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Archiv klubu Everwood - spoilery [ŽP: 6 týdnů] (kategorie Televize) moderuje petrSF.

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Příspěvky do 30.10.04

05/06/06: 4.21 - Foreverwood (1)
05/06/06: 4.22 - Foreverwood (2)


Aktuálně běžící epizody na českých a slovenských obrazovkách pokojně diskutujte v nespoilerovém klubu Everwood, přeložené scénáře a titulky hledejte na :-)

Velké setkání seriálových fanoušků - Farscape, CSI, Futurama, Californication, The L Word a další.

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zblunce zblunce Já jsem geniální - i když jsem normální! 7.6.2006 13:34  2314
prosim, strcite to nekdo na FTP?? diky moc
pette 7.6.2006 13:25  2313
FINALElepsie to skoncit nemohlo.

Goodbye Everwood.
petrsf petrSF Love trumps fear - every time 7.6.2006 13:24  2312
zblunce. Byl tu pokus ještě ve 3.sérii, ale pak se objevily anglické.
petrsf petrSF Love trumps fear - every time 7.6.2006 13:23  2311
Pokud by mě někdo potíže s mluvenou angličtinou, tak nějaké citáty z finále:

Jake to Ephram: "Life is supposed to surprise you. I bet you've got a picture in your mind about how everything's going to turn out for you. What you're going to do, who you're going to be with. And I'm sure your dad had a picture too. But there are windows that don't stay open forever. Missed opportunities that never come back to you again. And waiting for them doesn't necessarily mean you're strong, or even right. Sometimes it just means that you're afraid to change the picture."

Ephram to Andy: "I’m so used to things not working out the way they’re supposed to that when something looks like it’s actually going to I get a little freaked out. But you know what I mean? Everybody’s got that picture of things in their mind, the one of how they think their life is supposed to be. But that makes you wonder if I should hold out a little longer for my picture…you know, Amy and I."

Andy to Ephram: "The thing about the picture is how do you look in it? It’s not about who you’re standing next to or what’s in the background. It’s are you smiling, are you happy, are you good with the choices that you’ve made? Because if you are, it doesn’t matter where you’re standing or who you’re standing next to….it’s a good picture."

Andy to Julia: “Hello Julia. Yeah, I know, you were never a big tulip fan but I couldn’t find a flower shop so I tried three grocery stores and this is the only flower that looked like it might make it through the night. I’m assuming you already know that. I’m also assuming you already know why I came, but I’m going to go ahead and say it all anyway. I’ve changed a lot, Julia. I’ve learned that being a good friend and a good parent are really the only things that make you sleep better at night. I’ve learned that what bothers you about your kids is whatever you have in common with them and what you love about them most is the stuff you have absolutely nothing to do with. I’ve learned that pain and suffering are unavoidable but ultimately they are what bring you closer to other people. And lately, lately I’ve learned that it’s possible to fall in love again. I tried hard not to, I really did. It’s so unfair to you, you know. It was you I wanted to be this guy for. I’m just so sorry I couldn’t when you were alive. But I love her, Julia. I love her and I’m going to ask her to be my wife. If she says yes, I’ll take that as your blessing. And if I’m going to be the kind of wife to Nina you would want me to be, then I think this should probably be our last goodbye. Thank you, sweetheart. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for teaching me what love is in your life and even more so in your death. And thank you for blessing me with two exquisite children, in who your spirit will always live on. Goodbye, Julia.”

Amy: “Don’t say anything yet. I wanna go first, and since I brought the Ferris wheel, I figured you’d let me. Ok, um….Four years ago you came to my little town and you changed my life. I never thought that one person could do that to another, but you did. From the moment that I met you and each moment after that somehow everything that happened to me kept coming back to you. I don’t know if the Ferris wheel reminds you of anything…?
Ephram: Are you kidding me? How could I forget our first thaw fest? When you first told me your nickname was Grover
Amy: I can’t believe you remember that!
Ephram: I remember everything about us, Amy
Amy: Me too, see that’s the thing, every time I try to forget the feelings that I have for you they just keep coming back. And now they’re back, and I don’t wanna push them down anymore. I don’t wanna run away from this because I never wanna lose you again, I just wanna be with, next to you, wherever you are…
Ephram: Amy…
Amy: And I’m sorry that it took me so long to figure it out, I really am, because I hate all of the time we lost and I know it’s my fault and I just really hope you can forgive me
Ephram: Amy…
Amy: Because I love you. I love you, Ephram
*they kiss*
Ephram: Is it my turn yet? Good, because I love you too. I knew it then, I know it now. I’ll know it always, you’re it Amy. You’re my one.
Amy: I am?
Ephram: You always have been.
*They watch the ferris wheel*
Amy: Wanna go for a ride?
Ephram: In a second…
*They kiss and the view fades out over Everwood...*
zblunce zblunce Já jsem geniální - i když jsem normální! 7.6.2006 13:22  2310
a neprekladal nekdo ty spanelske???
petrsf petrSF Love trumps fear - every time 7.6.2006 13:18  2309
S anglickýma už bych moc nepočítal, pochybuju, že to bude někdo dělat zpětně. U těch chybějících epizod budeme asi muset počkat na ČT a přepsat dabing do těch španělských titulí.
zblunce zblunce Já jsem geniální - i když jsem normální! 7.6.2006 13:17  2308
ach jo a zbytek zrejme nebude...
cindy Cindy Íjáček... to je prostě závislost 7.6.2006 13:16  2307
petrSF: super, díky. doufám, že se objeví i ten zbytek... jak anglický tak český :-)
petrsf petrSF Love trumps fear - every time 7.6.2006 13:13  2306
Ze čtyřky?

české: 401-403, 405, 410-411
anglické: viz výše + 412-417 (s tím, že jedny chybí, teď nevím, jestli 414 nebo 415
cindy Cindy Íjáček... to je prostě závislost 7.6.2006 13:03  2305
Jaký český titulky jsou momentálně k dispozici? nějak sem se v tom už ztratila :-)
zblunce zblunce Já jsem geniální - i když jsem normální! 7.6.2006 09:58  2304
tak jsem si zaslzela :-)))
petrsf petrSF Love trumps fear - every time 6.6.2006 19:34  2303
Nepotkal jste někdo někde tu písničku z první finálové montáže: Mary Beth Maziarz - This is our life? Prohledávám torrenty a od Maziarz mi to nechce nic najít :(
petrsf petrSF Love trumps fear - every time 6.6.2006 17:29  2302
Tak jsem to viděl. Nádhera, prostě dokonalé.
charlie_k 6.6.2006 14:10  2301
Tak to já vydržím klidně déle, já si to stejně můžu stáhnout až doma, protože v práci mi port, na kterém běží tvoje ftp blokují, takže si to nemůžu stáhnout, protože už přišli i na to, že používám http tunnel a ten mi blokli taky :-(((
beam 6.6.2006 09:56  2299
FTPcharlie_k: vydrz 30 minutek.. :D

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