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percy_ Percy_ 29.9.2010 17:42  2334
To rád slyším. :-)
johny_g Johny_G - Relaxační terapie pro lopušáky ZDARMA! 29.9.2010 15:51  2333
Percy_ [2330]: Všechny hry z GOG tam jdou.
case Case Greatest comedy of the generation of - blah blah ever to do a thing on a thing. 28.9.2010 18:24  2332
Wtz. Veškeré dobré knihy už byly napsány.
mirak_ Mirak_ - New shoes 28.9.2010 17:44  2331
To mám pořád na CD ze Score. Hry s lepším příběhem, než v PST se už asi nedočkáme
percy_ Percy_ 28.9.2010 17:14  2330
Jestli se mi to podaří rozjet na W7, tak tomu dám ještě šanci.
makovec makovec Chuck Norris snědl jídlo od Babicy - a ještě si přidal 28.9.2010 16:28  2329
covec,e dohral sem nekolikrat, pokazdy s jinym koncem a pokazdy mi ten pribeh bral dech. luxusni hra. za ni tech deset babek snad i dam
percy_ Percy_ 28.9.2010 16:25  2328
Parádní rpg. Bohužel mi kdysi v nějakym bodě nemilosrdně spadlo a já už nepřišel na to, co s tim, takže jsem ho nedohrál..
case Case Greatest comedy of the generation of - blah blah ever to do a thing on a thing. 28.9.2010 14:05  2327
Hm, pokud to někoho zajímá, tak uvedlo Planescape: Torment. Za deset dolarů... Ale zas včetně soundtracku a dalších věcí.
johny_g Johny_G - Relaxační terapie pro lopušáky ZDARMA! 23.9.2010 14:36  2326
Mám dojem, že si všichni stahujou a archivujou komplet celou "poličku", kdyby příště dostali podobně debilní nápad.
hlad Hlad Battle of All Time - Just Begins!!! 23.9.2010 14:34  2325
maj to chlapci nejak pretizeny (neprekvapuje :)
johny_g Johny_G - Relaxační terapie pro lopušáky ZDARMA! 23.9.2010 14:13  2324
Je až s podivem, jak moc je ta nová služba podobná té staré, která už byla neudržitelná ;-).
case Case Greatest comedy of the generation of - blah blah ever to do a thing on a thing. 22.9.2010 19:53  2323
Pokud účelem bylo polovinu zákazníků neskutečně naštvat, tak rozhodně splnilo.
gaspoda 22.9.2010 18:57  2322
Ale ucel, zda se, to vsechno splnilo paradne:o)
case Case Greatest comedy of the generation of - blah blah ever to do a thing on a thing. 22.9.2010 18:16  2321
Kokoti to jsou...

First of all we would like to apologize everyone who felt deceived or harmed in any way by us closing down without any warning and without giving access to your games. We apologize for that from the bottom of our hearts!

Now it's time we put an end to all the speculations once and for all. It’s true that we decided that we couldn't keep the way it was… so we won’t. As you probably know by now, is entering its new era with an end of the two-years beta stage and we're launching a brand new with new, huge releases.

The new will launch at 8.00 a.m. EDT (2 p.m. CET). Later today we'll provide you here 4 videos where you'll find all needed information on current events, as well as news on the new, the upcoming big releases and the summary of the last two years.
case Case Greatest comedy of the generation of - blah blah ever to do a thing on a thing. 20.9.2010 19:07  2320
UPDATE 20.09.2010
First of all, we apologize everyone for the whole situation and closing We do understand the timing for taking down the site caused confusion and many users didn't manage to download all their games. Unfortunately we had to close the service due to business and technical reasons.

At the same time we guarantee that every user who bought any game on will be able to download all their games with bonus materials, DRM-free and as many times as they need starting this Thursday.

The official statement from's management concerning the ongoing events is planned on Wednesday. If you want to receive further information about, please send an email to if you're a media representative or to if you're a user without a GOG account.

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