kdo rozumí dobře anglicky ?@Lior, here are a couple of hints - off the top of my head, so forgive me if they are not 100% accurate:
1) when you create a new database in MySQL, it automatically defaults to the 'swedish latin' collation. So, right after you create your database, go into phpMyAdmin (or whatever other DB admin tool you are using), and change the default collation for the entire database to the 'generic utf-8' option.
You need to do this, because when you create tables, fields, and import data *without* specifically setting an alternative collation, the default collation is used. Now, I can't remember whether the backup that WB does of your database includes the collation information for every table, but I suspect it doesn't, and that the problem you are experiencing may just be because you did not set the default collation for the new database to UTF-8 before you did the import.
Nevertheless, if the WB backup DOES contain collation information, it is easy enough for you to change it:
2) the backup script is a plain text file, so you should be able to change all references from one charset to another (like "latin_swedish" to "unicode_general_utf8") by doing a simple find-and-replace. Make sure you use the correct collation names (which I cannot remember right now off the top of my head).
3) if the backup script contains references to the wrong charset, it is very likely that the characters it exported from your database are also garbled. So, while you might wish to do a find-and-replace on all the garbled characters, substituting them with the correct ones.
Once your done all your replacing, and your backup file looks correct - ie., with all characters showing as they should, and the collation references correctly set to utf-8 - then you can load the backup up into your new database.
I hope this helps! |