Tak to jde pekne :)
Thanks to you folks, we've moved roughly 2000 copies of THE BLUE MAX already. Since the title has been to the well a few times, I wasn't sure just how positive the response would be. Happily, it was solid.
Considering the age and considerable use of the master elements, I believe we managed to bring out the best sonics possible. Part of this is really just due to the fact that we opted not to heavily "process" the sound, something previous issues had done. It's worth keeping in mind that the score was recorded in London when stereo recording techniques were still seeing a growth curve. Yet the tapes themselves revealed a considerable amount of detail and stereo imaging. We were able to deliver more of it than has ever been done before. Personally, I'm just not a fan of making old analog recordings "imitate" 21st-Century digital recordings because... quite simply, they aren't. It also helped that we had access to all of the first generation elements as well, and not just copies of copies and safeties and whatnot. Us soundtrack labels are not always so lucky! |