A ještě:
"The web browser is almost always going to be a user's first impression of Ubuntu. Firefox, the current default web browser, is also the only application in the default installation to present a EULA on first start. It feels invasive to me, and a little frightening: I'm not used to being required to read legal text in order to use applications included with Ubuntu."
"There is no need for this legalese or EULA, I'd go as far that requiring one violates the GPL and LGPL Firefox is licensed under since it adds additional restrictions. If we can't redistribute firefox without this EULA, then I believe firefox must be debranded and removed from main, this is simply not acceptable."
To jen pro ilustraci, proč to některým zásadovějším lidem vadí. Ne každý je zkrátka ochoten mávnout rukou nad tím, když se setká s něčím, co jde proti jeho přesvědčení... |