villain to having a mere minor role. Janssen and Hugh Jackman are the only leads confirmed to return though deals for Halle Berry, Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen are expected to be imminent."

"Moviehole spoke with screenwriter Simon Kinberg who answered a few items on X-Men 3. Here's a clip: Will "X-Men 3" be about Dark Phoenix? I'm not allowed to say, but your guess is…. it was set up pretty well in the second movie. So, that's part of the third movie, but there's a new plot that's the story of the film. What of the rumours that James Marsden mightn't be coming back? I believe he is now. The way I've written his character now – I'm trying to write him so he only has to come back for a couple of weeks. But he's definitely a part of the movie."

"Ain't-It-Cool-News posted a rumor a day or so back stating that actor Vinne Jones ("Snatch") is up for a role in the upcoming X-Men 3, a villian part. Since then IGN FilmForce has confirmed that rumor stating that indeed Jones is "in talks" at the X3 offices. Now, Ain't it Cool News has posted a follow-up to their scoop: "More news from the X3 production office. Vinnie Jones is in talks for the role of, get this… Juggernaut! Now that is a sick hang if I have ever seen one.""
case Case Greatest comedy of the generation of - blah blah ever to do a thing on a thing. 16.4.2005 21:49  858
" Thomas Haden Church, who was most recently nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor in "Sideways," has been cast as Spider-Man's new archenemy in the next chapter of the "Spider-Man" adventure, it was announced by director Sam Raimi and producers Laura Ziskin and Marvel Studios' Avi Arad."

"According to AICN spies, Spider-man 3 will feature Sandman as the main villian, played by Thomas Haden Church: "Hey folks, Harry here... Multiple spies at Sony have confirmed that Thomas Hayden Church will indeed be playing SANDMAN. There's a ton of Sandman conceptual art all over the Spidey-offices!" Take this rumour with a grain of salt until an announcement is made official from SONY."
jimb0 JiMb0 15.4.2005 23:37  857
Constantine se mi líbil, splnil moje očekávání skoro do puntíku ;)

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