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Archiv klubu Marco Beltrami [ŽP: 8 týdnů] (kategorie Hudba) moderuje Lokutus.
Oficiální stránky

fanouškovské stránky I
fanouškovské stránky II
Soundtracknet interview 8/9/1998
Interview - Holywood Reporter 20/4/2004
Interview - Scoring with genre films pt. 1
Interview - Scoring with genre films pt. 2
Interview - Scorelogue - Dracula 2000
An evening with Marco Beltrami on the phone
Interview -
OSTweb: tabulka Marca Beltramiho

Vybrané releasy:

- Love and Monsters, Michael Matthews, USA 16. října 2020, trailer

Následující projekty:
- A Quiet Place: Part II, John Krasinski, USA 17. září 2021, trailer
- Chaos Walking, Doug Liman, USA 22. ledna 2021, trailer
- Fear Street, Leigh Janiak, USA 2021, trailer, oficiální stránky
- Fear Street 2, Leigh Janiak, USA 2021, trailer, oficiální stránky
- Fear Street 3, Leigh Janiak, USA 2021, trailer, oficiální stránky
- The Cowboys, Tommy Lee Jones, USA TBA, trailer, oficiální stránky

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lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 25.9.2007 08:17 - Oblíbené kluby (20:03) 944
"Sadly though, the score's most pointed use of Kamen's theme is a main title cue not included on the album."

Muhehehe! by mě celkem zajímalo jestli to dotyčnej vůbec slyšel samostatně :D - co je pak teda track Farrell to D.C.?!
team_daddy Team_Daddy - prodavam nějaký soundtracky 24.9.2007 20:00  943
Die Hard 4.0 si to na pekne sliznul
lavran 20.9.2007 07:35  942
3:10 To Yuma**** - Po prvním poslechu velmi silné čtyři hvězdičky, což se ale s dalším může ještě změnit. Pro mě rozhodně velmi příjemné překvapení. Znovu se potvrzuje, že tento rok jsou žně filmové hudby...
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 19.9.2007 08:10 - Oblíbené kluby (20:03) 941
"Doug's Corner"9/18/07

Marco Beltrami scores a solid new western that warrants your attention: 3:10 TO YUMA. It's a remake of a 1957 movie, sort of. [No spoilers so read on.] The first time around, Van Heflin and Glenn Ford played farmer and outlaw, this time Christian Bale and Russell Crowe do the roles respectively. Elmore Leonard's story is good. So are both movies, actually. But James Mangold brings more intensity to his remake, allowing the son who can't quite see the goodness in his dad or the evil in the outlaw play a bigger part in the tale. And, of course, we get two great actors making the moral conflicts compelling.

On to the music. Marco Beltrami manages an unusual feat today. He manages a melody, almost lost in today's film scoring scene. How he gets to it is of interest, too. The score plays via guitars, percussion, strings. Ideas are sparse, western-ish but in a contemporary way. Which means rhythm takes priority over tune. But that's the rub! As the story unfolds, so does the music. Ideas grow in substance, colors thicken. Then, at some point about two thirds of the way in, you notice Beltrami has brought trumpet into the mix. Shards of a longer melody have emerged. Things happen and composer and picture finally merge with a strong finish. Sure, Beltrami tips his hat to Morricone. Guitar rhythms, a lean trumpet solo in Spanish garb, percussion in tandem with the strumming, whatever. It's not a pretty score. It shouldn't be. Heard alone, it may be too stark, too lean, too mean. But it's the right timbre for this movie! It's also nice to hear a score get a decent mix in a movie today. It's not top-billed to be sure, but it gets a solid co-starring role. (The absence of car crashes and explosions is most welcome, too.)

If you've got two hours to spare, go see this movie. Okay, I take that back. You'll need more than two hours, what with getting to the theater, parking and whatnot. So make it three hours. It's still worth the time!
team_daddy Team_Daddy - prodavam nějaký soundtracky 16.9.2007 20:18  940
NP: 3:10 to Yuma - ja jsem tedy pomerne dost spokojen, zajimava hudba s westernovym nadechem, mozna to nebude spickove hodnoceni, ale poslech je to velmi prijemny
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 15.9.2007 07:35 - Oblíbené kluby (20:03) 939
Double najss
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 12.9.2007 08:12 - Oblíbené kluby (20:03) 938
fuck.... nebudu nejrychlejší... první Yuma recenze v dnešním čísle Film Music Weekly

NP: 3:10 to Yuma: The 3:10 to Yuma - ve smyčce a věčná lábuž!
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 12.9.2007 06:15 - Oblíbené kluby (20:03) 937
Yuma - těším se, těším ;-))) pár zatím známejch tracků znělo špičkově a už jen pár hodin než bude doma ;-)

mezitím malej náhled :) i starších verzí... první verze byla dobrá poslechově, ale délka jaksi poněkud přesahovala kapacitu média, druhá verze je už blíž (85 minut), ale pořád trochu moc - třetí se trošku ještě zredukovala a existuje už i čtvrtá, která ale ignoruje podstatnou část Marcovy tvorby, tak uvidíme, jestli nakonec nebude dvojCD - u toho bych ale měl značnej problém napasovat tracklist do tohohle rozvržení, který se mi jinak moooc líbí ;-)

verze 2, 3
tender Tender 11.9.2007 23:49  936
NP: 3:10 To Yuma ****

Moc pekny a zajimavy kousek, ktery urcite Lokuta nenecha chladnym :)
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 20.8.2007 20:56 - Oblíbené kluby (20:03) 935
chichi :D"From the very first note played during the opening title of 3:10 TO YUMA you know you are in for an honest to god, real life western. No modern bells and whistles, no post-modern twist or catch, but a real western that is proud to be one and goes for it all the way. ...... No review of this film, no heaping of praise, is complete without mentioning Marco Beltrami’s score. I’ve honestly never really been a big fan of his music. I think my favorite scores he’s done were on SCREAM and HELLBOY, but most of the time I don’t really dig on his music, but damn. He knocked it out of the park here. It’s not comically western, but it’s so western through and through. It could be over the top if it wasn’t so damn good."
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 11.8.2007 17:33 - Oblíbené kluby (20:03) 933
dneska před půlnocí na čt1 celkem dost zábavný béčko JOY RIDE.
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 8.8.2007 21:31 - Oblíbené kluby (20:03) 932
Vypadá slibně ;-)It has been exactly one year since we first heard about Dracula Year Zero, a sort of prequel to Bram Stoker's novel and all of the many movie based on it. But unlike most prequels -- which I hate -- this one is more like a historical biopic about real life Romanian ruler Vlad the Impaler, who was the inspiration for Stoker's book. Dracula Year Zero will also be doing the annoying prequel thing by portraying an iconic villain's roots, attempting to show him as a misunderstood and flawed hero. But I don't think we'll be seeing an ending where Vlad emerges out of a coffin wearing a cape and flashing his vampire teeth, in that sort of backwards set-up fashion. Of course, this is a Universal movie, so the studio may want to remind us that they are the home of the most famous Dracula image.

Dracula Year Zero now has a director attached: Alex Proyas, the uneven helmer of The Crow, Dark City and I, Robot. Proyas has also reportedly been in talks for the solo Silver Surfer movie, but with the current vampire/Dracula craze, Universal is likely looking to fast track its own project, possibly to beat The Historian especially to theaters. So, I doubt he'll be tackling that Fantastic Four 2 spinoff. Dracula Year Zero was penned by Matt Sazama and Burk Sharpless, who say the film deals with a young Vlad at the height of his power. Proyas explained that he became interested because the script contains a sympathy for the character, who apparently just had to sell his soul to the devil in order to save his kingdom. But will we get to see a lot of heads on stakes? Hopefully we'll still get to see how terrible Vlad III was (he didn't get the name 'the Impaler' for nothing), because mindless violence is always entertaining. The more important question is how much vampire mythology will there be? Oh, and how redundant will the film be when we already have a suitable origin in the short prologue of Coppola's Dracula?
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 4.8.2007 17:55 - Oblíbené kluby (20:03) 931
3:10 TO YUMAJust saw the first preview for this, and it was absolutely awesome. Most incredible was in a cast including Christian Bale and Russell Crowe, Ben Foster turned out a mesmerizing performance. He owned the screen in every scene he had. I think this is the beginning of a long and illustrious leading man career for him. The movie was well paced with great music and a hint of humor here and there. I loved this thing from start to finish. It was a taught and thoroughly entertaining film. If you like westerns you'll love this. Christian Bale continues to impress me in every role hes in. He is terrific. The directing is masterful, I really enjoyed this, real action packed. I'm glad I didn't have to wait 4 more months to see this.
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 1.8.2007 09:37 - Oblíbené kluby (20:03) 930
bude pěkně vypadající placka :)
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 5.7.2007 21:48 - Oblíbené kluby (20:03) 929
LFoDH recenze

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