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    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 18.8.2023 21:44  33868
    One of the roughest weapons of WitW yet. The IRA Colt M1911A1 with firearms expert Jonathan Ferguson
    It's a 1911, but not as you know it. Used during the 1970s and seized from the IRA in Northern Ireland, join Jonathan as he unravels what makes this take on a prevalent self-loading pistol so bizarre.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 18.8.2023 19:50  33867
    Llama M87: Everything You Would Want for IPSC (at the time)

    The Llama M87 was Gabilondo y Cia's high-end competition pistols based on the M82 action, and made in both 9mm Parabellum and 7.65mm Parabellum. This was mechanically a copy of the Beretta 92 system, and it was adopted in basic form by the Spanish Army. For the commercial market, Gabilondo took all the upgrades that were being popularly made to IPSC competition pistols, and put them all in place as factory features for the M87. This included good adjustable sights, and excellent trigger, flared magazine well, single-action FCG with an ambidextrous slide-mounted safety and also a frame-mounted safety, extended barrel, and extended beavertail tang. This made for a very good pistol, but at a very high price ($1450 in the late 1980s). It never saw much commercial success, and the Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 finally killed it commercially, as its magazines could no longer be imported.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 16.8.2023 19:21  33866
    Original FG42: A Detailed Comparison of the 1st and 2nd Patterns

    Today we are looking at examples of the 1st pattern (Type E) and second pattern (Type G) FG42, comparing their construction and disassembling both to get a close look at the internal differences. Despite sharing the basic mechanism, these two models share zero parts in common, not even the bayonets or magazines. We will also discuss the developmental path of the FG-42, and why the majority of production was the 2nd pattern but the vast majority of combat use was the 1st pattern...
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 14.8.2023 15:41  33865
    Story of the Alar: A Simple Student-Made SMG

    The Alar is an interesting very rare Croatian domestic SMG. It is called the "Alar" after it's designer, Stipe Alar. He first came up with the design in 1971 and built one illegally - which resulted in him going to prison for a time. When the Croatian Homeland War broke out and guns were urgently needed, his design came back to light and students at the mechanical trade school in Sisak began to manufacture them.

    Mechanically, the design uses a simple trigger, PPSh-style bolt, very basic underfolding stock, and modified MP40 magazines (in 9mm Parabellum). The barrels were made by Steyr, and smuggled over the Austrian border as material for car roof racks. We actually have three examples to look at today; the first prototype, one of the first productions guns made (which was used as a presentation gift) and one standard example.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 11.8.2023 21:11  33864
    666 [33862]: Springfield DS 1911 Prodigy
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 11.8.2023 20:58  33863
    Argentina's Slightly French Model 1909 SOM Sniper

    Argentina was one of the first countries to adopt Mauser rifles, with the Model 1891. These were replaced by newer Model 1909 rifles a couple decades later, and in 1913 they bought 500 telescopic sights to make sniper rifles. All of them appear to have been put on cavalry carbines like this one, rather than full-length infantry rifles. The scopes were 3x fixed power types made by SOM in France. The mounting system was either developed by the French or later copied by the French, as it is very similar to the late-war WW1 pattern of scope mount used by the French Army on the Lebel (and the Argentine scopes are very similar to the APX 1916 French scopes).

    This is a quite rare complete matching rig, with the rifle, mounts, scope, and scope case.
    666 666 Bože, chraň nás před těmi, - kteří v tebe věří. 9.8.2023 22:21  33862
    tak jsem asi konečně našel "velkou devítku", co se mi líbí. Nechám to chvíli uležet a pak do ní asi jdu. Ještě musím promyslet zda s kolimátorem nebo bez....
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 9.8.2023 19:24  33861
    Tara TM-9: What a Tangled Web of Intrigue for a Crappy Gun

    Tara Aerospace is an arms factory in Montenegro that was privatized around 2013 or 2014, and a major stake in it was purchased by one Heinrich Thomet (formerly of Brugger & Thomet, and then the basis for a character in "War Dogs"). The first firearm the new Tara produced was the TM-9, and it was not very good.

    The basic design concept is fine - it's a modern style of service pistol; polymer-framed, striker-fired, and chambered for 9x19mm. It has interchangeable grip backstraps and a rail for a light (no optics cut; it was too early for that). Where it differs most obviously from other options is the use of a true double-action-only trigger. The striker is fully forward at rest, and the trigger pull is responsible for fully cocking and then releasing it. This makes for a very long and heavy trigger, but it also simplifies the trigger mechanics and obviates the need for a manual or trigger safety.

    The first production of TM-9 pistols was not of particularly good quality, but the factory needed money and so a batch was sold to a European distributor. They were not intended to end up in the US, but did end up purchased by Century, who brought them into the country and then discovered that they basically didn't run reliably. Slides not going fully into battery was a major issue in particular. While trying to figure out how to deal with this, Century secured a deal to sell them all to Gander Outdoors, which planned to have them all overhauled by America's Gunsmith Shop. Before that was completed, though, Gander decided to just abandon gun sales entirely and sold the guns back to Century as a loss.

    Some began to get out onto the market, and American buyers were pretty annoyed at the reliability problems (not that you would know it form the generally-positive reviews in the gun press at the time). Having never intended the guns to get to the US, Tara's answer was to declare that the early production guns were actually only intended for use with "rubber bullets" and were never supposed to be sold as live guns at all (the notice is on their web site, which I cannot link to because of Youtube rules). The gun in this video is specifically listed in their warning by serial number, by the way.

    Eventually, Century sold the remaining TM-9s to Centerfire Systems, who is now blowing them out pretty cheaply, with full visibility of this backstory (for the record, I acquired this one before the sale to Centerfire). Tara, meanwhile, is trying to sell their newer and presumably better model to Century, who so far refuses to buy any until the "rubber bullet" warning nonsense is removed form Tara's web site.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 7.8.2023 19:55  33860
    Yugoslav M57: Tito's Tokarev

    Yugoslavia purchased both 1895 Nagant revolvers and TT33 Tokarev from the Soviet Union after World War Two, but this was only a holdover until domestic pistol production could begin. While Yugoslavia was formally communist, Tito was not a puppet of Moscow, and Yugoslavia did their own development to reverse-engineer the Tokarev pistol. In the process, they made a number of improvements to the design, resulting in the M57. Serial production began in 1963 and lasted until 1982, with about 270,000 made in total. It was the standard sidearms for the Yugoslav People's Army and Yugoslav police forces until 1988.

    The changes made from the standard Soviet pattern Tokarev include:
    - Longer grip and 9-round magazine capacity
    - Captive recoil spring
    - Improved front sight
    - Stronger firing pin with improved retention system
    - Magazine disconnect safety
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 4.8.2023 19:41  33859
    Prototype Hungarian 33M Bolt Action Rifle

    When Hungary separated from the Austro-Hungarian Empire after World War One, it began to slowly rebuild its military equipment. The eventually led to carbine conversions of old M95 rifles using the new 8x56mm rimmed cartridge, which were designated the 31M. However, the Hungarians were not satisfied with the Mannlicher straight-pull system. In cold conditions during the war, these rifles had sometimes become very difficult to operate, as the grease in their bolts solidified at low temperature. Hungary wanted to adopt a new turnabout rifle, and the 35M was eventually chosen. Building up to that, however, was the prototype 33M design.

    The 33M was a rifle with a lot of fine machining and expensive, sometimes delicate, features. It used a sliding dust cover on the bolt that never would have survived field conditions. It also had a quite large oil bottle in the buttstock, accessed by pivoting the whole buttplate off to one side. Eventually the most egregious of the fancy bits would be removed, and the resulting 35M adopted by Hungarian forces (and later adapted to 8x57mm as the 43M and G98/40 for German troops).

    Many thanks to Joschi Schuy for giving me access to film this extremely rare rifle!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 3.8.2023 00:20  33858
    Yugo-Albanian "Marksman's" Mystery AK

    This rifle was brought back to France from the Balkans (probably Kosovo) by a French military team in the late 1990s. It's a neat example of a mix-master build (what is "bubba" in Albanian?), with several cool elements. The base gun is an Albanian AKM, with its bayonet missing. The front sight block has been replaced by a Yugoslav M70 or M72 type, and a Yugo M72 bipod added. To allow the bipod to fit on the short barrel when folded, the handguard has been relieved to accommodate the bipod feet. The rear sight is a windage-adjustable PRK type, but this is not useful thanks tot he taller integral rear sight on the top cover. That top cover is from a long-action Finnish Valmet, made with a Weaver scope mount rail. The scope used on this rifle is a ZRAK ON-76, a 4x optic form an M76 rifle, and it still has the 8mm Mauser BDC cam installed.

    Many thanks to the French IRCGN (Criminal Research Institute of the National Gendarmerie) for generously giving me access to film this unique specimen for you! They maintain an extensive firearms reference collection as part of their mission to fight crime and international terrorism.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 31.7.2023 19:47  33857
    "Made for the Republic of China": Shanghai Arsenal's FN 1900 Copy
    The Shanghai Arsenal was founded in 1865 as a joint venture between British and Chinese customs officers. They bought a defunct American ironworking company and rebuilt it as an arsenal. In 1884 they began production of a copy of the Remington Rolling Block, and by 1891 copies of Mannlicher 1888 straight-pull rifles. In 1912 the arsenal had more than 5,000 employees, and produced steel for industrial use and a substantial amount of rifles and ammunition. It was one of the premier arsenals in China, and Shanghai was a vibrant and growing city. The arsenal operated until the Japanese occupation of Shanghai in 1932, when most for he tooling was evacuated to other arsenals.

    The copy of the FN 1900 made at Shanghai was an excellent copy, not at all like the stereotypical artisanal Chinese pistols. They were made form 1916 until 1921, and some sources (Bin Shih) suggest that as many as 60,000 were made in 1920 alone. Markings on these guns include serial numbers on the right side, a left-side grip panel marking saying “Shanghai Arsenal” and a right-side grip panel with the date of production based on the 1911 Chinese Revolution. This examples is from the 8th year, which would be 1919.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 28.7.2023 22:37  33856
    Stocked Pistols: Great or Garbage?
    Stocked pistols: they have been around as long as pistols have been around, but are they really all that useful?
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 26.7.2023 21:38  33855
    Al Kadesih: Iraq's Exceptionally Rare Dragunov Copy
    The Al Kadesih (also sometimes spelled Al Kadesiah or Al Qadisiyah) is an Iraqi copy of the SVD Dragunov DMR/sniper rifle. It is not an exact copy, though, as it uses an AK-style stamped receiver and trunnions in combination with the fire control system and short-stroke gas piston of the SVD.

    The rifles were made at the eponymous Al-Quadisiyah Establishment in Iraq, a small arms factory set up with Yugoslav assistance to make small arms. That factory produced a copy of the Yugoslav M70 called the Tabuk as well as other weapons. Rather than completely reverse-engineer the SVD, they adopted the M70/AKM design to do the job. Production appears to have run from 1988 until 1991, with another batch made in 2003 before the US invasion. The total number made is unknown, but certainly only a few thousand. The rifles appear to have been as much for presentations and gifts (gold plated ones, specifically) as for combat use, and they are very rare to see in combat photos.

    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 22.7.2023 19:20  33854
    SIG M18: New USMC Service Pistol (and Little Brother of the M17)

    The SIG 320 was adopted by the US Army as its new M17 full-size service pistol, but that was only have of the Modular Handgun System. The other half was the M18, a compact version of the same pistol, with a 3.9" barrel (compared to the 4.7" barrel of the M17). The Army did also adopt the M18 for MP and CID personnel, but the other service branches chose to go with the M18 as their standard sidearms. Notably, this includes the Marines, who will be using the M18 to replace the M9, M9A1, M007 (Glock 19M) and M45A1 (1911).

    Being a highly modular design, the M18 uses the same basic fire control module as the M17, as well as the same magazines. The slide and grip module are shorter to match the shorter barrel, and multiple different sizes of grip module are available to reasonably fit anyone between the 5th and 95th percentile of hand size.

    While the initial batch of M17s were made with tan controls and subsequently returned and sold on the civilian market, no M18s appear to have been returned from service. However, SIG continues to run the military M18 production line making "contract overrun" pistols exactly to military specification, and that is what we are looking at in today's video. These have TC serial number prefixes, along with other military features:

    Single-screw optics plates
    Braided recoil springs
    Tool-based takedown
    Military slide markings

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