Just a suggestion for folks open to it, but if you re-order these volumes to construct a full 79 minute album in iTunes chronologically by composition/airdate, it actually plays SUPER well. Here’s that play order for the GE Theater scores; “Autumn Love” works really well as a bonus score at the end OR at the beginning (Goldsmith did write it in the late 50s before any of these):
1. Hitler’s Secret (season 8 episode 3, aired October 4, 1959)
2. The Last Dance (season 8 episode 10, aired November 22, 1959)
3. Sarah’s Laughter (season 8 episode 16, aired January 3, 1960)
4. The Committeeman (season 8 episode 18, aired January 17, 1960)
5. The Legend That Walks Like a Man (season 9 episode 20, aired February 12, 1961)
6. My Dark Days - Prelude (season 10 episode 25, aired March 18, 1962)
7. My Dark Days - Aftermath (season 10 episode 26, aired March 25, 1962)
8. The Bar Mitzvah of Major Orlovsky (season 10 episode 28, aired April 15, 1962)
Looking forward to hearing what people think of the 32 minutes of new Goldsmith that just dropped…