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    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 27.7.2024 22:26  34365
    Enjoying Black Powder Episode 3: The Martini-Henry MkIV

    Black powder military rifles of the 1860s-1880s are a really enjoyable group of guns. A lot of them are relatively reasonably priced, and they are actually pretty easy to reload for. The unavailability of factory ammunition (for most, although not so much for the Trapdoor) makes them seem like a daunting prospect, but for a pretty simple investment in tools and time one can make up ammunition and have a lot of fun with rifles like this.

    That's the idea behind a new series here on black powder military rifles. Each month, my friend - and handloader - Tom and I will take out a different model to have some fun at the range and compare how they handle. And then we will show you how to make the ammunition for them. So grab your pith helmet, pause "Zulu" and join us! Today is Episode Three: the Martini-Henry MkIV!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 24.7.2024 23:02  34364
    Wooden BULLETS in Wehrmacht troops. The secret is revealed!? WW2 documentary.

    Even at the very beginning of the war, it was known that the Germans were armed with cartridges with wooden bullets, which are used in certain conditions. There were several types of German cartridges with a wooden bullet. Today we will figure out why German troops used it during WW2.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 24.7.2024 19:45  34360
    MAGAL: A Galil in .30 Carbine for the Israeli Police

    In the early 1990s, Israeli Military Industries (IMI) developed the Galil MAR (Micro Assault Rifle) and the MAGAL at the same time. Both were intended to be very compact rifles, with the MAR in 5.56mm and the MAGAL specifically for police in .30 Carbine. The MAGAL offered the same handling and ergonomics as the regular Galil family, but with a reduced-power cartridge and only semiautomatic operation for better police suitability.

    Mechanically, the MAGAL uses a totally standard Galil receiver and bolt carrier, with a bolt face made slightly smaller to fit the .30 Carbine case and the gas piston shortened slightly. A magazine well insert is permanently fitted, using M2 Carbine magazines modified to have an AR-style bolt hold-open (which also reduces their capacity to 27 rounds). It is a gas-operated action, not a blowback conversion.

    The MAGAL was tested by Israeli police in 1999, and the guns had some problems. They were never able to get quite as reliable as everyone wanted, and ultimately the police acquired 4,000 of them but decided not to adopted to a wider scale. Attempts were made to market the gun internationally, but not many were sold and total production was only about 6,000.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 22.7.2024 17:59  34359
    OTs-14 Groza: Russia's Over-Hyped 9x39mm Spetznaz Bullpup

    All the best firearms history channels streaming to all major devices:

    The 9x39mm cartridge was introduced in the final days of the Soviet Union as a subsonic round intended specifically for suppressed weapons. The first weapons developed for it were the AS Val and VSS Vintorez. These were followed in the early 1990s by the OTs-14 "Groza", developed by Valery Tells and Yuri Lebedev at Tula. The concept was for a modular multi-purpose rifle which could be assembled on a mission-by-mission basis by special forces or police troops as required. The complete load out included a short barrel with vertical front grip, a longer barrel, an under barrel grenade launcher, and a telescopic sight. The base gun was an AKS-74U ("Krinkov") converted to 9x39mm. Only a few hundred were ever made, all of them converted from AKS-74U rifles rather than being built from scratch.

    The Groza is an exotic and highly touted rifle in the west because it is extremely rare, but it was not really well liked by those who actually used it. It cannot be fired left-handed, it blows a lot of gas into the shooter's face when used suppressed, and its controls are rather awkward to use. the lofty original plan was to produce it in 9x39 for Spetznaz, 5.45 for the Russian Army, and 5.56mm NATO and 7.62x39mm for export sales. In fact, only the 9x39mm version was made and production took place only in 1994 and 1995.

    Many thanks to the Royal Armouries for allowing me to film and disassemble this rifle! The NFC collection there - perhaps the best military small arms collection in Western Europe - is available by appointment to researchers:
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 20.7.2024 22:21  34358
    progun [34357]: Doufám že Alovu sbírku převzal jeho zeť, on k těm zbraním tak nějak vedl.
    progun progun 20.7.2024 19:48  34357
    Je něco nového? V kontaktu s Alovou rodinou asi nikdo není a neví se, jak to je s jeho sbírkou? Co Sven a jeho patent, už to střílí?
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 19.7.2024 20:12  34356
    Nova Modul CTS9: a 9mm AK Upgraded for Competition

    The CTS9 (Competition Tactical Shooting) is a 9x19mm AK variant made by Nova Modul in Romania. Specifically, in Cugir Romania - the same town that houses the massive small arms factory complex that made millions of small arms during the communist era. Nova Modul, despite being in the same city, is a much more recent privately-owned company that began as a machine shop specializing in making complex gears (such as those used for vehicle transmissions). They got into the small arms field initially making drum magazines for the AK for export, and then ended up creating a full line of tools to produce their own complete AKs. They currently supply a number of US importers with pistols and parts kits.

    One of Nova Modul's employees recognized an opportunity to use the large volume US export production to also produce a competition-focused version for the Romanian sport shooting community. They took the basic 9mm AK platform (design for CZ Skorpion magazines) and added a good optics mount on the top cover, a large flared magazine well, and a bolt hold open and release control to the left side of the receiver. This became the CTS9, and it is a pretty affordable domestic option for Romanian shooters. The possibility is certainly open to US export, but we will have to see if it can be cost-competitive against the other options currently available in the US.

    Many thanks to Strategic Defense SRL in Târgoviște, Romania for giving me access to their shop and inventory for filming! Also to ANCA, the Romanian collectors' association for arranging my trip and Nova Modul for letting me tour their facility.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 19.7.2024 01:30  34355
    The 458 Win Mag M1 Garand (The Legends Are True !!!)
    In today’s video we have some fun with the legendary 458 Win Mag M1 Garand! I hope you enjoy the video and thanks for watching!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 17.7.2024 19:36  34354
    Colt Service Model Ace: Carbine Williams Makes a .22 1911

    "Carbine Williams", aka David Marshall Williams, has a reputation as the designer of the M1 Carbine, and a very colorful history. He was a moonshiner who pled guilty to second degree murder of a sheriff's deputy and served time in prison. He gained a reputation as a gunsmith in prison, fixing the department's guns in the prison shop, and was eventually allowed to work on his own firearms designs. Eventually released, he patented a design for a gas tappet system. The system was used for the M1 Carbine (that was really the extent of his contribution to that design) and a related "floating chamber" system was used in a .22 rimfire conversion of the 1911 pistol and the M1919 Browning machine gun.

    The Colt Service Model Ace used William's floating chamber concept to improve their previous Colt Ace .22 1911 conversion. The first prototypes were ready in 1932, and production ran from 1935 until 1945 (plus a reintroduction from 1978-1982). Most sales went to the US military, which bought 13,808 complete pistols and a bit more than 2,000 conversion kits. They were used for marksmanship training, as .22 rimfire ranges could be built in many more places than ones safe for full-power .45 ACP.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 13.7.2024 23:36  34353
    Most Ridiculously OP Handguns of All Time

    Discover the world's most powerful and unconventional handguns in this thrilling video! From two bore pistols to rocket ammo Gyrojets and double-barreled 1911s, explore the history, mechanics, and sheer firepower of these legendary weapons.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 13.7.2024 18:25  34352
    Custom DeLisle: A .45ACP Mini-Mauser in Classic Sporting Lines

    Today we are checking out a bespoke gunsmith's project; a DeLisle-inspired .45ACP Mauser built by Lars Rannstad Slang of Oslo. Using a commercial small-ring Mauser action, he fabricated a new bolt head, trigger guard, follower, and large aluminum mono-core suppressor to built a rifle that functions like a classic SOE DeLisle silenced carbine but with the aesthetics of a classy 1920s sporting rifle. It feeds from 5-round stripper clips, with an internal magazine instead of the original detachable magazine configuration of the DeLisle.

    Thanks to Lars for giving me a chance to do some shooting with this awesome unique piece! You can follow all his projects on Instagram:
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 12.7.2024 18:41  34351
    Cugir Model 92 "Dragana" Mauser: Hunting Rifles From MG34s

    With the fall of communism in Romania, the Cugir Arsenal complex lost its government financial support. Looking for commercial products to sell to keeps its workers employed, the factory turned to producing hunting rifles for the domestic Romanian market. This was possible because the factory had a stock of spare parts for maintaining the older weapons of the Romanian Patriotic Guards (equivalent to a territorial home guard). These included vz.24 Mausers and MG34 machine guns.

    The Model 92 was a rifle built on a vz.24 Mauser action. The first 500 or so were chambered for 7.92x57mm Mauser, using turned-down spare MG34 barrels. When these barrels were exhausted, Mauser barrels were used instead and chambered for .30-06. A few thousand in total were made between 1992 and 1996, and remained available for sale into the late 2000s. The fancier versions have features like double set triggers and Cugir-made telescopic sights. This particular example was given as a gift to the Romanian Prime Minister in 2006.

    Thanks to MP Armory and A.N.C.A., the Romanian national firearms collectors' association, for making this video possible!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 10.7.2024 17:05  34350
    FN M249S Semiauto for Military Collectors

    In 2015, FN USA introduced a Military Collector product line - semiautomatic versions of their military contract small arms. These were the M4, M16, and - most interestingly - the M249 SAW. The SAW is a version of FN's Minimi light machine gun, developed in 1974 and adopted by the US in 1982. The semiauto version, designated M249S, is exactly the same as the military M249 but adapted to fire from a closed bolt in semiautomatic only, making it a non-NFA item like any other semiautomatic rifle. The semiauto conversion as done by essentially chopping off the back of the bolt carrier to act as a linear hammer, thus allowing the use of the original style of trigger mechanism. Since its introduction in 2016, FN USA has made more than 10,000 of these rifles, truly proving the depth of American collector interest in this sort of thing (much to the surprise of the Belgian FN administration...).
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 8.7.2024 17:51  34349
    Wieger 942: East Germany Makes a 5.56mm AK

    East Germany purchased a license for production of the AK-74 in 1981, but that license was for domestic use only. There was an apparent market for export production AKs in the western 5.56mm cartridge, and so the East Germans developed their own new rifle to fill that demand and bring in some much-desired hard currency. That new project would be designated the 940 series of rifles, with fixed-stock 941, folding stock 942 (the subject of this video), compact carbine 943, squad automatic 944, and designated marksman's 945. Development began in 1985 and the first prototypes were ready in 1988. The plan was to make 100,000 rifles the first year and 200,000 per year thereafter, but the fall of the Berlin Wall ended those (very optimistic) plans.

    In total, it appears that about 10,000 of the Wieger (named after the town of Weiss, where they were manufactured) rifles were made. These consisted of about 7500 model 941 rifles for India and about 2000 folding-stocked 942 rifles for Peru. The last ones were sold in 1992, and they are quite scarce to find today.

    Interestingly, there is a batch of clones in the United States. The InterOrdnance company produced reproduction Wieger furniture, and installed it on a version of the Cugir SAR-3 5.56mm AK rifles made specifically for this purpose. Those are a bit scarce, but can still be found in the US.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 7.7.2024 13:00  34348
    Mendoza 1934: Mexico's Domestic LMG

    Rafael Mendoza was Mexico’s premier domestic arms designer, and the Model 1934 LMG is probably his most successful design. He began work on it in 1929, and it entered testing with the Mexican Army in 1932. It was formally accepted by the Mexican Army in 1934 (hence the designation) and would serve into the mid 1950s. Mendoza was a private civilian, but production of the gun took place in the state-owned National Arms Factory in Mexico City, with Mendoza himself receiving no royalty or licensing fees. Instead, his company was given a contract to make the magazines for the guns.

    Mechanically speaking, the Mendoza 1934 is a gas-operated, rotating bolt, magazine-fed LMG chambered for 7mm Mauser (the standard Mexican military cartridge at that time). Production actually began in 1939, and would continue into the 1950s with about 5,000 made in total. The main purchaser was the Mexican military, but some were also exported to Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Cuba (both Batista and Castro). With he end of World War Two, there was a huge glut of American surplus arms, and Mexico adopted the BAR and the Browning 1919, which replaced the Mendoza in Mexican front line service.

    If you are interested in more details about the Mendoza 1934 or any of Rafael Mendoza’s other designs, I highly recommend Luis Eduardo Gonzales’ book on Mendoza, available in English in both print and Kindle versions:

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