Když diskuse,tak s LopuchemLopuch.cz
'áčďéěí¾ňóřšťúůýžÁČĎÉĚͼŇÓŘŠÚŮÝŽ' like
collate utf8_general_ci
select datum
from body vnejsi
where jmeno = 'Petr' and
(select sum(pocet) from body vnitrni where vnitrni.datum <= vnejsi.datum) >= 5
order by (select sum(pocet) from body vnitrni where vnitrni.datum <= vnejsi.datum)
limit 1
select date(b.cas),`ipadr`, count(time(b.cas) between "07:00:00" and "15:35:00"), count(time(b.cas) > "15:35:00") FROM hostnames a,`ipup` b WHERE a.ip=b.ip group by 1,2 order by 1,2