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    anonym 7.10.2023 17:00  33891
    Díky ďáblovi jsem sem zašel jednou za čas, abych se dozvěděl, jestli to zběsilé tapetování ještě nevzdal. Už sem nepůjdu.
    anonym 5.10.2023 06:32  33890
    Půl roku pryč, díky El Diablo, že to tady udržuje při životě. Bez Ala je tu mrtvo. Něco nového u Svena? Třeba 3d model?
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 2.10.2023 20:24  33889
    MSBS "Grot" Ceremonial Parade Rifle (Honor Guard Version)

    The first version of the new MSBS "Grot" rifle purchased by the Polish government was actually a special version for ceremonial parade use. In order to make the gun suitable to that role, a surprising number of changes were made to it - almost every element is different than the standard service version. The stock is fixed and given a heavy steel buttplate, the fire control system is semiauto only, the right-side magazine release is disabled, the sights and low-profile and non-adjustable, the charging handle is extended, the gas system is left off completely, the barrel is extended, a special grasping ring is added to the barrel, and the bayonet release is reduced in profile.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 29.9.2023 21:50  33888
    The Rasheed: Egypt's Semiauto Battle Carbine From Sweden

    Egypt purchased tooling for the Swedish AG-42 Ljungman in 1952, and adapted it to their 8mm Mauser caliber as the Hakim rifle. Later, they scaled the rifle down to 7.62x39mm as the Rasheed, and manufactured about 7,300 of them between 1966 and 1968. These rifles were issued to the District Ward Reserve Army (essentially a National Guard) and saw service in the Six Day War and the Yom Kippur War. Production ended in favor of AK pattern rifles, but the Rasheed is a very interesting and fairly rare Cold War rifle.

    The Rasheed is one of only a few true direct gas impingement actions, with a tilting bolt to lock. It uses a 10-round detachable magazine, but was intended to be reloaded with stripper clips (interchangeable with SKS clips), and was not issued with extra magazines. The folding bayonet is very similar to that of the SKS as well. An adjustable gas regulator allows three different gas settings plus a cut-off position for firing rifle grenades.

    A note on production numbers:

    George Layman gives a number of 8,263 total produced, and this matches almost perfectly with the serial number database created by GunBoards forum members. However, that database shows no guns numbered under 1,000, and I suspect that numbering began at 1,000 and Layman's source was reporting the highest serial number instead of the total production. This would mean that approximately 7,300 were produced in total. Layman also reports 3,731 of the rifles were lost in combat and Egypt retained approximately 4,000 after the Yom Kippur War. These numbers also fit pretty well with a total production of 7,300.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 25.9.2023 22:12  33887
    "Hill's Patent" Stanley Bull-Dog Revolver: Blatant Patent Theft in 1878

    The Stanley Bull-Dog revolver is an English-production revolver which is marked as being "Hill's Patent". The gun uses an interesting simultaneous ejection system similar to the Fagnus - which one assume was the subject of Hill's aforementioned patent. The guns were made in a variety of configurations (blue, nickeled, various barrel lengths and calibers, etc).

    Hill's actual patent (number 3645 of 1878) is actually a provisional patent relating to the lockwork that turns the cylinder. In fact, the ejection system used on the guns was invented by a Belgian named Jean Mathieu Deprez-Joassart five years earlier in 1873. Deprez-Joassart did patent the mechanism, and Hill appears to have simply claimed the system as his own and convinced a British gunmaker to pay him royalties for guns made with it.

    Thanks to Select Fire Weaponry of Waukesha, Wisconsin for loaning me this revolver to film.

    Thanks also to Littleton.Be for use of photos of Deprez-Joassart revolvers - you can see their whole page on the man here:
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 24.9.2023 22:16  33886
    Colt 607: The First AR Carbine (Ad-free)

    The Model 607 was Colt's first attempt at a carbine version of the AR-15 rifle, shortening both the barrel and stock. The action is identical to a standard AR, but the barrel is only 10 inches (254mm) long, and the stock uses a collapsing design unique to this model. Most examples used a small suppressor to reduce the very substantial concussion of such a short 5.56mm barrel down to more like that of a standard 20" rifle. Production of the Model 607 was limited to only about 50 units, and they included substantial variation in details. This example has a flat side receiver, 3.5 inch moderator, and 3-position selector. Some included burst options, either with or without a full auto setting.

    Experience with the Model 607 (including limited experimental use with the SEALs in Vietnam) led to further development of the carbine concept. The barrel was lengthened to 11.5 inches and the stock redesigned to the modern style of telescoping stock we recognize today. These would become the Model 609/610, the Colt Commando or CAR-15.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 23.9.2023 20:01  33885
    Lever-Delayed Prototype SMG: The MAS Mle 1948 Series
    When France decided to adopt a new 9x19mm submachine gun after World War Two, all three of the main French arsenals (St Etienne/MAS, Chatellerault/MAC, and Tulle/MAT) developed designs to compete for adoption. Tulle would eventually win and their design became the MAT-49, but the other lines of development are quite interesting.

    The MAS design from 1948 was a lever-delayed system, anticipating perhaps the later FAMAS rifle. We have a series of developmental prototypes to look at today, from early prototypes to an example used in field trials in Indochina. They all share the same basic mechanical system, but cary in many details including stock design and barrel length. Overall the design is pretty good, and they performed will in trials - but the lever-delayed action was much more complex and expensive to produce than MAT's simple blowback design.

    Many thanks to the IRCGN (Institut de Recherche Criminelle de la Gendarmerie Nationale) for allowing me access to film this series of prototype for you!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 13.9.2023 16:48  33884
    Peak American: the Winchester 1897 Trench Gun in WW1

    The United States was the only country to use shotguns in World War One in a substantial way. It was not the first time the US had used such guns either; shotguns were used in the Philippines against the Moros and on the Mexican Punitive Expedition. For use in the Great War, however, it was deemed necessary to fit bayonets to them. At the request of the War Department, the Winchester company designed a bayonet mounting adapter for their Model 1897 pump-action shotgun, to use the M1917 bayonet that Winchester was also making at the time for the war effort.

    Guns were first deployed to France in June 1918 for field testing, used with 9-pellet 00 buckshot in paper hulled cartridges. The reactions from troops in the field varied widely. Those who tended to be in relatively dry conditions with close-range combat tended to like them. Those in particularly wet areas had problems with the paper shells swelling, and those engaged in more open combat at range had little use for them. They were primarily used for military police roles like guarding POWs, but some did see combat.

    The US military actually used Winchester 1897s in three different configurations. Guns like this one with bayonet mounts and heat shields, "riot" types with short (20") plain barrels, and long-barreled models used for training aircraft and anti-aircraft gunners. Numbers are conflicting and sources are complex, but the best assessment appears to be that approximately 12,000 trench models and about 18,000 riot models were sent to the Army (note that in the video I said 18,000 riot and training - that should have been just riot).
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 11.9.2023 22:42  33883
    Ian roasts Žiga's AK... AGAIN

    This is outrageous! Ian from @ForgottenWeapons is once again mocking this superb AK setup.
    What do I have to do, win Finnish Brutality, to keep Ian quiet?
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 11.9.2023 18:51  33882
    Vugrek's Cell Phone Gun for Organized Crime

    The Vugrek family of Croatia (Marko Sr, Marko Jr, and Ivan) were talented firearms designers, who ended up supplying organized crime. Their best-known development was the Agram 2000 submachine gun, a very well-built weapon submitted to Croatian military trials in the early 1990s. In the wake of prosecution for making the Agram illicitly after its military rejection, Marko Vugrek developed a. number of guns specifically for illicit use, including this well-done cell phone gun. They began to turn up in the Balkans and throughout Europe around 2007, and investigations traced them back to their Croatian creator.

    A big thanks to the Croatian Police Museum (Muzej Policije) in Zagreb for giving me access to film this rare piece for you! Check them out at:
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 11.9.2023 11:33  33881
    The failed WW2 paratrooper SMG almost leaked to the Nazis with firearms expert, Jonathan Ferguson

    Britain's wartime rush for a submachine gun went down several dead ends before settling on the Sten Gun. One such avenue was the Veselý. This example, the rarer paratrooper variant (Veselý 43) was deemed to complex and expensive for mass production.

    It does feature an ingenious 'double-stack' magazine system that intrigued the War Office so much that the weapon continued to be looked at until it was finally killed-off by the Sterling SMG.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 9.9.2023 19:24  33878
    Chinese Mystery Mauser: Fake FN Model 30

    One of the most common rifles in Warlord-era China was the Mauser Model 98 short rifle. Various Chinese armies bought large numbers of them from the Mauser, CZ, and FN factories, chambered predominantly for the 8mm Mauser cartridge. In particular, FN sold some 24,000 Model 24 Mauser rifles to China between 1930 and 1934, and another 164,500 Model 30 Mauser between 1937 and 1939. And, of course, several major Chinese arsenals set up manufacture of high-quality copies of these patterns.

    As with pistol production in China at the time, crude artisanal rifle copies were made by a variety of small shops and craftsmen. These are of visibly poor quality, and DEFINITELY NOT SAFE TO FIRE. They are, however, really interesting - at least to me. Thanks to viewer Jason for loaning me this one to film, which is a copy of an FN Model 30.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 9.9.2023 19:03  33877
    Mateba Unica 6: A Semiauto Revolver in .44 Magnum

    The Mateba 6 Unica is the culmination of a series of revolver development by Italian designer Emilio Ghisoni (1937-2008). The Unica 6 is one of only a few self-cocking revolvers to see commercial production and sales (the other two being the Union and the Webley-Fosbery). It was available in .357 Magnum, .44. Magnum (like today's example), and .454 Casull. All three could be used with the associated Special ammunition with a recoil spring swap. In addition, the Unica 6 fired from the bottom chamber of its cylinder, which allowed it to use an open frame design with powerful magnum cartridges (Ghisoni was also involved in the other common revolver with this feature, the Chiappa Rhino).
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 30.8.2023 21:44  33876
    Romanian ZB-30 LMG: Improving the Already-Excellent ZB-26

    Brno's ZB-26 was one of the best light machine guns of the 1920s, and it was widely adopted by countries that did not have domestic arms design and production capacity (and it would eventually become the British Bren gun as well). It was designed for the 8mm Mauser cartridge, and had a simple fixed gas system that ran very well - until countries began following the German lead in moving to standard use of s.S. (schweres Spitzgeschoß; heavy ball) ammunition. This put undue strain on the ZB-26 mechanism, and so an improvement was made to include an adjustable gas system that could be set to accommodate a variety of loadings. This experimental model was the ZB-27, and it was tested by Romania in the late 1920s.

    Romania like the design, and adopted it in 1930, purchasing guns from Brno and also buying a license to produce them at the Cugir factory complex in Romania. Today we are taking a look at two examples of Romanian ZB-30s, one Czech-made and one Romanian-made. They both incorporate a number of improvements over the ZB-26 (improved barrel latch security, rear monopod socket, bipod locking lever, etc) but also have a few minor differences between each other.

    Thanks to the Southern Iceland Shooting Association for helping me film these and other cool guns in Iceland!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 28.8.2023 19:35  33875
    Pleter M91: Croatia's High Quality STUzi

    The Pleter M91 is a simple design, but a high-quality one that was manufactured by a proper factory production line. The company making it was planning on (hoping for?) large-scale production, and they invested to proper polymer molds and other tools to make the gun. A total of about 4500 were made, making it the most-produced of the many Croatian domestic submachine guns.

    Mechanically, the gun is most closely related to the Sten - which is clear when one sees the bolt. The magazine chosen was the Uzi magazine, and these were all chambered for 9mm. A small number were made with vented barrels and suppressors, but I don't have one of those to show you.

    A big thanks to the Croatian Police Museum (Muzej Policije) in Zagreb for giving me access to film this rare piece for you! Check them out at:

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