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Klub Jerry Goldsmith [ŽP: 8 týdnů] (kategorie Hudba) moderují VelociraptorX, Lokutus, Tender.


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lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 10.1.2017 16:09  2461
Gremlins 2going... going....
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 9.1.2017 19:49  2460
e_wan E-Wan - Soundtracky na prodej (update 10.9.24) 16.12.2016 22:28  2459
NP: Chinatown - tak musím říci, že pořízení nové rozšířené edice od Intrady se opět vyplatilo!
Kvalita zvuku je oproti původnímu albu od Varése někde úplně jinde a dokonce i ta filmová nahrávka v mono zní výborně!
e_wan E-Wan - Soundtracky na prodej (update 10.9.24) 22.11.2016 22:33  2458
Jerry Goldsmith recording Lionheart

Part 1:

Part 2:
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 11.11.2016 11:23  2457
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 3.11.2016 16:19  2456
ne, že by to někoho zajímalo...James Fitzpatrick just announced the following on his Facebook page:

....well that was a tiring week .... Chinese Film Score, music for The Illusionist shows, Star Trek concert last night ...and then Thunderbirds are Go! tomorrow ..... then a couple of days off (hurrah) before more sessions including a new Jerry Goldsmith CD for Tadlow Music.....
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 24.10.2016 16:20  2455
e_wan E-Wan - Soundtracky na prodej (update 10.9.24) 20.10.2016 22:54  2454
Neměl by náhodou někdo navíc jeden zabalený kousek CD Executive Decision: The Deluxe Edition (Varése Sarabande CD Club)?
e_wan E-Wan - Soundtracky na prodej (update 10.9.24) 22.9.2016 08:03  2453
We have re-visited CD 1 of our Rambo II release to include the take of "The Map" that ends with a 13-second coda. Since we needed to create a new master and re-press the first disc anyway, I decided to go ahead and "drop in" the two wild percussion hits that go with "The Cage", although I had just informed Roger yesterday that I hadn't planned on doing so. It is I who may have caused any confusion, not Roger. Fortunately he can't fire me... though he may not trust me again for awhile. :wink:

Jerry recorded "The Cage" with brief rests built in for three bursts of percussion to emphasize when Rambo kills three of the compound guards. Interestingly, the first of these three percussion tracks was already mixed into the cue during the sessions. It has always been there. The second and third were recorded completely separate to facilitate dropping them in later and synchronizing with the action, depending on how the scene was ultimately edited during post-production. No prior release of the soundtrack has ever included these last two percussion hits, and Jerry himself left them out of his own album assembly back in 1985.

I stayed with what Jerry had done and asked Roger to let people know accordingly when informing them about my remastering the disc to include the coda with "The Map". But once I was revisiting the master anyway, and since the cue already plays on CD 2 as Jerry preferred it, I figured I would go that one extra mile and newly remix "The Cage" to include all three percussion hits exactly as they are heard in the finished film. So listeners get the cue both ways. (My apologies, Jerry. I just had to do it.)

We'll re-press CD 1 shortly and make them available at no charge to anyone who would like a copy. If you haven't yet purchased our Rambo II release, the timing will be perfect. We ran out of them and needed to re-press the set in any case. So all future sets should include the re-mastered CD 1. We'll post here when the re-pressing has occurred.

Thank you for your patience. There are some who will be happy about this news and some who will figure we're making a bit of a fuss over nothing. Jerry referred to me during a recording session once as wanting "every bloody note... including the orchestra tuning up". I'll pass on the tuning up experience, but otherwise I do want every note of this masterpiece and I want it all prim and proper. I think I finally have it as such... and you can too in what I'm guessing will be just about three weeks. big grin
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 21.9.2016 15:25  2452
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 21.9.2016 15:22  2451
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 16.9.2016 09:59  2450
bertram bertram Srdce může toužit, rozum musí velet! 14.9.2016 09:00  2449
E-Wan: Míním, že Goldsmith si vždy s elektronikou poradil líp jak Jarre ...No Way Out, After Dark My Sweet, Julia & Julia, The Apology, Dreamscape, Fatal Attraction, The Year of Living Dangerously, ale i Prancer, Solar Crisis, Distant Thunder, Gaby, Circle of Deceit... téhle bzučivé plejádě může sotva něco konkurovat, leda Runaway, Criminal Law nebo Alien Nation. A to si na Jarreho málem nedám šáhnout!
e_wan E-Wan - Soundtracky na prodej (update 10.9.24) 3.9.2016 18:12  2448
NP: Psycho II *** - nevím, ale nějak mi přijde, že Goldsmith tu elektroniku v 80. a 90. letech užíval až zbytečně moc a bez ní by jeho hudba byla mnohem lepší.
Třeba zrovna v Psychu II jsou vysloveně skvělé momenty a hudební nápady, jenže pak do toho začne hrát ta elektronická hrůza a veškerá síla a působivost té hudby je pryč :(
Spoustu Goldsmithových soundtracků (Psycho II nevyjímaje) bych hodnotil o hvězdičku (a možná i o dvě) výš, kdyby si odpustil ty elektronické experimenty.

Podobný problém mám např. i Maurice Jarreho.
e_wan E-Wan - Soundtracky na prodej (update 10.9.24) 3.9.2016 15:46  2447
NP: Chain Reaction: The Deluxe Edition - nebýt té občas dost příšerné elektroniky a celkem otravného hlavního téma, tak to není až taková hrůza :)
Musím ale konstatovat, že rozšířená edice tomuto soundtracku celkem prospěla.

Každopádně z posledních Goldsmithových akčních deluxe edicí Varése CD Clubu mi Executive Decision vychází jako ta lepší možnost.

Doufám, že příště už konečně Varése vydá rozšířené Air Force One, event. Small Soldiers nebo Leviathan, spíše než U.S. Marshals ;)

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