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    Video Alova prototypového samopalu
    Early Automatic Pistol Cartridges - What, When & Why?

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    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 17.4.2024 21:33  34278
    UK Gangster Gun: The rare British MAC-10 with firearms expert Jonathan Ferguson.

    What do you get when you combine a Micro Uzi pistol grip, an Australian fixed rifle stock (in this instance) and a well recognised American firearm? A British M10.

    Watch this week as Jonathan delves into the history of this firearm which includes a tangle with the James Bond film 'Casino Royale'.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 17.4.2024 15:58  34277
    Type 100 / 44 (Late Pattern) Japanese SMG

    The Japanese never really embraced submachine guns during and before World War Two. A series of development programs in the 1920s and 30s led nowhere, and there never really seems to have been much motivation behind them. Some small batches of guns were purchased from abroad for units like the Special Naval Landing Force, comprising things like SIG Model 1920 Bergmann guns and Steyr MP34s. Finally in the late 30s, apparently spurred by Japanese experience in the taking of Shanghai, Kijiro Nambu replaced his complex early designs with a simple blowback open-bolt gun chambered for the standard 8mm Nambu pistol cartridge. This was tested and accepted in 1940 as the Type 100.

    The early 1940 model of the Type 100 had a distinctive underdog on the barrel shroud for attaching a bayonet, and some examples had bipods or simplistic folding stocks. It wasn’t until 1944 that the design was simplified and production increased - although still not to a level that would be considered significant in any other army. Only about 8,000 of the 1944 pattern guns were made. They had a higher rate of fire (about 800 rpm, compared to 450 rpm on the 1940 pattern), and used a different 30-round curved magazine as well.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 15.4.2024 18:26  34276
    M14: America’s Worst Service Rifle - What Went Wrong?

    All the best firearms history channels streaming to all major devices:

    While the US never adopted a significant variation of the M1 Garand (excluding sniper models), testing continued on new iterations and features throughout the war. By the time the war ended, the US military had some specific ideas about what it wanted in a new service rifle. That being, something lighter, capable of automatic fire, and to have one single platform replace the M1 Carbine, M3A1 Grease Gun, M1 Garand, and M1918A2 BAR. New rifles to meet these requirements were developed by Springfield, Remington, and Winchester, ultimately competing against the FN FAL for US service use. The Springfield T44E4 won out (barely) and was adopted on May 1, 1957 at the M14 rifle.

    Production of the M14 was plagued by problems, largely due to quality control lapses. Early in production there were heat treatment problems that led to sheared looking lugs and broken receivers. Once those were addressed, the main problem because one of accuracy, with a shocking number of M14s failing to meet the 5.6 MOA minimum accuracy standard. Ultimately production ended in 1963 with 1.38 million M14s produced, and the M16 took over as the new American service rifle.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 14.4.2024 17:45  34275
    A Gun to Save Lives: Winchester 1886 Line Thrower

    Line-throwing devices have long been an important part of maritime safety, and many different have been guns adapted to launch ropes from shore to ship or ship to ship. Usually they are inexpensive obsolete surplus of the era, but a change in law in 1918 led to a spike in demand for line-throwers in the US. As a result, a number of entrepreneurs put together line-throwing rifle kits. One of these was William Read & Sons, who bought 497 Model 1886 Winchester lever action rifles in .45-70 form the Winchester factory, specifically bored smooth and with barrels cut down the 14.5 inches. They packaged these with line launching projectiles, spools or rope, blank cartridges, and other accessories and sold them commercially. This particular model was used by both the US Coast Guard and Navy as well as private ship owners, and remained in use until after World War Two.

    For a tremendous amount of information on line throwers, I highly recommend John Spangler's article "Guns to Save Lives":
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 13.4.2024 14:51  34274
    Lugers in Thailand: The Siamese Artillery Luger

    In 1936 and 1937, Siam purchased a batch of several hundred new Luger pistols for the Bangkok Police, including 100 long-barreled lP08 Artillery Lugers. These were new production gun, but made with surplus WW1-era barrels, sights, and stocks. The Siamese serial numbers range from 3450v to 3553v. The guns are standard Mauser production, all dated 1936, similar to the purchases by Persia and Turkey around the same time. The one distinctive marking on the Siamese contract are local rack numbers added to the back oft he frame some time after World War Two - a circled lion’s
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 12.4.2024 23:16  34273
    Modello 1928 Tromboncino Grenade Launcher

    In 1928, the Italian army adopted a rifle-mounted grenade launcher. It was a potentially interesting weapon which wound up being fatally handicapped by the use of ineffective grenades. The basic idea was to mount a second rifle receiver to the side of a Model 91TS carbine, but with an integral grenade cup instead of a barrel. The trigger of the carbine was modified with an addition linkage to operate the sears on both receivers. When firing a grenade, the bolt would be removes from the carbine receiver and installed into the grenade launching receiver.

    The most unique part of the design was in the grenade cup. Instead of using blank style grenade cartridges, the Tromboncino used standard ball ammunition to launch grenades. When the round was seater in the chamber, the front of the bullet was held firmly in place by a threaded plug in
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 12.4.2024 15:44  34272
    Chinese Type 50 PPSh: Founding “Gun City” in Manchuria

    One of the first new weapons adapted and used by the Chinese Peoples’ Liberation Army after the Communist victory in the Chinese civil war was the Type 50, a copy of the Soviet PPSh-41. The story of its manufacture begins at the Japanese occupied Mukden Arsenal. It was briefly occupied by the Soviets in 1945 before coming under control of the CCP. It was a huge manufacturing complex at the time, making artillery, small arms, ammunition, and more. A Nationalist bombing raid in 1949 led to the production being distributed among three separate smaller facilities, and the small remote town of Bei’an was chosen to become the new small arms factory site.

    The town became so heavily focused on weapons manufacture that it gained the nickname of “Gun City”. The factory was formally named #626, and given the cover name of Qinghua Tool Company. It initially began with production of the Type 38 Arisaka, Type 24 Mauser (the Chiang Kai Shek rifle), the M1 Carbine (a failed project), and the Type 50 copy of the PPSh. In the spring of 1951 in response to UN advances northward in Korea, production was ordered to scale up on the Type 50, to 7500-9000 per month. This took a couple months to achieve, but in June 1951 the first large shipment of the guns left the factory, and by December 1953 a total of 358,000 had been made. At that point, production shifted to the Type 54, a copy of the PPS-43.

    The Type 50 is a close copy of the Russian Shpagin, but differs in a couple details. The Chinese used a rear aperture sight, and the sights were placed slightly farther forward than on Russian guns. They are also generally very well made - better than most Russia wartime examples.

    For many more cool small arms stories, check out WWII After WWII:
    j_j J_J 11.4.2024 20:33  34271
    ocs: tomu se říká technologický pokrok. Jednou z mála výhod dnešní doby je to, že si za pár korun v domácí dílně vyrobíš nebo přes net objednáš věc, na kterou bys před dvaceti lety potřeboval obráběcí centrum za 10 milionů a před padesáti lety fabriku za stovky milionů.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 11.4.2024 20:20  34270
    Ona je tam ta hlaveň jen tak lehce chycená a vyletěla i se střelou, vyrobí novou a opraví to. IMHO se ta raketka nafoukla, možná měla silnější náplň, nebo menší či ucpané trysky a tak tu trubku co se vydává za hlaveň, vzala sebou...
    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 11.4.2024 18:59 - Oblíbené kluby (21:48) 34269
    JJ: Ty jsi mnohem lepší výrobce čehokoli než já; já bych se ale bál, že to zvořu a že zničím zbraň (nakonec, nestalo se právě tohle? Na video jsem /zatím/ nekoukal).

    Jisté ale je, že spousta lidí si na nedostatek nábojů do Gyrojetu stěžuje; dokonce sám Reagan (který tu zbraň měl rád) svého času psal výrobci, zda náboje nemá. Kdyby je bylo snadné vyrobit, asi by to nedělal...

    (Ostatně to, že vyrobit náboj je víceméně pracnější, než vyrobit pistoli, je právě a přesně ten důvod, proč je Gyrojet nanic :))

    j_j J_J 11.4.2024 12:18  34268
    No tak o přebíjení se moc mluvit nedá, ale proč přesně by nemělo jít střelivo do Gyrojetu vyrobit? Stačí si u libovolného slušnějšího Číňana objednat 3D tisk těch projektilů, doma do toho dát vhodné palivo a zápalku...

    Dokonce i vyloženě domácí výroba nevypadá extra komplikovaně:
    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 10.4.2024 22:14 - Oblíbené kluby (21:48) 34267
    Zničil jej? Každého Gyrojetu je ukrutná škoda :(, ačkoli jako pistole je naprosto nanic :)

    Vysvětluje tam, kde sehnal střelivo? To je obecně nejhorší problém: nikdo už to dávno nedělá, a doma to nepřebiješ...

    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 10.4.2024 19:23  34266
    I Accidentally Blew Up My Gyrojet

    Today with the help of @BallisticHighSpeed we shoot the incredibly rare Gyrojet pistol, captured in super slow motion! And also…watch it have a catastrophic malfunction in my hands…
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 10.4.2024 18:34  34265
    What is this Weapon Presents: Antiques Gunshow with Ian McCollum and Jonathan Ferguson

    Six firearms go head-to-head in this week's episode, as Forgotten Weapon's Ian McCollum and our very own Keeper of Firearms & Artillery Jonathan Ferguson battle it out to prove they can find the slightly weirder firearms in our collection.

    If you had free rein in the National Firearms Centre, which weapons would you pick? Let us know in the comments.

    0:00 Intro
    0:20 Rules of the Game
    1:06 Cue Montage
    1:25 Round 1: Primary Weapon
    1:40 Charlton Automatic Rifle
    5:07 Sterling Rifle
    6:55 Round 2: Sidearm
    7:20 Schwarzlose Model 1898
    9:40 Mars .45 Automatic Pistol
    12:50 Round 3: Secondary Weapon
    13:51 SA80
    14:35 Did Someone Say Book?
    14:52 SA80 Continued
    20:15 BSA Machine Carbine
    26:05 Conclusion
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 10.4.2024 18:31  34264

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