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Klub Twin Peaks [ŽP: 4 týdny] (kategorie Televize) moderují Proxima, chip.

Twin Peaks od 03.12.2012 CBS Drama 21:50

Popis dílů (v angličtině)
Twin Peaks - třetí sezóna - fan fiction.
Twin Peaks Gazette
Twin Peaks Brewing Co.
Twin Peaks Online

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Poslední aktualizace k ID 1187.

TV premiéra v USA 8.4.1990 (ABC). V ČR 24.9.1993 (ČT2).
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misa Misa Záviďte mi - máte proč :o) 5.9.2017 12:44  575
g.o.d [569]: tahle verze se mi taky líbí víc. I když s tím vytvářením realit to tam bere nějak hákem, hlavně autorství těch realit mi přijde nepodložené ničím moc.

Mirak_ [573]: Coop po projetí "portálem" byl určitě o dost jiný, to spojení těch dvou vypadá jako vysvětlení co jde vzít celkem.
misa Misa Záviďte mi - máte proč :o) 5.9.2017 12:33  574
fotografo [571]: jo tohle trochu skřípe :-)
mirak_ Mirak_ - New shoes 5.9.2017 12:33  573
S tím co postoval g.o.d. souhlasím, protože většinu z toho jsem si myslel a autor tam doplnil pár pěkných detailů, které mě původně nenapadly.

Např. to spojení Coopa s doppelgangerem možná pěkně ilustruje scéna v restauraci. Takhle brutálně by ty vidláky Coop imo nikdy nezřídil.
fotografo fotografo 5.9.2017 12:23  572
g.o.d [569]: To uz zni docela rozumne.
fotografo fotografo 5.9.2017 12:20  571
Misa [568]: To je hodne ujety. Kdyz bude naka zenska dost crazy na to, aby odjela daleeko s cizincem, ktery se ji snazi presvedcit, ze je naka Laura Palmer, tak urcite nebude rvat jak silena, kdyz se ji zepta, co je za rok". :)
mirak_ Mirak_ - New shoes 5.9.2017 11:53  570
MisaTo je moc shaymalanovský, nelíbí se mi to.

V nové realitě, kterou Coop vytvořil mají holt všichni jiný jméno.
g_o_d g.o.d 5.9.2017 09:59  569
tohle se mi líbí
misa Misa Záviďte mi - máte proč :o) 5.9.2017 09:48  568
A jedna zajímavá teorie z komentáře na YT... no, nelíbí se mi, ale docela to sedí :)

- cooper is a guy named richard and he is schizophrenic
- thinks he is a fbi agent
- completely loses it after his affair Linda leaves him because she saw he was going crazy.
- His onset in the end of the 18th episode, he convinces a random woman to go to a town with him
- all the surreal things are happening in real world, our world just like mulholland
- when Richard (Cooper) asks what year is this, Carrie (Laura) screams cos she finally understands he went to another town with a crazy man she screams from the fear of the realization that she is trapped in a distant town with a crazy who convinced her he was fbi. (yeah I heard that lueuauaua thing, in my interpretation it could be anything from someone on the street shouting something else to an audial illusion of richard, she didnt react to that name when richard said it 3 times which tells me enough, of course any interpretation is valid, this is just mine)
- think about it, he saw a dead man in Carrie's house and she didnt even bat an eye; cos it wasn't there... he sees and hears things, schizophrenic
- she didnt react to sarah as in "wow that rings a bell", she reacts as in, "what a fucked guy on my doorstep"
- the last scene was a prequel to the whole series
- he does those things and then in the mental asylum thinks about all the series in his head that's what one armed means by is this past or future
- he is just a rich guy who lost his mind
- thats why Linda leaves him, cos he is turning crazy.
- he suffers from multiple personality disorder, that is why everyone has two sides in the series, tulpas..
- remember, the bad cooper killing richard at the rock? with the wrong coordinates?
- R I C H A R D
- thats him killing his normal personality, and creating cooper
- maybe the only objective sequence we saw in the whole series 25 years was the ending of the last one, as we did in mulholland drive. But even in that we saw him seeing the dead man and hearing Lelands voice.
- constant electricity is him getting ECT in the asylum. a big part of such patient's life * I worked with mental patients and this is a very well done story into the mind of a schizophrenic multiple personality, the whole series is in his mind. He thinks he is an FBI agent saving the world, which is surprisingly very common for schizos to think. Yes its all the dream of a multiple personality schizo in the hospital getting ECT, hence all the paranormal occurrences are his visions in an otherwise normal world.
knedle knedle online - Krabice živých 5.9.2017 07:54  567
imho to cooper to rozbil
misa Misa Záviďte mi - máte proč :o) 5.9.2017 07:54  566
Btw. zajímavý hint ohledně Judy:

There is the explanation about Judy. Gordon Cole said the original name is Jiao Dao. That is a Chinese mandarin word. And it means "to explain." Lynch is saying explanation is the ultimate evil. "We don't want to talk about Judy". And "You don't ever want to know about that"
puschpull puschpull být nad věcí, pohoda a klid ... - AV-Com (Homepage) 5.9.2017 07:47 - Oblíbené kluby (10:32) 565
pochopil někdo ten konec? :-)No jo, filmy od Lynche! :-))
(17. a 18. jsem ještě něviděl, raději sem nyní nebudu vůbec koukat ...)
misa Misa Záviďte mi - máte proč :o) 5.9.2017 07:44  564
Když člověk už už myslí, že se začíná chytat, uhne Lynch úplně jinam. Ehm :-)
mirak_ Mirak_ - New shoes 5.9.2017 07:21  563
Ano, 3x18 byla ve skutečnosti 4x01 :)
g_o_d g.o.d 5.9.2017 06:47  562
pochopil někdo ten konec? :-)
misa Misa Záviďte mi - máte proč :o) 2.9.2017 10:24  561
Gediman [560]: podle toho, jak vypadal Jeffries, bych čekal nějaký větší šálek :-))

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