Klub James Bond - 007 [ŽP: 4 týdny] (kategorie Film) moderuje Šéf Lopuchu. | Archiv
Jmenuji se Bond, James Bond.
Casino Royale (1953), Live And Let Die (1954), Moonraker (1955),
Diamonds Are Forever (1956), From Russia, With Love (1957),
Dr. No (1958), Goldfinger (1959), For Your Eyes Only (1960),
Thunderball (1961), The Spy Who Loved Me (1962), On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1963),
You Only Live Twice (1964), Thrilling Cities (1964), The Man With The Golden Gun (1965),
Octopussy And The Living Daylights (1967)
Sean Connery:
Dr. No (1962), From Russia With Love/Srdečné pozdravy z Ruska (1962), Goldfinger (1964), Thunderball (1965),
You Only Live Twice/Žiješ jenom dvakrát (1967), Diamonds Are Forever/Diamanty jsou věčné (1971)
George Lazenby:
On Her Majesty's Secret Service/V tajné službě jejího veličenstva (1969)
Roger Moore:
Live And Let Die/Žít a nechat zemřít (1973), The Man With The Golden Gun/Muž se zlatou zbraní (1974), The Spy Who Loved Me/Špión, který mě miloval (1977), Moonraker (1979), For Your Eyes Only/Jen pro tvé oči (1981), Octopussy/Chobotnička (1983), A View To A Kill (1985),
Timothy Dalton:
The Living Daylights/Dech života (1987), Licence To Kill (1989)
Pierce Brosnan:
Goldeneye/Zlaté oko (1995), Tomorrow Never Dies/Zítřek neumírá (1997), The World Is Not Enough/Jeden svět nestačí (1999), Die Another Day/Dnes neumírej (2002)
Daniel Craig:
Casino Royale (2006), Quantum of Solace (2008)
Wikipedia: James Bond, Ian Fleming
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