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Klub Zbrane [ŽP: 24 týdnů] (kategorie Věda a Technika) moderují Al, El_Diablo, ocs, themajkl.
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    Early Automatic Pistol Cartridges - What, When & Why?

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    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 2.3.2023 18:57  33715
    P.S. Stran armády, to už vůbec raději nemluvit :(

    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 2.3.2023 18:55  33714
    Že já to vůbec čtu :(

    „krajský policejní ředitel ihned přijal opatření, aby se něco podobného v budoucnu už nemohlo opakovat“

    „MF DNES oslovila dva psychology s dotazem, jaké může podobná událost zanechat na dětech psychické následky“

    Ježkovy voči... doba je čím dál tím vymknutější z kloubů :(

    666: to, že policisté jsou (nejen) se zbraní v ruce daleko nebezpečnější než civilisté, víme už dávno a dávno. Bohužel zakazovači neuvažují racionálně a argumenty jim proletí z jednoho ucha do druhého, nezadrženy zhola ničím hmotným :(

    666 666 Bože, chraň nás před těmi, - kteří v tebe věří. 2.3.2023 18:16  33713
    Na druhou stranu argument "zbraně patří jen policii a armádě" v tomto případě bere za své...
    taipan taipan Pozor, kouše! - Nedráždit jedovaté hady! 2.3.2023 16:49 - Oblíbené kluby (19:28) 33712
    Mno, je vidět, že policajti na Slovensku jsou stejná "elita" jako u nás... :-/
    blacky Blacky - Tady je blackyho 2.3.2023 16:27  33711
    A Slovaci jsou vzdy dal nez my. :(
    blacky Blacky - Tady je blackyho 2.3.2023 15:58  33710
    Chjooo trouba polda vystrelil ve skolce.

    Debil. Uz vidim dalsi titulky štváčů vůči nám.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 1.3.2023 21:29  33709
    The UMP-45: Does It Kinda Suck?
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 1.3.2023 21:04  33708
    The Ljutic Space Gun (Repost: YouTube cut)

    Al Ljutic (LEW-tic) was quite the interesting character, from his early days as a professional boxer to his selection for the US 1940 Olympic rifle team, to his eventual primary business making excellent high-end trap shotguns. One of the first was a gun he built for himself which wound up becoming the Space Gun. A very unorthodox looking gun, it offered remarkable recoil reduction for a single shot 12ga, as well as a very natural fit and sight picture. Only about 200 were ever made, though, as Ljutic focused instead on his Mono-Gun, which was a much more tradition looking (but no less excellent) design, and which became very popular.

    This is Space Gun #107, and we can take a look at the locking and firing system which makes it so comfortable to shoot. Basically, it is a single shot bolt action with a very heavy striker, the forward impact of which counteracts some of the rearward recoil of firing. This is sometimes describes (incorrectly) as being a slam-fire gun...
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 27.2.2023 20:29  33707
    SSG-98k: Austria Repurposes German Sniper Rifles

    In the aftermath of World War Two, the Austrian Army was basically disarmed and disbanded. When it was allowed to reform in the 1950s, it needed new armaments, and in 1958 it adopted the SSG-98k as a new sniper's rifle. This replaced the leftover German K98k snipers that had been used by the small post-war Austrian police and border guard forces.

    Essentially, the SSG-98k was a surplus German Kar 98k Mauser with a new 7.62x51mm barrel (Austria was not a NATO member, but used the NATO cartridge), a cut-down stock, commercial Pachmayr recoil pad, and a Kahles 4x31mm ZF-58 scopes. A variety of base rifles were used for these, from very early pre-war German Mausers through post-war French-occupation Mausers.

    The SSG-98k served for about ten years, being replaced in 1969 by the much more advanced Steyr SSG-69. Some remained in inventory into the 1980s.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 21.2.2023 23:24  33706
    Germany's L26 Silencer for the K98k, G43, and StG44

    This video is being reposted, because I deleted it proactively to avoid getting a YouTube strike for showing the attachment of a silencer.
    Patented in Germany as System Schätzle, the L26 was a departure from the copies of the Russian wipe-based silencer designs. The L26 used a set of six identical cone-shaped metal baffles inside a simple tube. It attached to a rifle by clamping around the front sight, just like the rifle grenade launcher developed for the K98k.

    The basic design was used for several different models; basically everything in the Wehrmacht arsenal that was 8mm in diameter (although not the antitank rifle...). This example is for rifles, but a model was also made for the MG42, and about 200 of them were actually fielded. Total rifle pattern production was supposed to be 1000 units, but manufacturing problems led to production ending early (we don't know exactly how early).
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 20.2.2023 20:33  33705
    Germany Adopts the PPSh in 9mm: the MP-41(r)

    During World War Two, both German and Russian soldiers often thought that the other side's weapons were better than their own. In particular, both sides often preferred their opponents' SMGs. In late 1941, a group of German officers formally requested that Germany simply copy and produce the PPSh-41. This led to the HWA formally studying the question of PPSh-41 vs MP-40...and they found that the German gun was better, but the Russian magazine was better.

    Naturally, as a result of this finding, the German military chose to convert captured Russian PPSh-41s to use MP-40 magazines . The conversion used standard MP40 magazines, and required magazine well adapters and new 9mm barrels. Some 10,000 such conversions were made in total. Some used cast magwell adapters and some were stamped, and the barrels were made from standard MP40 barrels turned down to fit PPSh trunnions.

    The standard 7.62mm PPSh-41 in German service was designated MP-717(r), while the ones changed to 9x19mm like this were designated MP-41(r). Many thanks to Limex for giving me access to film this one for you!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 17.2.2023 17:34  33704
    Roth Theodorovic Prototypes: From Very Awkward to Mostly Ungainly

    Today we are going to take a looks at a series of six prototype Roth Theodorovic pistols. These were a design that competed in Austrian pistol trials around the turn of the century, and eventually lost out to the Roth Krnka (adopted as the Roth-Steyr M.7).

    For details on the political background to these pistols, I recommend the C&Rsenal video on the M.7:
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 16.2.2023 22:54  33703
    NJ když ty se bojíš kliknout na Youtube...
    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 16.2.2023 15:30  33702
    (Za ty perexy fakt velký dík! Je to hned něco úplně jiného :))
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 15.2.2023 23:17  33701
    Darne Model 1933: An Economic & Modular Interwar MG

    The Darne company was one of relatively few private arms manufacturers in France, best known for shotguns. During World War One they got into the machine gun trade, making licensed Lewis guns for the French air service. After making a few thousand of those, Regis Darne designed his own belt-fed machine gun in 1917. A large order was placed by the French military, but it was cancelled before production began because of the end of the war.

    Darne continued to develop this design in the 1920s, while also producing sporting arms to keep the business running. The gun was intended mostly as an aircraft gun, but designed in a rather modular fashion, easily made into both magazine-fed and belt-fed infantry versions as well as downing, wing, and observer aerial models. It was actually bought by the French Air Force, as well as several other countries during the inter-war period.

    The example we are looking at today is an infantry configuration, with a bipod and light-profile barrel. It is chambered for the French 7.5x54mm cartridge, and is officially the Model 1933 (one of the last iterations made). Many thanks to the Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and Military History in Brussels for access to this very rare piece! Check them out here:

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