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Klub John Williams [ŽP: 8 týdnů] (kategorie Hudba) moderuje E-Wan.
Domovská stránka aktualizována 10.9.2024 20:17

"You don't really need images to understand the story, John Williams is the greatest musical story teller of all times" - Steven Spielberg

JOHN WILLIAMS Fan Network - JWFAN  (autor: Ricard L. Befan)

The JOHN WILLIAMS Collection  (autor: Markus Hable)

The Legacy of John Williams  (autor: Maurizio Caschetto)

John Williams - Somewhere in My Memory  (autor: Émanuel Champagne)

John Williams Compositional Technique blog  (autor: Leandro Gardini)

John Williams: mistr vesmírného zvuku  (autor: Petr Kocanda)

List of compositions by John Williams  (zdroj: Wikipedia)

John Williams discography  (zdroj: Wikipedia)

John Williams bibliography  (autor: Tristan Paré-Morin)

John Williams scores - by film studio  (autor: Jason LeBlanc)

John Williams scores - by music label  (autor: Jason LeBlanc)

John Williams scores - by specialty label  (autor: Jason LeBlanc)

The John Williams Expanded Score Master Spreadsheet

The Next Matessino/Williams/Spielberg Expansion

CD vydaná od začátku roku 2020:

Far and Away (2CD set, OOP)
The River (OOP)
John Williams in Vienna (OOP)
John Williams - Live in Vienna: Deluxe Edition (CD+BluRay, OOP)
War of the Worlds (2CD set)

John Williams in Vienna - Live Edition (2CD set)
The Time Tunnel - Vol. 1 (3CD set, OOP)
Always (OOP)
A.I. Artificial Inteligence (3CD set, reissue, OOP)
The Eiger Sanction (2CD set, OOP)
Fiddler on the Roof (3CD set)

John Williams: Complete Philips Recordings (21CD box set)
John Williams: The Berlin Concert (2CD set)
John Williams: The Berlin Concert (2CD+2BluRay)
SpaceCamp (2CD set)
A Gathering of Friends
Presumed Innocent: The Deluxe Edition (OOP)
Violin Concerto No.2 & Selected Film Themes
Jurassic Park (2CD set)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (2CD set)
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (2CD set)
Amistad (2CD set)
The Fabelmans

Sabrina (2CD set)
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (OOP)
The Lost World: Jurassic Park (2CD set)
John Williams: Live in Vienna - Special Edition (2CD set)
The Legend of John Williams (20CD set)
Hook - The Ultimate Edition (3CD set)
Heidi / Jane Eyre (2CD set)

Indiana Jones: The Complete Collection (5CD box set)
The Sugarland Express
John Williams in Tokyo
John Williams in Tokyo (2CD+BluRay)

The Patriot (3CD set)

Připravované projekty (podle IMDb):

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fighter Fighter Bill Conti rulezzzzz !!! - Bill Conti's Fan Web 30.10.2023 18:39 - Odhlášení (12:43) 9153
E-Wan: Pokud ja vim (a ty informace jsem daval dohromady kvuli publikaci), tak se u nas vysilaly tyto filmy s zivou hudbou od JW:

Harry Potter a Kámen mudrců (2001), 28.1.2017, O2 Arena, Praha
Star Wars: Nová naděje (1977), 15.10.2018, O2 Arena, Praha
Dobyvatelé ztracené archy (1981), 3.4.2018, Obecní dům, Praha
Čelisti (1975), 23.1.2019, Obecní dům, Praha

O jinych nemam informace.
e_wan E-Wan - Soundtracky na prodej (update 10.9.24) 30.10.2023 18:16  9151
Film Concert Series
Nemá náhodou někdo přehled, kdy, kde a s jakým orchestrem a dirigentem se u nás poprvé promítaly filmy s Williamsovou hudbou s živým orchestrem?
Pokud se nepletu, tak se doposud promítalo těchto 15 filmů s Williamsovou hudbou s živým orchestrem (rozděleno podle společností):

CineConcerts (ofic. web):
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in Concert
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets in Concert
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in Concert

Disney Concerts (ofic. web):
Star Wars: A New Hope in Concert
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back in Concert
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi in Concert
Star Wars: The Force Awakens in Concert
Star Wars: The Last Jedi in Concert

Film Concerts Live (ofic. web):
Close Encounters of the Third Kind in Concert
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial in Concert
Home Alone in Concert
Jaws in Concert
Jurassic Park in Concert
Raiders of the Lost Ark in Concert
Superman in Concert

Nejsem si ale jist, jestli se všechny promítaly i u nás.

Předem děkuji za informace! Moc mi to pomůže!
e_wan E-Wan - Soundtracky na prodej (update 10.9.24) 30.10.2023 16:32  9150
Spielberg is currently editing a documentary centered around his longtime composer, John Williams. That’s been taking up most of his time.

Zdroj: Spielberg is Supposed to Shoot His ‘Bullitt’ Reboot Next Year
e_wan E-Wan - Soundtracky na prodej (update 10.9.24) 23.10.2023 16:26  9149
Tak tady je to celkem přehledně popsané, co konkrétně na kterém disku je:

‘The Legend of John Williams’ 20-CD Box Set to be Released on November 24
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 21.10.2023 13:43 - Oblíbené kluby (11:55) 9148
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 21.10.2023 13:28 - Oblíbené kluby (11:55) 9147
e_wan E-Wan - Soundtracky na prodej (update 10.9.24) 20.10.2023 14:39  9146
Jestli to z obrázku chápu dobře, tak to je vlastně kniha, kde jsou jednotlivé listy vlastně papírové kapsy, ve kterých jsou vložené jednotlivé CD disky. Je to tak? Pokud ano, tak to se ty CD disky poškrábou raz dva, ne? :(
To je zase jedno z takových těch rádoby luxusních balení, co sice krásně vypadají, ale jsou naprosto nepraktické. Navíc tyhle papírové kousky mají tendenci se časem rozlepovat a rozpadat. Už jsem zažil a už znovu nechci.
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 18.10.2023 10:34 - Oblíbené kluby (11:55) 9145
e_wan E-Wan - Soundtracky na prodej (update 10.9.24) 10.10.2023 16:54  9144


Lucasfilm’s Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

Comes to Physical Media December 5 with bonus features including an exclusive new score-only version of the movie!
e_wan E-Wan - Soundtracky na prodej (update 10.9.24) 8.10.2023 22:13  9142

Jinak to vypadá, že na tom 20 CD setu jsou tato původní OST alba:

Disque 4:
Cinderella Liberty
The River

Disque 5:

Disque 6:
The Eiger Sanction

Disque 7:
The Missouri Breaks

Disque 8:
Jaws 2

Disque 9:

Disque 10:
Jurassic Park

Disque 11:
Schindler's List

Disque 13:
Born on the Fourth of July (bez dobových písní)

Disque 14:
Far and Away (bez písně "Book of Days")

Disque 15:

Disque 16:
The Fury

+ na disku 18 je obsažena deluxe edice alba Across The Stars (Anne Sophie-Mutter), ale bez skladby "Markings"

No a k tomu všemu je tam prapodivný výběr různých skladeb z několika dalších Williamsových soundtracků:

Disque 3:
How to Steal a Million
Now With My Wife, You Don't

Disque 5:
The Poseidon Adventure
The Towering Inferno

Disque 6:
The Long Goodbye

Disque 7:
The Cowboys
The Man Who Loved Cat Dancing

Disque 9:

Disque 10:
Minority Report

Disque 12:
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Disque 13:

Disque 15:
Pete and Tillie
Stanley and Iris

Disque 17:
Family Plot
Black Sunday
Seven Years in Tibet
Angela's Ashes

+ je tam i několik koncertních děl (disk 19) a několik skladeb z různých kompilací (hlavně disky 1, 2 a 20)
e_wan E-Wan - Soundtracky na prodej (update 10.9.24) 8.10.2023 21:31  9141
Aha, takže na 20. disku je skladba z filmu Daddy's Gone A-Hunting, ke kterému dosud nevyšel soundtrack.
Ale úplně nevím, jestli se mi chce tuhle monstrózní kompilaci kupovat kvůli jedné jediné skladbě ;)
e_wan E-Wan - Soundtracky na prodej (update 10.9.24) 6.10.2023 17:02  9140
Tak to je slušný mišmaš! Připomíná mi to trochu jak pejsek s kočičkou dělali dort :)

Jediné z toho, co asi nevyšlo na CD je Sinfonietta for Wind Ensemble na disku 19, což ale není zrovna úplně moje oblíbená věc, takže to zatím vypadá, že tohle všechno už někdy v nějaké podobě na CD vyšlo a tudíž to asi nebude úplně pro fandy Johna Williamse.
A nebo se pletu?
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 6.10.2023 13:06 - Oblíbené kluby (11:55) 9139
Disque : 1
1 - Main Title
2 - Princess Leia
3 - The Asteroid Field
4 - The Imperial March
5 - Yoda's Theme
6 - Jabba The Hutt
7 - Luke & Leia Theme
8 - Parade Of The Ewoks
9 - The Forest Battle
10 - March
11 - Superman: Love Theme
12 - Close Encounters Of The Third Kind - Suite

Disque : 2
1 - Mission Theme: Theme from N.B.C. News
2 - If We Were In Love
3 - March from "1941"
4 - 1. At Lowood [Jane Eyre]
5 - 2. To Thornfield [Jane Eyre]
6 - 3. The Return [Jane Eyre]
7 - Liberty Fanfare
8 - America, The Dream Goes On
9 - March: Midway
10 - Balloon Sequence - Devil's Dance
11 - Olympic Fanfare And Theme
12 - Somewhere in my Memory
13 - Holiday Flight
14 - Star of Bethlehem

Disque : 3
1 Theme from Checkmate
2 Shy Youth
3 Cyanid Touch
4 Main Title - How to Steal a Million
5 Simon Says
6 The Key
7 Two Lovers
8 Girl Chase
9 Poolside
10 Penelope (Love Theme)
11 Main Title - Not with my Wife, you Don't!
12 My Inamorata (instrumental)
13 Hey Julieta
14 Foney Poochini
15 Arrivederci Mondo (Italian Movie)
16 Big Beautiful Ball
17 Make me Rainbows (vocal)
18 Overture - Fitzwilly
19 Fitzwilly's Date
20 More Theft
21 Sampson and Delilah
22 Main Title And Overture
23 The Alm
24 Reflections
25 The Miracle
26 Love Theme From "Heidi"

Disque : 4
1 Wednesday Special / Main Title Vocal
2 Nice To Be Around
3 New Shooter
4 Maggie Shoots Pool
5 Maggie And Baggs
6 Boxing Montage
7 Nice To Be Around - Vocal
8 Neptune's Bar
9 Cinderella Liberty Love Theme
10 The Ferry Ride
11 A Baby Boy Arrives
12 Wednesday Special / End Title
13 The River (OST The River)
14 Growing Up
15 The Pony Ride
16 Love Theme From The River
17 The Ancestral Home
18 Rain Clouds Gather
19 From Farm To Factory
20 Back From Town
21 Tractor Scene
22 A Family Meeting
23 Young Friends Farewell

Disque : 5
1 Main Title - Earthquake
2 Miles On Wheels
3 City Theme
4 Something For Rosa
5 Love Scene
6 The City Sleeps
7 Love Theme
8 Cory In Jeopardy
9 Something For Remy
10 Medley
11 Finale, End Title
12 Main Title - The Poseidon Adventure
13 Nonnie and Martin
14 Saving Robin
15 Up the Tree
16 Through the Galley
17 The Rescue and End Title
18 Main Title - The Towering Inferno
19 The Rescue of Angela and the Blocked Door
20 Lisolette and Harlee
21 The Helicopter Explodes
22 The Solution
23 Finale
24 An Architect's Dream / End Cast

Disque : 6
1 The Eiger Sanction (Main Title)
2 Theme From "The Eiger Sanction"
3 Fifty Miles Of Desert
4 The Icy Ascent
5 Friends And Enemies
6 The Top Of The World
7 Theme From "The Eiger Sanction"
8 Training With George
9 Theme From "The Eiger Sanction" (Hemlock And Jemima)
10 George Sets The Pace
11 The Microfilm Killing
12 Up The Drainpipe
13 The Eiger
14 The Long Goodbye
15 Love Theme
16 The Long Goodbye (Jazz trio version)
17 In Search of Unicorns
18 The Killing of Marcel
19 Dogs, Ponies and Old Ruins
20 Blood Moon
21 The Love Montage
22 The Waterfall and Final Chapter

Disque : 7
1 - The Cowboys: Overture
2 Cat Dancing
3 Moving
4 Bound Up
5 Billy's Fall / Boys will Be
6 Braiding / Just Whistle
7 Little John
8 Jay's Fall / End Title
9 The Missouri Breaks (Main Title)
10 Arrival of the Rustlers
11 Love Theme
12 The Train Robbery
13 Bizarre Wake
14 Celebration
15 Confrontation
16 Love Theme (Reprise)
17 Crossing the Missouri
18 The Chase
19 Remembrances
20 The Horse Rustlers
21 Love Theme (End Title)

Disque : 8
1 Main Title/John Williams/Jaws
2 Chrissie's Death
3 Promenade (Tourists On The Menu)
4 Out To Sea
5 The Indianapolis Story
6 Sea Attack Number One
7 One Barrel Chase
8 Preparing The Cage
9 Night Search
10 The Underwater Siege
11 Hand To Hand Combat
12 End Title
13 Finding The Orca (Main Title)
14 The Menu
15 Ballet For Divers
16 The Water Kite Sequence
17 Brody Misunderstood
18 The Catamaran Race
19 Toward Cable Junction
20 Attack On The Helicopter
21 The Open Sea
22 Fire Aboard And Eddie's Death
23 Sean's Rescue
24 Attack On The Water Skier
25 The Big Jolt!
26 End Title, End Cast

Disque : 9
1 Three Million Light Years From Home
2 Abandoned And Pursued
3 E.T. And Me
4 E.T.'s Halloween
5 Flying
6 E.T. Phone Home
7 Over The Moon
8 Adventure On Earth
9 Among The Clouds
10 Follow Me
11 Seeing Dorinda
12 Saying Goodbye
13 Promise To Hap
14 The Old Timer's Shack
15 Dorinda Solo Flight
16 The Flight to Neverland

Disque : 10
1 Opening Titles
2 Theme From Jurassic Park
3 Incident At Isla Nublar
4 Journey To The Island
5 The Raptor Attack
6 Hatching Baby Raptor
7 Welcome To Jurassic Park
8 My Friend, The Brachiosaurus
9 Dennis Steals The Embryo
10 A Tree For My Bed
11 High-Wire Stunts
12 Remembering Petticoat Lane
13 Jurassic Park Gate
14 Eye To Eye
15 T-Rex Rescue & Finale
16 End Credits
17 Sean's Theme
18 Minority Report

Disque : 11
1 Theme From Schindler's List
2 Jewish Town (Krakow Ghetto, Winter '41)
3 Immolation (With Our Lives, We Give Life)
4 Remembrances
5 Schindler's Workforce
6 Oyf'n Pripetshok / Nacht Aktion
7 I Could Have Done More
8 Auschwitz-Birkenau
9 Stolen Memories
10 Making The List
11 Give Me Your Names
12 Yerushalaim Shel Zahav (Jerusalem of Gold)
13 Remembrances
14 Theme From Schindler's List (Reprise)

Disque : 12
1 Raiders Of The Lost Ark
2 The Map Room: Dawn
3 Marion's Theme / The Crate
4 The Basket Game
5 Anything Goes
6 Short Round's Theme
7 Nocturnal Activities
8 End Credits
9 Indy's Very First Adventure
10 No Ticket
11 Scherzo for Motorcycle and Orchestra
12 The Keeper of the Grail
13 The Adventures of Mutt
14 Call of the Crystal
15 Irina's Theme
16 Finale

Disque : 13
1 Prologue
2 The Early Days, Massapequa, 1957
3 The Shooting Of Wilson
4 Cua Viet River, Vietnam, 1968
5 Homecoming
6 Born On The Fourth Of July
7 Prologue
8 The Motorcade
9 Theme from JFK
10 The Conspirators
11 Garrison Family Theme
12 The Witnesses
13 Finale
14 The 1960'S: The Turbulent Years
15 Main Title... The White House Gate
16 The Miami Convention, 1968
17 The Meeting With Mao
18 The Farewell Scene

Disque : 14
1 County Galway, June 1892
2 The Fighting Donellys
3 Joe Sr.'s Passing / The Duel Scene
4 Leaving Home
5 Burning The Manor House
6 Blowing Off Steam
7 Fighting For Dough
8 Am I Beautiful?
9 The Big Match
10 Inside The Mansion
11 Shannon Is Shot
12 Joseph's Dream
13 The Reunion
14 Oklahoma Territory
15 The Land Race
16 Settling With Steven / The Race To The River
17 Joseph And Shannon
18 End Credits / Far And Away / John Williams, The Chieftains

Disque : 15
1 Theme From Sabrina
2 Moonlight
3 Linus' New Life
4 Growing Up In Paris
5 (In The) Moonlight
6 Sabrina Remembers/La Vie En Rose
7 Sabrina Comes Home
8 Nantucket Visit
9 Medley: The Party Sequence
10 Sabrina And Linus Date
11 How Can I Remember
12 Sabrina's Return To Paris
13 Theme From Sabrina (Extended Version)
14 Love Theme
15 Vacation
16 End Title and End Cast
17 The Bicycle
18 Reading Lessons
19 Letters
20 End Title

Disque : 16
1 Main Title & Storm Sequence
2 The Night Visitor
3 To Scarborough
4 The Abduction Of Lucy
5 Night Journeys
6 The Love Scene
7 Meeting In The Cave
8 The Bat Attack
9 For Mina
10 Dracula's Death
11 End Titles
12 Main Title
13 For Gillian
14 Vision on the Stairs
15 Hester's Theme and The House
16 Gillian's Escape
17 The Search for Robin
18 Gillian's Vision
19 Death on the Carousel and End Titles
20 Epilogue

Disque : 17
1 End Cast
2 The Mystery Woman
3 The White Mustang
4 Maloney's Exit
5 The Search Montage
6 Preparations
7 The Explosion
8 The End
9 Reunion In Italy
10 Forgotten Vows
11 The Meeting In Sicily
12 At The Forum
13 - 3. The Football Game [Sleepers - Original Soundtrack]
14 - 13. Reunion and Finale [Sleepers - Original Soundtrack]
15 Seven Years in Tibet
16 The Invasion
17 Regaining a Son
18 - Theme from Angela's Ashes
19 - Delivering Telegrams
20 - Back To America
21 - Plenty Of Fish And Chips In Heaven

Disque : 18
1 Rey's Theme
2 Yoda's Theme
3 Hedwig's Theme
4 Across the Stars (Love Theme)
5 Donnybrook Fair
6 Sayuri's Theme
7 Remembrances
8 Night Journeys
9 Theme
10 The Duel
11 Princess Leia's Theme
12 The Chairman's Waltz
13 Luke and Leia
14 Nice to Be Around
15 Theme
16 A Prayer for Peace

Disque : 19
1 Prelude And Fugue
2 - 1. Satz: Lento assai
3 - 2. Satz: Lento
4 - 3. Satz: Molto allegro
5 - I. Prologue
6 - II. Rounds
7 - III. Dactyls
8 - IV. Epilogue
9 Elegy for Cello and Orchestra

Disque : 20
1 A Million Bucks
2 Make Me Rainbows
3 Catch Me If You Can
4 Dream Away
5 Fascinating Rhythm
6 The Same Hello, the Same Goodbye
7 A Big Beautiful Ball
8 A Place On My Own (Heidi's Theme)
9 Daddy's Gone A-Hunting
10 Come Tuesday
11 The Eiger Sanction
12 Remembering Carolyn
13 Nice To Be Around
14 A Powdered Wig
15 Love's The Only Game In Town
16 The Long Goodbye
17 Theme from E.T.
18 Make Me Rainbows
19 - If We Were In Love
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 6.10.2023 12:47 - Oblíbené kluby (11:55) 9137
podle historie Ecoutez le Cinema tipuju, že při 20 CD se najde tak 5 dřív nevydanejch skladeb... někdo další si chce tipnout? :D
e_wan E-Wan - Soundtracky na prodej (update 10.9.24) 6.10.2023 12:34  9136
To jsem tedy zvědav, co na tom 20 CD setu všechno bude.

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