Btw. takhle LSV popisuje jedno ze svých kol na GP:
He then untapped, and the turn went like this:
Him: Brainstorm (resolved).
Him: Brainstorm.
Me: In response, Brainstorm. Mental Misstep your Brainstorm.
Him: Mental Misstep your Mental Misstep.
Me: Mental Misstep your Mental Misstep.
Him: Mental Misstep your Mental Misstep.
Me: Mental Misstep your Mental Misstep.
Him: Fine, Duress you.
Me: Mental Misstep your Duress.
Him: Engineered Explosives, x = 4.
Me: Counterspell your Engineered Explosives.
Him: Counterspell your Counterspell.
Me: Spell Snare your Counterspell.
Him: Sac 3 fetches, play Jace to kill your Jace (looks through deck). Hmm, I guess I only have two lands left in my deck. Get two lands, don’t play Jace, pass the turn.
Me: Draw Vendilion Clique, Vendilion Clique your Jace, win the game.
Isn’t Legacy awesome? |