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    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 11.3.2024 05:42  34219
    Třecích odporů při přejíždění závorníku tam a zpět přes horní náboj v zásobníku se ale zbavit nedokážu Leda bys ten nabírací ozub udělal sklopný nebo odskakoval zásobníkem...
    sven Sven ukaž člověku smrt a smíří se s horečkou 10.3.2024 23:56 - Odhlášení (23:15) 34218
    Tak tvary všech 3 pohyblivých dílů mám sladěné ( hlaveň, protikus, závorník).
    Teď budu jako šílenej nejmíň 14 dní počítat a slaďovat jejich těžiště, přidávat, nebo ubírat jejich maso v místech, kde to nebude mít vliv na jejich funkci, abych jejich těžiště dostal do lajny a vyloučil tak všechny klopné momenty.....
    Třecích odporů při přejíždění závorníku tam a zpět přes horní náboj v zásobníku se ale zbavit nedokážu a rázy přes vyhazovač, i když bude pevně integrovaný na hlavni asi taky nevyeliminuju, stejně tak jako napínání kladívka, nebo přímoběžného úderníku - ledaže snad bych je taky udělal jako integrální součást, nesenou na hlavni....ufffff ☺
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 8.3.2024 17:02  34217
    HK43: The 5.56mm "Paramilitary" Rifle

    Before the H&K 90 series of rifles - the civilian semiautomatic versions - existed, there was the 40-series; the paramilitary rifles. Originally intended for German reservist purchase, the HK41 and HK43 were G3 and HK33 rifles made in semiautomatic only configuration. In the early 1970s, these were fairly easy for a German member of the armed forces to purchase, and keep at home for training or recreational shooting. They were also imported in small umbers into the US, with additional changes made to the receiver and bolt carrier to meet ATF standards for not being easily convertible into machine guns. By the mid 1970s, however, German laws changed, and the process to purchase on of these rifle in Germany became onerous enough that H&K dropped them from production. In their place came the HK 91 and 93 (as well as 94), more specifically designed to meet American import regulations - but identical to the 40 series in practical terms.

    Thanks to Select Fire Weaponry of Waukesha, Wisconsin for loaning me this rare rifle to film!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 8.3.2024 10:05  34216
    Snipers Before Infantry: the Danish m/66 Sniper

    The Danes adopted the M1 Garand after World War Two, and continued using it as their standard service rifle all the way until 1975 - and alongside it they used the M1D as a sniper or DMR rifle. The Danish Home Guard decided to upgrade those M1D rifles in the 1960s, however, and looked to H&K for an answer. In 1966 they adopted a model of the G3 with a 4x Hensoldt optic under the designation m/66. Today I'm at Bear Arms looking at a clone of the m/66 built by Kilo Guns on an original Danish parts kit and original surplus scope...
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 7.3.2024 01:42  34215
    Agram 2002: Little brother to the Croatian 'gangster' gun, with firearms expert Jonathan Ferguson

    A compact take on the Agram 2000 this week. Join Jonathan Ferguson as he takes a look at a reputedly improved, stock-less version of the Croatian-made firearm coveted by criminals.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 6.3.2024 20:31  34214
    The Bosnian Full-Auto SKS with AK Mags

    During the Balkan Wars, a great many oddball guns were built and used. One of them was a Bosnian conversion of the Yugoslav M59/66 SKS to have a select-fire trigger and to use modified detachable AK magazines. These are extremely rare today, as only a few of them (probably a dozen at most) came into the US with the bulk of Yugoslav SKS imports. The ones that did arrive came with regular trigger assemblies and regular 10-round fixed magazines (and are not legally considered machine guns by ATF).

    Today we will take a look at two examples, and go over the discreet changes required to make the conversion (the magazine conversion, that is - I unfortunately don't have a full auto trigger assembly to show you).
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 5.3.2024 15:49  34213
    Olympus Arms Vulcan Recoiless Rifle
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 5.3.2024 15:43  34212
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 5.3.2024 15:34  34211
    How Accurate is the No-Recoil Vulcan from Olympus Arms?

    Montana-based Olympus Arms returns to SHOT Show’s Industry Day at the Range with their Vulcan rifle. James saw it last year and made a very popular video about it, but there are some changes that have been made and also, James wanted to know about the accuracy of this platform.

    The company has been busy refining the design of the weapon and has decided to bring the bulk of its parts manufacturing in-house, making a significant investment in new machine tools. Described as a ‘recoilless rifle’, the Vulcan was originally developed as an offering for the US Army’s Next Generation Squad Weapon program, where it was submitted under the name MARS. The Vulcan features a 16-inch barrel with a muzzle brake but can be run suppressed. The rifle has a pair of non-reciprocating charging handles on either side of the forend that complements its ambidextrous controls. The upper receiver of the Vulcan features a full-length top rail or the buyer has the option for a C-Grip Plus Rail with a break in the Picatinny to allow users to C-clamp. Uniquely, unlike an AR, the upper has a clamshell design for disassembly which adds to its intriguing propositions. The lower receiver’s controls and layout will be instantly familiar to anyone who has used an AR-pattern rifle, however, there is not rear charging handle or rear take down pin. The Vulcan uses a long recoil operating system, where the rifle’s barrel reciprocates the full length of the action, effectively absorbing the 7.62x51mm round’s recoil. This unique design has lent the Vulcan a very intriguing characteristic; Olympus Arms suggests that the rifle has around the same felt recoil impulse as an AR-15, thereby ensuring improved follow-up shot accuracy. While the blast from the muzzlebrake was significant the felt recoil was minimal, especially when firing from a bipod. Maintaining a sight picture downrange was easy. With regard to its weight, the Vulcan comes in at 8.5lb.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 5.3.2024 15:33  34210
    A €10,000 Euro Superpistol: The Elysien

    Join @JamesReeves at IWA 2024 as he speaks with Créapeiron about their super-premium Elysien pistol. This marvel boasts a 9x19 caliber with a 19-round capacity, encapsulated in a design where nature meets innovation. With a 125mm barrel and weighing in at 1150g without the magazine, the Elysien redefines precision with its hammer-forged polygonal heavy barrel and unique features like the magnetic trigger regulator and grips. Experience the fusion of high tensile strength alloys and the meticulous craftsmanship that sets the Elysien apart in the realms of balance, aesthetics, and performance. Don't miss this deep dive into what makes the Elysien a symbol of elegance and efficiency in the firearm world.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 5.3.2024 15:31  34209
    A (Pricey) Roller Delayed Handgun! The Czech Vigrand 007
    @JamesReeves is at @IwaInfoExhibition IWA Outdoor Classics where he stumbled upon the first roller delayed pistol he's seen in decades, the Vigrand 007. While this is an interesting design, like most roller-delayed firearms, it won't be cheap. According to Vigrand's website about the V007:

    "The pistol has the following features and certain advantages compared to models that already exist in the world:

    -Fixed barrel placed in the frame, that increases the accuracy of shooting
    -Barrel housing that decrease barrel vibration during shooting and improve shooting accuracy
    -Low barrel bore axis location (15 mm), that allows comfortable gun holding. This element decrease recoil of the pistol holding while aiming and decreases the recoil of the pistol during shooting
    - Roller retention of the slide during a shot (slide opening during a shot is retained by the roller and adtittional spring), that allows to reduce significantly the weight of the slide and of the whole pistol and to reduce the energy of the slide hit into the frame when moving to the rearmost position (recoil)"
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 3.3.2024 14:15  34208
    Now Available: VHS-2 w/ 20-inch Barrel (aka Springfield Hellion)

    Springfield Armory is now importing a version of the the VHS-2 bullpup (commercially named the Hellion here in the US) with a 20-inch barrel. This is the barrel length used in the most common military pattern of the rifle, the VHS-2D. In addition, Springfield's semiauto configuration has the proper military muzzle device, barrel rings for the rifle grenade launcher, and a bayonet lug which fits the standard military bayonet for the VHS-2. This is a pretty cool new option for folks who are interested in the Hellion as a copy of a current-service military rifle.

    The next thing you will need for a proper clone is a VHS magazine well and some of the proprietary VHS-2 magazines...
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 1.3.2024 19:48  34207
    Prototype vz.80: Improved Czech vz.50/70

    The vz.50 pistol was a compact .32 ACP (7.65mm Browning) double action pocket pistol used by police forces. It was given a face lift and redesigned the vz.70, and there were plans at one point to further modernize it. The new design would have been the vz.80, but only a few prototypes were made - one of which we are looking at today from the CZ reference library. The would-be vz.80 has a barrel about 1cm shorter than the vz.50/70, and a revised mechanism for removing the slide. And other than a few cosmetic changes to parts like the safety, that's it...
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 28.2.2024 22:04  34206
    3D Animation: The Gewehr 43 Semi-Automatic Rifle (WWII)

    The Gewehr 43 or Karabiner 43 was a semi-automatic rifle developed by German gun manufacturer Walther during World War II for the German armed forces. It was chambered in 7.92×57mm Mauser and was the response of the German military to the semi-automatic rifles of the USA (M1 Garand) and the Soviet Union (SVT-40).

    The German invasion of the Soviet Union (Operation "Barbarossa") led to small numbers of the then new Russian semi-automatic rifle SVT-40 (designed by Fedor Tokarev) being captured and returned to Germany for examination.

    The design of the Gewehr 43 was based on that of the earlier G41(W) by Walther, but incorporated an improved short-stroke piston gas system similar to that of the Soviet Tokarev SVT-40. It used a simple gas mechanism powered from a port cut into the barrel about 1/3 of the way back from the end, and replaced the conventional stripper reloads with a more modern 10-round box magazine.

    It was accepted and entered into service as the Gewehr 43 in 1943, renamed Karabiner 43 in April 1944, with production amounting to 402,713 between 1943 and 1945.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 28.2.2024 21:51  34205
    3D Animation: How the Walther P.38 Pistol worked (WWII)

    Walther P.38 was a 9 mm semi-automatic pistol that was developed by German gun manufacturer Walther at the beginning of World War II. By the end of the war, around 1.2 million of the P.38 had been produced.

    The Walther P.38 was intended to replace the costly Luger P08 (the first pistol chambered in 9mm), although many Luger P08, Walther PP and Walther PPK (later made famous by James Bond) pistols remained in service among officers within the German Army during World War II.

    Since the German army wanted to prevent that weapons captured by the Allies could be connected to an arms factory in Germany (to prevent them from being bombed), the pistols were given a code instead of a manufacturer name. That's why the codes "ac" (Walther Zella-Mehlis), "cyq" (Spreewerk Grottau) or "byf"/"svw" (Mauser Oberndorf) are engraved on the pistols, that were produced during WWII.

    After World War II the pistol was again manufactured and again adopted by the then newly founded German Bundeswehr under the name Walther P1 from 1957 until 2004. The successor to the P1 in the Bundeswehr is the Heckler & Koch P8.

    The Walther P.38 had a major influence on the development of the Beretta 92 by Italian gun manufacturer Beretta, which was adopted by the US Army under the name M9 as the successor of the Colt M1911 (used by the American troops in World War I, World War II, the Vietnam War and others) as official sidearm in 1985.

    The P.38 features a open slide design (like the Beretta 92/M9) and was the first locked-breech pistol to use a double-action/single-action (DA/SA) trigger (the earlier double-action PPK was an unlocked blowback design, but the more powerful 9×19mm Parabellum round used in the P.38 mandated a locked breech design).

    Double-action/single-action means, that pulling the trigger cocks the hammer before firing the first shot with double-action operation. The firing mechanism extracts and ejects the first spent round, cocks the hammer, and chambers a fresh round for single-action operation with each subsequent shot.

    The moving-barrel mechanism is actuated by a wedge-shaped falling locking block underneath the breech. When the pistol is fired, the barrel and slide recoil together, until the locking block drives down, disengaging the slide and arresting further rearward movement of the barrel.

    The slide continues its rearward movement on the frame, ejecting the spent case and cocking the hammer before reaching the end of travel. Two recoil springs on either side of the frame and below the slide, having been compressed by the slide's rearward movement, drive the slide forward, stripping a new round from the magazine, driving it into the breech and re-engaging the barrel; ending its return travel with a fresh round chambered, hammer cocked and ready to repeat the process.

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