Stiff Defense a Panzer General
PBEMmaniac v rámci pojednávania o PG-dos interných mechanizmoch medziiným povedal:
„We are all reasonably familiar with run-of-the-mill "Rugged Defense" ("Stiff Defense", during SSI's early game title development) events as they apply to combat between opposing GROUND units. Basically, a "Rugged Defense" event is, more often than not, way more disadvantageous to an attacking ground unit than an equivalent "Ordinary Combat" event. We also know that, normally, such a "Rugged Defense" event MAY BE probable, but in no way certain.“ LINK
Z toho vyberajúc to najzaujímavejšie je konštatovanie, že SSI v rannej fáze vývoja Panzer General používala pojem „,Stiff Defense“ namiesto súčasného pojmu „Rugged Defense“.
Google ponúka význam „ Stiff“ ako prídavného mena takto:
tuhý ..................... solid, rigid, tough, stiff, hard, firm
stuhnutý................stiff, rigid, stark
tvrdý......................hard, tough, rough, harsh, solid, stiff
strnulý................... rigid, stiff, fixed, tense, numb, torpid
prísny.....................strict, rigorous, stringent, severe, rigid, stiff
neohybný............... rigid, stiff, unbending, inflexible
silný.......................strong, powerful, thick, potent, high, stiff
ťažký......................heavy, difficult, hard, severe, tough, stiff
odmeraný................measured, reserved, distant, stiff, starchy, prim
meravý.....................stiff, numb, wooden, ramrod
Pre porovnanie „Rugged“:
robustný................rugged, sturdy, massive, muscular, stout, thickset
drsný................rough, rugged, raw, harsh, abrasive, coarse
nerovný................uneven, unequal, rough, broken, inequitable, rugged
silný................strong, powerful, thick, potent, high, rugged
chlapský................macho, butch, manly, manful, manlike, rugged
A to je koniec jazykového okienka. |