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    Early Automatic Pistol Cartridges - What, When & Why?

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    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 1.12.2023 18:14  34003
    Venezuelan FN49: The First FN49 Contract

    Venezuela was the First Nation to purchase the FN-49 rifle, before even the Belgian military. In fact, the Venezuelan contract was signed in 1948, before the "FN-49" designation was even in place. Venezuela bought a total of 8,012 rifles in two batches - 4,000 rifles plus 12 cutaway training examples delivered in 1949 and a further 4,000 more rifles delivered in June 1951. All of them included the integral muzzle brake and scope mounting cuts, although no scopes were ever procured. They were all semiautomatic models.

    Some of the rifles were issued and used, but some appear to have remained in depots their entire life. Venezuela was also an early adopter of the FAL, and the FN-49 was only used for a short time. In 1966, all of them (or virtually all) were sold as surplus to InterArms, and brought onto the US collector market.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 30.11.2023 01:11  34002
    British Lancaster Pistol
    Small Arms Primer 188: British Lancaster Pistols

    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 29.11.2023 23:23  34001
    Neznáte někdo náhodou „Jardu Pulicara“, měl by být odborník (mj.) na vnitřní balistiku? Kdosi mne na něj odkázal, že prý „kontakt najdete na FB“, tam já v životě nebyl a bohdá nebudu... Kdybyste měl někdo na něj civilisovaný kontakt jako třeba e-mail, budu vděčný za odkaz. Dík.
    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 29.11.2023 19:31  34000
    Ale jdu sem původně s jiným dotázkem: potřebuji testovat powder dispenser; nejde o prachování samotné, ale o řídicí a komunikační protokol toho zařízení.

    Nechce se mi úplně pořád bůhvíkolikrát dokola točit a zase vracet skutečný prach. Naprázdno to ale taky nejde, potřebuji něco, co když dispenser sype na misku, váha roste.

    Co byste doporučili za jiný (inertní) materiál, který by měl fysikální vlastnosti co nejbližší skutečným prachům, samozřejmě dispenseru nijak neublíží, bude se z něj snadno vyndavat, a byl by pro takové testování vhodný? Dík!

    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 29.11.2023 19:30  33999
    To bohužel bezpochyby. Maxima jsem ještě nikdy nikde na prodej neviděl; občas se ale objeví Gatling, a prasecky drahé bývají dokonce i moderní kopie (jež jsou v USA legální, u nás by asi nebyly) :(
    666 666 Bože, chraň nás před těmi, - kteří v tebe věří. 29.11.2023 18:46 - Pošta (16:35) 33998
    kulomet Déčko bych si taky nechal líbit, ale čekám, že to bude nad moje finanční možnosti...
    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 29.11.2023 16:42  33997
    (Jeden dva bych koupil, pokud je to z '89, pak je to Déčko...)
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 29.11.2023 15:54  33996
    Argentine Brass Maxim: A Machine Gun of the Steampunk Age

    The Maxim Gun was the first successful true machine gun, and it became extremely popular worldwide. Maxim sent his first two working models to Enfield for testing in 1887, and by 1889 he had what he termed the "World Standard" model. No two contracts were quite identical, as the gun was constantly being tweaked and improved, but the 200 guns sold to Argentina in 1895 (50), 1898 (130) and 1902 (20) are a great time capsule into the configuration of the early Maxim guns in military service.

    The Argentine Maxims had gorgeous brass jackets, along with ball grips, triggers, feed blocks, and fusee spring covers. The have the early 1889 pattern lock, complete with a walnut roller to assist belt feeding into the action. These guns were in Argentine military service until 1929 (which included a retrofit at DWM in 1909 to use the new Spitzer 7.65mm Mauser cartridge). They then passed into police use until 1956, and 91 were sold to Sam Cummings of InterArms in 1960. Of those, 8 were exported out of the US, 28 went to government agencies and museums, and the remaining 55 were sold onto the US collector market. They are the single largest group of early Maxims in the country today, and make fantastic collectors' pieces.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 27.11.2023 14:22  33995
    Hotchkiss Portative: Clunky But Durable

    The Portative was an attempt by the Hotchkiss company to make a light machine gun companion to their heavy model (which had found significant commercial success). The Portative used the same feed strips, albeit loaded upside down, and the same gas piston operation, but a very different locking system. Instead of a tiling locking block the Portative had a "fermeture nut" that rotated to lock onto the bolt with three sets of interrupted thread locking lugs. In addition, many of the traditionally internal parts were mounted externally on the Portative, and it was quite the awkward gun to use.

    The Portative was adopted by the American Army as the Model 1909 Benet-Mercié, and by the British early in World War One as a cavalry and tank-mounted gun. The remainder of Portative contracts were relatively small from second-tier military forces, including several South American countries.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 25.11.2023 14:40  33994
    Ballard .41 Rimfire Derringer: An Old West Boot Gun

    Charles H. Ballard is much better known for his single shot rifle design, but he also designed, patented, and produced a .41 rimfire caliber derringer. These were popular concealed weapons during the 19th century, and remain in production even today (though no longer in .41 rimfire...). Production began circa 1870, and a few thousand of Ballard's derringers were made.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 22.11.2023 22:22  33993
    FN Model 30: The First Belgian BAR

    FN played a role in the production of Polish wz.28 BARs, and in the process obtained a copy of the technical package for the weapon, and converted it to metric measurements. Under the supervision of Dieudonne Saive, this was used as the basis for FN's own BAR production, called the Modelé 30. Production was done with a license from Colt, who owned the rights to Browning's patents on the BAR.

    The Model 30 was basically a Colt R75 (Model 1925), but incorporated a few improvements. Most significantly, the male and female parts of the gas system were swapped, which prevented carbon from building up and eventually jamming the gas piston. In addition, the bolt removal latch was improved form he US pattern, and the Polish wz.28 style rear sight was used. Lastly, a rate-reduction mechanism oil the fire control group gave the gun "slow" and "fast" settings, of roughly 350rpm and 600 rpm instead of the traditional semi and full auto settings.

    Production began in 7.65mm, and the Belgian Army adopted the weapon, taking deliveries form 1930 until occupation in 1940. The Model 30 was also made in 8mm Mauser, and exported to China and Ethiopia. The design was fairly quickly supplanted in 1932 by the FN Modelé D, which added a quick-change barrel mechanism to the design, and this pattern sold more widely.

    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 22.11.2023 00:05  33992
    The Gun Science Says Can't Work: Madsen LMG Mechanics

    The Madsen LMG is generally considered an extremely complex and confusing system - but is it really? Today we are taking one apart to see just how it actually works. Because in fact, it's a very unusual system, but not really any more complicated than any other easy self-loading action.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 20.11.2023 21:06  33991
    diavia [33988]: Primárním zdrojem paprsku bývá infračervená laserová dioda. Teprve za ní je optika s krystalem, který násobí frekvenci, tedy "zkracuje" vlnovou dílku na výsledných 532nm, tedy zelené světlo.
    Aha! To je zajímavá informace!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 20.11.2023 21:05  33990
    Colt's .41 Derringers: Buyout and Innovation

    When Colt decided that it wanted a piece of the Derringer market, it used a tactic we are used to seeing today: it found an existing manufacturer and just bought them outright. This was the National Firearms Company, which was manufacturing a Derringer designed by Daniel Moore in 1861. Moore made the guns himself until 1865 when he sold the rights to National, and they made them until being purchased by Colt in 1870. This design then became the Colt 1st Model (and 2nd Model) Derringer. It used a knife blade type extractor, and was offer in all-metal construction (the 1st model) or with wood or ivory grip panels (the 2nd model). Both of these Moore designed types were made until about 1890, with about 15,000 total being made.

    In about 1875, Colt engineer F. Alexander Thuer (who previously designed Colt's cartridge conversion for percussion revolvers) designed his own Derringer. This used a barrel that open to the side, and a spring extractor. It was more efficient to produce than the Moore design, and it became the Colt 3rd Model Derringer. It was produced until 1912, with about 48,000 total made. Production of a 4th Model actually began in 1959, with periodic production runs. These last guns were in .22 rimfire.

    The first three Colt Derringers are all chambered for the common .41 rimfire cartridge, with occasional very limited production in .41 centerfire. The standard barrel length was just 2.5 inches, although many variations exist in small numbers.
    sven Sven ukaž člověku smrt a smíří se s horečkou 19.11.2023 12:25  33989
    diaviaDěkuji Ti za podrobné a zasvěcené informace - určitě mi to rozšířilo moje obzory. Ten výkon je pro moje potřeby naprosto dostatečný - šlo mi o to, abych ho mohl použít jako zaměřovač i při denním světle a za slunečného počasí - což bude splňovat s naprostou dostatečností. A hlavně Ti děkuji za tu informaci o primárním zdroji - té laserové infradiody - že to nemám obracet na sebe, když nevidím zelený bod. Sice by mne to ani ve snu nenapadlo, pokud bych měl prst na zmáčknutém vypinači - ale v tomto případě není varování a bezpečnosti nikdy dost, pokud jde o zrak.
    Ještě jednou děkuji a pozdravuji Tě. Sven

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