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    Video Alova prototypového samopalu
    Early Automatic Pistol Cartridges - What, When & Why?

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    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 3.7.2024 23:02 - Klub SPANKING (19:11) 34342
    Amen to that!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 3.7.2024 17:13  34341
    ocs [34339]: Furt je co objevovat...
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 3.7.2024 17:12  34340
    Landstad 1900: A True Semiautomatic Revolver
    Headstamp Publishing - the best publisher of exhaustively researched and beautifully photographed firearms reference books.

    The Landstad Model 1900 is a magazine-fed, semiautomatic revolver designed by Norwegian Halvard Folkestad Landstad, who lived in Kristiana (now called Oslo). He designed the gun on his own dime, and presented it to military trials in 1901, which it failed miserably. The gun has a six-round detachable box magazine of 7.5mm Nagant cartridges, a two-chamber cylinder, and a simple blowback action. Its firing cycle is to chamber a round from the magazine into the bottom cylinder chamber by manually cycling the action. The trigger is a long double-action type which rotates the cylinder 180 degrees so the cartridge is in line with the barrel and releases the striker to fire the round. Upon firing, the bolt cycles open, extracting and ejecting the empty case, rechecking the striker, and chambering a new round from the magazine into the bottom of the cylinder.

    The purpose of this overly complex system was to provide a semiauto action which did not ever leave a live cartridge under the striker, in the name of safety. Only one example was made, and its bolt broke after just 5 or 6 rounds fired. It was repaired almost immediately, but the Norwegian military had was not interested in further development, and nothing more came of the program. A few years later in 1908 Norway would institute a more serious semiauto pistol trials program which led to adoption of the Kongsberg 1914 (a slightly modified Colt 1911).

    Thanks to Jan for allowing me to disassemble and film this one-of-a-kind piece for you!

    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 2.7.2024 23:25 - Klub SPANKING (19:11) 34339
    (Tak tyhle Beltonky jsem opravdu neznal. Dík!!!)
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 1.7.2024 19:49  34338
    Belton Repeating Flintlock: A Semiautomatic Rifle in 1785

    In 1785, Joseph Belton (an American inventor) and William Jover (an English gunmaker) sold 560 repeating flintlock rifles to the British East India Company. The guns were a very remarkable design which used a detachable magazine tube of 7 rounds stacked in series with a seven sequential touch holes. When the first round was fired, the flintlock ignited a piece of "portfire" slow match that would burn for about one minute. Pulling the trigger would move the portfire rearward one touch hole at a time, firing each in sequence as long as it remained burning. In this way, Belton advertised the gun as being able to fire 21 rounds in a single minute (using three preloaded magazine tubes). If the portfire burned out, it could be replaced and the flintlock reprimed and recocked. This was a truly impressive technological feat in 1785!

    Belton had been working on firearms designs since 1758, and he actually got an order for 100 roman-candle-type repeaters from the American Continental Congress in 1777 - but there were pricing disputes and the order was never fulfilled. The British military examined the guns, but declined to purchase any. The 560 guns made for the East India Company (200 muskets, 160 carbines, and 100 pairs of pistols) were shipped from England in 1786, half to Madras and half to Bengal. Unfortunately, no further record of their performance has been found and we don't know how well they worked in practice. This example is one of the muskets, with a .665" bore and a 39 inch barrel.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 29.6.2024 19:58  34337
    How does a rifle works | henry lever action rifle

    *Understanding the Lever-Action Mechanism:*
    The lever-action rifle, a symbol of the American West, is operated by a lever located around the trigger guard. When the lever is cycled, it moves the bolt backward, extracting the spent cartridge and then forward, chambering a fresh round from the magazine⁴. This action is smooth and allows for rapid firing compared to other manual loading methods.

    *The Evolution of Winchester Firearms:*
    Winchester's history is marked by innovation and adaptation. The Model 1873, often referred to as "The Gun that Won the West," was one of the most successful rifles of its day, originally chambered for the .44-40 cartridge¹. Over the years, Winchester has continued to innovate, introducing models like the 1895, which featured a box magazine allowing the use of military and hunting cartridges with spitzer bullets².
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 29.6.2024 13:34  34336
    Animace How a Gatling Gun Works

    Wikipedia: The Gatling gun is a rapid-firing multiple-barrel firearm invented in 1861 by Richard Jordan Gatling. It is an early machine gun and a forerunner of the modern electric motor-driven rotary cannon.

    The Gatling gun's operation centered on a cyclic multi-barrel design which facilitated cooling and synchronized the firing-reloading sequence. As the hand wheel is cranked, the barrels rotate and each barrel sequentially loads a single cartridge from a top-mounted magazine, fires off the shot when it reaches a set position (usually at 4 o'clock), then ejects the spent casing out of the left side at the bottom, after which the barrel is empty and allowed to cool until rotated back to the top position and gravity-fed another new round. This configuration eliminated the need for a single reciprocating bolt design and allowed higher rates of fire to be achieved without the barrels overheating quickly.

    One of the best-known early rapid-fire firearms, the Gatling gun saw occasional use by the Union forces during the American Civil War, which was the first time it was employed in combat. It was later used in numerous military conflicts, including the Boshin War, the Anglo-Zulu War and the assault on San Juan Hill during the Spanish–American War. It was also used by the Pennsylvania militia in episodes of the Great Railroad Strike of 1877, specifically in Pittsburgh. Gatling guns were even mounted aboard ships.

    Type Rapid-fire gun, hand cranked Machine gun
    Place of origin United States
    Service history
    In service 1862–1911
    Used by United States
    Russian Empire
    British Empire
    Empire of Japan
    Qing Empire
    Siam Empire
    Korean Empire
    Tokugawa Shogunate
    Wars American Civil War
    Anglo-Zulu War
    Indian Wars
    Spanish–American War
    Philippine–American War
    Boxer Rebellion
    War of the Pacific
    Boshin War
    Production history
    Designer Richard Jordan Gatling
    Designed 1861
    Manufacturer Eagle Iron Works
    Cooper Firearms Manufacturing Company
    Colt Manufacturing Company
    American Ordnance Company
    Produced 1862-1903
    Mass 170 lb (77.2 kg)[1]
    Length 42.5 in (1,079 mm)
    Barrel length 26.5 in (673 mm)
    Crew Four-man crew
    Cartridge .30-40 Krag
    .45-70 Government
    .30-06 Springfield
    .43 Spanish
    11x60mm Mauser
    Caliber .308 inches (7.8 mm)
    Barrels 6–10
    Action Crank handle
    Rate of fire 200 rounds per minute in .58 caliber, 400-900 rounds per minute in .30 caliber
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 27.6.2024 20:15  34335
    The M9A1 Bazooka: Now With Optics and Quick Takedown

    The Bazooka - or rather the Launcher, Rocket, 2.36”, M1 - was introduced by the United States in 1942, the result of a fast development by two Army officers, Captain Leslie Skinner and Lt. Edward Uhl. The US has no infantry antitank weapon at that point, and it had become quite clear that such a thing was needed. The Bazooka offered a theoretical effective range of 300 yards, throwing a 1 pound hollow-charge projectile capable of penetrating 4 inches of armor plate. The 2.36 inch bore measurement, incidentally, was chosen as the inch equivalent of 60mm, to match the common mortar size.

    In October of 1943, an improved M9 version was introduced, using a magnet firing system instead of the unreliable batteries of the original. A followup M9A1 variant was adopted in June of 1944, which broke down into two parts for easier transportation, and the T90 optical sight was added in September of 1944. These were effective weapons against armor early in the war, but the heavier tanks introduced late in the war were too heavily armored for the Bazooka to be very effective - although it remained a valuable tool for attacking pillboxes and other fortified positions. It would continue to see extensive service in the Korean War, although its limited armor penetration was particularly acute in that conflict.

    Note that the inert M6 rocket in the video is not being sold with the Bazooka.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 26.6.2024 20:24  34334
    Double-barrelled Flare Gun: The Nambu Type 90, with Firearms Expert Jonathan Ferguson
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 26.6.2024 19:28  34333
    CZ Bren 2 MS: The Civilian Version of a Modern Combat Rifle

    CZ's Bren 2 is one of the more successful recently developed military service rifles, having been adopted by the Czech Republic and Hungary, as well as entering licensed production in Ukraine. The semiauto Bren 2 MS is a fine rifle on its own merits, but also offers an opportunity to build a near-perfect clone of a current service rifle. This used to be possible with imported rifles before 1989, and is seeing a bit of a revival these days with companies having domestic American manufacturing facilities.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 25.6.2024 22:15  34332
    Panzerschreck: Germany Makes a Bazooka

    The German military first encountered American Bazookas in Tunisia in 1943, and quickly put in place a program to copy and improve on the design. At that point, the latest German antitank weapons was the Raketenwerfer 43 “Puppchen”, which was a locked-breech rocket launcher built on a carriage like a standard AT gun. It had a substantial range and a very effective 88mm shaped charge warhead, but lacked the one-man mobility offered by the Bazooka. So, the Raketenpanzerbuchse 43 - shortly thereafter renamed the Panzerschreck - was developed in late 1943.

    The Panzerschreck kept the 88mm bore of the Puppchen, so that the warhead could be kept unchanged. The rear half of the munition was redesigned to fit an open tube type of launcher. The early Bazookas captured by German forces were at that time fitted with a battery-powered firing system, which the Germans opted to replace (as would the Americans, in later versions). The Panzerschreck trigger used a small generator, where a heavy spring pushed an iron core through a copper winding and magnet, this creating an electrical charge to fire the rocket.

    One shortcoming of the Panzerschreck compared to the Bazooka was that the German rockets did not burn completely within the launch tube - the motors continued to fire for about the first 2 meters of flight. This meant that the shooter would receive substantial burns to the face and hands if protective gear was not worn when firing. Initially, troops were instructed to wear filter-less gas masks and winter gloves when shooting, but it was quickly recognized that this was an impractical burden. Soldiers in the field began to craft protective shields to mount on the tubes, and these were formalized in a windowed shield was introduced in 1944 as standard on new production launchers and as a kit to retrofit existing weapons in the field.
    taipan taipan Pozor, kouše! - Nedráždit jedovaté hady! 25.6.2024 13:30  34331
    Mně se od začátku zdálo dost divný, že by Fico přežil, a dokonce několik zásahů. Ten článek dává smysl. Myslím si, že kdyby to jednou koupil standardní devítkou polopláštěm do břicha, je po něm.
    puschpull puschpull být nad věcí, pohoda a klid ... - AV-Com (Homepage) 25.6.2024 12:47 - Oblíbené kluby (19:24) 34330
    ?Fico by ostrú ranu do brucha CZ 75 B neprežil. Čo sa stalo na námestí baníkov v Handlovej naozaj ? - Peter Bolebruch - (
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 24.6.2024 17:07  34329
    The Kriss Vector .45 - Grease Gun on Crack

    In the video we take a look at the Kriss Vector in .45 ACP, and what makes it tick.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 24.6.2024 15:57  34328
    PAM-2: Argentina's Improved 9mm Grease Gun

    The Argentine factory FMAP-DGFM was first set up to produce a copy of the Colt 1911, and in 1954 they began production of the PAM-1 (after demonstration of the first prototype in 1950). The PAM-1 was a copy of the American M3A1 "Grease Gun" chambered for 9x19mm Parabellum. Production ran until 1961, at which point the factory switched to production of the new FAL rifle for Argentine forces. By that time, about 33,000 had been produced.

    Almost as soon as production ceased a process of conversion and upgrade began, creating the PAM-2. This involved adding a grip safety lever to the back of the magazine well. This prevented the gun from being cocked or fired, and it was most likely done to prevent cases of the guns firing when dropped. About half of the total production was converted to the new configuration, and a second small batch of about 1,100 PAM-2s were manufactured to this pattern in 1969. Most of the examples outside Argentina are PAM-2 conversions, as they were captured by British forces in the Falklands.

    By the 1970s, the PM-3 had been officially replaced with the PAM-3, better known as the FMK submachine gun. The Grease Guns remained in service alongside the FMKs until the 1990s, however.

    Many thanks to the Royal Armouries for allowing me to film and disassemble this rare submachine gun! The NFC collection there - perhaps the best military small arms collection in Western Europe - is available by appointment to researchers:

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