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Klub Magic: The Gathering [ŽP: 6 týdnů] (kategorie Hry) moderuje Cedric.
Domovská stránka aktualizována 28.7.2019 17:46

Krom diskuze na téma Magic by klub měl sloužit i jako poradna pro hráče, již s Magicem teprve začínají. Ti zkušenější sem mohou vkládat svoje decklisty a debatovat nad složením různých balíčků.

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xxx XXX RIDE snowboards - 24.2.2012 09:46  10757
Think Twice - to me vubec nenapadlo, urcite 4x zaradim misto ponderu
Mana leak - ty dam 4 na ukor jedne Disipate

Tribute to Hunger - opravdu? je to za 3 moc pomaly, podle me se geth´s verdict hodi vic, navic se da lip tocit snapcasterem
Lil je tam opravdu na chut + ten clasp ji lip nabiji + dokaze i neco zabit, např protekčního knechta

frost titan - sfinga je draha a ja zadnou nemam. Jinak bych tam dal urcite ji. Zapremyslim nad Bloodgift Demon, ktery je horsi, ale zase dostupnejsi.

curse - trochu nechapu, proc hrat tuhle kartu. Libi se mi, ale je pomala a velky hovády stejne nezabije + mam po snapcasterovi, ktery dela slusnou karetni vyhodu.

Rozhodne dekuji za napady a decklist. Az balik nejak upravim na ctvrtecni hrani, dam vedet.
cedric Cedric Life is hard - deal with it 23.2.2012 23:10  10756
Uplne to tu ted zanedbavam, nemam cas...slibuju ze to napravim :)

XXX [10755]: Ja bych dal plny pocet Tragic Slipu, vyhodil Clasp, Dismember nechal v sidu, pridal Forbidden Alchemy, a nevim jak moc se do tohohle decku hodi ta Liliana...nemas zadnou karetni vyhodu, chybi mi Think Twice i ty Alchymie...a Nephalia Drownyard, jeden i main a dalsi jeden nebo dva do sidu, je to nejlepsi co muzes mit na mirror.
Jako finisher se mi Frost Titan moc nelibi, bud bych ho uplne cutnul a nechal jen dva Grave nebo dal Consecrated Sphinx nebo Karna
V sidu mi moc chybi Flashfreeze na rampu a ty Drownyardy na mirror
Tady na porovnani:

Lukas Jaklovsky
Pro Tour Dark Ascension, Standard Constructed

Main Deck
60 cards

4 Darkslick Shores
4 Drowned Catacomb
2 Ghost Quarter
8 Island
2 Nephalia Drownyard
7 Swamp
27 lands

2 Consecrated Sphinx
3 Snapcaster Mage
5 creatures

3 Black Sun's Zenith
1 Blue Sun's Zenith
2 Curse of Death's Hold
2 Dissipate
2 Doom Blade
3 Forbidden Alchemy
4 Mana Leak
1 Ratchet Bomb
4 Think Twice
4 Tragic Slip
2 Tribute to Hunger
28 other spells

2 Batterskull
2 Bloodline Keeper
1 Dissipate
2 Flashfreeze
1 Negate
2 Nephalia Drownyard
1 Nihil Spellbomb
1 Phantasmal Image
1 Ratchet Bomb
1 Steel Sabotage
1 Surgical Extraction
15 sideboard cards
xxx XXX RIDE snowboards - 23.2.2012 11:11  10755
Prekopal jsem muj funny 2kovy balik na tohle:

6x swamp
5x island
4x drowned catacomb
4x darkslick shores
4x nexus
2x ghost quarter

4x ponder
3x mana leak
3x dissipate
4x snapcaster mage
2x frost titan
2x tragic slip
2x geth´s verdict
2x doom blade
2x dismember
2x black sun´s zenith
2x grave titan
3x liliana 2.0
2x ratchet bomb
2x contagion clasp

2x extrakce
2x magnet
4x phyrexian crusader
1x contagion clasp
1x dismember
1x mana leak
2x doom blade
1x black sun´s zenith
1x ratchet bomb

je to na hrani na krouzek, kde sice nejsou top baliky, ale par dost dobrych se najde, takze bych s tim rad neco uhral. Na 2ku nemam a nebudu mit takovy vyber karet, jako na legacy. Tohle jsou takovy "prebytky".

Za kazdy nazor jak to zlepsit/co zmenit predem diky. Osobne bych plny pocet Lil 2.0, ale zatim neni.
maximilian maximilian Vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas 13.2.2012 20:24  10754
Sháním plaset karty primalcrux, ale není moc k mání. Můžete mi doporučit nějaký obchod, nebo tak něco? Já mám jen omezené kontakty. Díky.
badel Badel The meek shall inherit the earth, but - not it's mineral rights. 12.2.2012 22:05  10753
začíná live coverage z PT Honolulu TOP8. Brutální osmička plná hvězd a taky Lukáš Blohoň.
tessien Tessien Of course slavery is the worst thing - that ever happened. But maybe... 8.2.2012 20:22  10752
maximilian [10751]: musi je zahrat jeden hrac
maximilian maximilian Vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas 8.2.2012 20:22  10751
Chci se zeptat, jak je to s transformováním např howlpack alpha z5 na mayor of avabruck. Na kartě je napsáno "If a player..." Znamená to, že 2 kouzla by musel hrát jeden a tentýž hráč, nebo stačí situace, kdy každý z hráčů zahraje jedno kouzlo? Díky.
ivan IVAN 8.2.2012 08:09  10750
mám pocit, že jde šoupnout splitku pod Isochronku a hrát pak obě půlky, i když ta jedna nesplňuje podmínku :o)
cedric Cedric Life is hard - deal with it 7.2.2012 22:09  10749
Dekuji, sem zase o neco chytrejsi :)
tessien Tessien Of course slavery is the worst thing - that ever happened. But maybe... 7.2.2012 15:11  10748
Cedric [10746]: nema na ruce CMC 8. Na ruce ma CMC zaroven 2 i 6. Pokud se neco pta "Ma tahle karta CMC mensi nez 3", tak pokud aspon jedna pulka odpovi ano, tak celkova odpoved je ano.
U toho Confidanta to, technicky vzato, neni tak, ze ti da 8, ale da ti soucasne 2 a 6 :)
ivan IVAN 7.2.2012 12:46  10747
From the Comprehensive Rules

505. Split Cards
505.1. Split cards have two card faces on a single card. The back of a split card is the normal Magic: The Gathering card back.
505.2. In every zone except the stack, split cards have two sets of characteristics and two converted mana costs. As long as a split card is a spell on the stack, only the characteristics of the half being played exist. The other half’s characteristics are treated as though they didn’t exist.
505.3. Each split card that consists of two halves with different colored mana symbols in their mana costs is a multicolored card while it’s not a spell on the stack. While it’s a spell on the stack, it’s only the color or colors of the half being played.
505.4. Although split cards have two playable halves, each split card is only one card. For example, a player who has drawn or discarded a split card has drawn or discarded one card, not two.
505.5. An effect that asks for a particular characteristic of a split card while it’s in a zone other than the stack gets two answers (one for each of the split card’s two halves). Example: Infernal Genesis has an ability that reads, “At the beginning of each player’s upkeep, that player puts the top card from his or her library into his or her graveyard. He or she then puts X 1/1 black Minion creature tokens into play, where X is that card’s converted mana cost.” If the top card of your library is Assault/Battery when this ability resolves, the game sees its converted mana cost as “1, and 4.” You get five creature tokens.
505.6. An effect that performs a positive comparison (such as asking if a card is red) or a relative comparison (such as asking if a card’s converted mana cost is less than 2) involving characteristics of one or more split cards in any zone other than the stack gets only one answer. This answer is “yes” if either side of each split card in the comparison would return a “yes” answer if compared individually. An effect that performs a negative comparison (such as asking if cards have different names) involving characteristics of one or more split cards in any zone other than the stack also gets only one answer. This answer is “yes” if performing the analogous positive comparison would return a “no” answer. If an effect performs a comparison involving multiple characteristics of one or more split cards in any zone other than the stack, each characteristic is compared separately. If each of the individual comparisons would return a “yes” answer, the whole comparison returns a “yes” answer. Example: Void reads, “Choose a number. Destroy all artifacts and creatures with converted mana cost equal to that number. Then target player reveals his or her hand and discards all nonland cards with converted mana cost equal to the number.” If a player plays Void and chooses 1, his or her opponent would discard Assault/Battery because the game sees its converted mana cost as “1, and 4.” The same is true if the player chooses 4. If the player chooses 5, however, Assault/Battery would be unaffected.
505.7. If an effect instructs a player to name a card and the player wants to name a split card, the player must name both halves of the split card.
cedric Cedric Life is hard - deal with it 7.2.2012 07:30  10746
Tessien [10745]: Jakto? Na stacku ta karta má cmc podle vybrané půlky, ale Confidant když jí otočí ti dá za 8 a IMO na ruce to má cmc taky 8
tessien Tessien Of course slavery is the worst thing - that ever happened. But maybe... 7.2.2012 01:19  10745
Cedric [10743]: muzou
vesacek Vesacek 6.2.2012 22:01 - Klub Seriály (17:27) 10744
Magic: Taktics je na steamu dneska zadáčo ale nejak se mi to nechce hrát :)
cedric Cedric Life is hard - deal with it 6.2.2012 21:48  10743
Že mi nemůžou zahodit Boom // Bust Inquisition of Kozilek?

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