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Klub Zbrane [ŽP: 24 týdnů] (kategorie Věda a Technika) moderují Al, El_Diablo, ocs, themajkl.
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    Early Automatic Pistol Cartridges - What, When & Why?

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    taipan taipan Pozor, kouše! - Nedráždit jedovaté hady! 27.2.2025 08:29  34892
    Není. Stahovalo se to 8 vteřin, no problem. Takový věci (takový velikosti) je vždycky lepší uložit ke stažení někam na server, než to zkoušet nějak separátně posílat.
    sven Sven ukaž člověku smrt a smíří se s horečkou 27.2.2025 02:24  34891
    Ale opravdu o hodně rychlejší je to poslat přes VOCAP, tam to trvá cca 15 vteřin.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 26.2.2025 14:28  34889
    Estonian Snipers: Enfields in 7.62x54R and Arisakas in .303 British

    In the early 1930s, the Estonian military and Estonia Defense League had a rather eclectic mix of small arms. The Army had three divisions, and split different types of weapons between them to simplify logistics. Thus, there was one division equipped with rifles and machine guns in 7.62x54R, and another with .303 British. For sniper/marksman rifles, the Army was heavily influenced by the civilian shooting community (which was also heavily represented in the Defense League). Estonian teams were very successful in international competition in the 1930s, and they used military-caliber rifles with sporterized stocks, diopter sights, and very heave barrels. And so that is what the Army and Defense League adopted, with the Tallinn Arsenal producing new barrels and sights and assembling the rifles.

    Specifically today, we have a P14 Enfield that has been converted to 7.62x54R, and a Type 38 Arisaka converted to .303 British. Both have 24mm in diameter barrels (adopted after the initial batch of 27mm barrels proved really a bit too heavy), Tallinn-made sights, and pistol grips spliced into their stocks. Not much data exists about these rifles, but we do know that their production ran from 1931 until World War Two, and in 1939 the total number in military inventory (combined between the army, Defense League, and Border Guards) was 1,170. Today they are extremely rare - these are the only two examples I have seen, and they were both discovered hidden in homes that were being renovated.

    Many thanks to the Estonian War Museum for allowing me to take this one out of their display to film for you. If you find yourself in Tallinn, definitely take time to stop by and check them out! Hours and rotating exhibits are available on their web site:
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 24.2.2025 18:46  34888
    A Beautiful Factory Semiauto SIG MKPO

    During the 1930s, SIG Neuhausen made a series of really beautiful submachine guns. They were the MK series, offered in either 500mm / 19.7 inch barrels for military use or 300mm / 11.8 inch for police use. The first pattern was the MK-O, which had a rate-reducing system built into the action (which looks initially much like a delayed blowback system but isn't). These proved too expensive, and a simplified plain high rate of fire model was introduced, the MK-S.

    This example is a very rare factory semiautomatic model purchased and imported by Sam Cummings. The vast majority of the MK guns were fully automatic, but semiauto was a factory option, as police use was one of the intended markets.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 22.2.2025 20:46  34887
    Enjoying Black Powder Episode 8: Mauser 71/84

    Black powder military rifles of the 1860s-1880s are a really enjoyable group of guns. A lot of them are relatively reasonably priced, and they are actually pretty easy to reload for. The unavailability of factory ammunition (for most, although not so much for the Trapdoor) makes them seem like a daunting prospect, but for a pretty simple investment in tools and time one can make up ammunition and have a lot of fun with rifles like this.

    That's the idea behind a new series here on black powder military rifles. Each month, my friend - and handloader - Tom and I will take out a different model to have some fun at the range and compare how they handle. And then we will show you how to make the ammunition for them. So grab your pickelhaube, pause "Zulu" and join us! Today is Episode Eight: Mauser 71/84!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 21.2.2025 23:37  34886
    Finland's Next Service Rifle (Mostly): Sako ARG S 40

    Finland and Sweden are both in the process of adopting AR-pattern rifles, and for the Finns this will be their first service rifle in 5.56mm NATO. It is a transition that has been anticipated for nearly 20 years, but was finally put into high gear by the Russian invasion of Ukraine and Finland's entrance into NATO. The exact pattern of the new service rifle is being determined through testing (it may be DI or a short-stroke piston; we don't know yet) but the National Defence Training Association of Finland (MPK) has chosen and purchased the ARG S 40 as it's new rifle for reservist training. This is the much-anticipated AR pattern rifle manufactured by Sako, which won Finnish military tests.

    As acquired by the MPK, the rifle is semiautomatic only, chambered for standard 5.56mm NATO, direct impingement, and features fully ambidextrous controls, collapsing Magpul stock, heavy 16.1" barrel, and M-lok handguard. The military rifles will of course be select-fire and will have some different details, but this is my first look at the general AR pattern from Sako. Overall it handles quite well, and I think it makes a lot of sense for Finland's needs.

    Many thanks to the MPK for giving me a chance to film this example, and for providing these rifles as stage guns for shooting at Varusteleka's Finnish Brutality 2025!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 20.2.2025 02:13  34885
    The Burton Breechloading Rifle with firearms expert Jonathan Ferguson

    In today's episode we showcase two rifle's that participated in 19th century British weapon trials that form the origins of the adoption of the Martini-Henry.

    Fun fact: James Henry Burton's son Frank went on to design the Burton Machine Rifle now at the Cody Firearms Museum -

    0:00 Intro
    0:15 Burton Breechloading Rifle
    0:30 19th Century Weapon Trials
    1:40 Burton. No:1 Details
    4:15 James Henry Burton History
    10:15 No:1 Breech Mechanism
    12:30 Cody Firearms Museums' No:0
    14:36 Burton. No:2
    17:05 Further Reading
    17:45 Trials Criteria
    20:16 Improved Bolt-Action
    21:00 Martini-Henry, Shaken Not Stirred.
    21:20 Burton's Legacy
    22:55 Outro
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 20.2.2025 01:45  34884
    An Edwardian SA80? Thorneycroft First Pattern with Firearms Expert Jonathan Ferguson

    Today's episode is an interesting one... you could almost... write a book about it.

    In other news - we're taking part in a Call of Duty livestream against the Cody Firearms Museum in a 3v3 for each museum to defend their gaming honour. And to hopefully raise a few donations from you lovely viewers too. Keep your eyes peeled for March 14th.

    0:00 Intro
    1:34 The Gamwell Rifle
    2:15 Thorneycroft First Pattern Rifle
    4:50 Why a Bullpup?
    7:13 Bayonet
    8:40 Sights
    9:10 Other Features
    10:02 Big ol' Slope
    13:00 Other Features Continued
    16:00 Bolt
    17:15 Firearm History
    18:50 Comparison with Lee-Metford
    20:00 The Final Boss: SMLE
    21:35 Gamwell Rifle Continued
    22:35 Outro
    22:45 CoD Livestream
    23:40 Dave's EXP
    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 17.2.2025 05:24  34883
    (Před chvílí jsem se zrovna zachoval nemoderně, nepokrokově, nedemokraticky a krajně neprogresivně. Tak mi držte palce, ať mne za to ten Báječný nový svět moc nesemele... dík!)
    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 17.2.2025 01:06  34882
    To je nás víc. Já jsem sice o něco mladší, ale zas mne asi ten současný demokratický Báječný nový svět víc sere.

    Mně (stejně jako panu TG, jak to tam psal) šlo hlavně o to, aby co nejvíce poslanců slyšelo z co nejvíce stran „Hej, tohle je fakt potřeba podpořit!“ Takže pokud snad náhodou někdo z přítomných má komu napsat/zavolat/whatever s nadějí tomu nějak pomoci...

    sven Sven ukaž člověku smrt a smíří se s horečkou 17.2.2025 00:44  34881
    OCS, 666Ohledně pana Nachera - držím palce, ale vzhledem ke svému věku už nemám žádné ambice zúčastňovat se veřejného dění...., smutné, ale holý fakt...
    sven Sven ukaž člověku smrt a smíří se s horečkou 17.2.2025 00:03  34880
    ...40-50 let...
    sven Sven ukaž člověku smrt a smíří se s horečkou 16.2.2025 23:47  34879
    klínová závěr se u automatických PĚCHOTNÍCH zbraní hned tak nevidí!!!!
    sven Sven ukaž člověku smrt a smíří se s horečkou 16.2.2025 23:45  34878
    Korobov TKB-22
    Celkově se mi ruská škola hodně zamlouvá, přijde mi. že za posledních 40-5 let je ta nejprogresivnější na celém světě - včetně jejich řady AEK...
    sven Sven ukaž člověku smrt a smíří se s horečkou 16.2.2025 22:52  34876
    studie bullpupu
    Vytvořeno cca před 5-ti lety, kvůli plynulému podávání níbojů ze zásobníku do komory, když se hlaveň během cyklu výstřelu pohybuje sem a tam - pro jistotu až 20 mm ( stačilo by 7 mm ).

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