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Klub Jerry Goldsmith [ŽP: 8 týdnů] (kategorie Hudba) moderují VelociraptorX, Lokutus, Tender.


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velociraptorx VelociraptorX 27.7.2009 19:57  1929
To je, ani velmi nevadi, ze zabery dirigujuceho Jerryho su z nahravania River Wild.
e_wan E-Wan - Soundtracky na prodej (update 10.9.24) 27.7.2009 19:03  1928
Cool fanovské video
e_wan E-Wan - Soundtracky na prodej (update 10.9.24) 22.7.2009 20:35  1927
Seznam limitovaných edic Goldsmithových soundtracků jsem doplnil o tři poslední CD od FSM, Intrady a VCL.
OOP tituly jsou v rámečku.
tender Tender 21.7.2009 20:23  1926

Date: 7/10/2009
Joining the festivities of the Fimucité Festival in Tenerife in commemoration what would have been the 80th birthday of the legendary Jerry Goldsmith, and marking the fifth anniversary of his passing, on July 21, Varčse Sarabande Records and Sirius/XM’s Cinemagic present an encore presentation of their weeklong tribute.

Special guest host Robert Townson hosted this 35-hour show, originally broadcast in February 2009, to remember and honor the life and work of one of Hollywood’s greatest film composers of all time …Jerry Goldsmith.

Beginning on Monday, July 20 at noon EST/9:00 am PST this very special celebration will continue each day at the same time. Once again, as a grand finale, all five programs will be run consecutively, all weekend long, beginning Saturday, July 25 at midnight EST / 9:00 pm (on Friday) PST.

Jerry Goldsmith passed away on July 21, 2004 and he will be missed forever. Join us all week long to remember in music one of the greatest composers to ever write for film.

Jerry Goldsmith’s 80th Birthday Celebration will be available to all Sirius/XM Radio subscribers on Cinemagic, channel 76. Sirius/XM’s CINEMAGIC is also available online to subscribers and as a free, three-day trial for non-subscribers.

Direct TV subscribers can also access Sirius/XM’s Cinemagic on channel 822.

July 20 – Important Director Relationships – Music For Television (7 hours)
July 21 – Science Fiction and Fantasy – Westerns (7 hours)
July 22 – Horror – Mystery and Thrillers (6 hours)
July 23 – War – Action/Adventure (8 hours)
July 24 – Drama/Comedy/Animation – Encores (7 hours)
July 25 – Jerry Goldsmith 80th Birthday Celebration Marathon (24 hours)
July 26 – Jerry Goldsmith 80th Birthday Celebration Marathon (24 hours)
July 27 – Jerry Goldsmith 80th Birthday Celebration Marathon (22 hours)
tender Tender 21.7.2009 17:50  1925
Chjo, to to letí :(
velociraptorx VelociraptorX 21.7.2009 13:59  1924
Dnes je to uz 5 rokov od Jerryho umrtia.
Ked tak zalovim v pamati, tak o jeho smrti som sa dozvedel z teletextu niektorej zo slovenskych televizii (este som nemal doma internet), kde to bolo prekvapujuco normalne medzi zahranicno-politickymi spravami.
tender Tender 11.7.2009 09:40  1923
THE BOYS FROM BRAZILWe were able to produce 5000 copies of THE BOYS FROM BRAZIL and ensure more people had a chance to obtain a copy. However, it's been such a solid seller that we're now down to about 350 copies. Yep! About 4650 copies have sold! After these remaining 350 copies are gone, it'll probably start getting expensive to chase one down. So if you've been waiting until quantities got low before ordering one, you can figure that time has come.
tender Tender 16.6.2009 21:51  1922
Uz se nemuzu dockat, az In Harm's Way dorazi..
tender Tender 10.6.2009 07:28  1921
Ja teda ne :) Ja se ridim heslem, kdo si pocka, ten se docka.
velociraptorx VelociraptorX 10.6.2009 07:14  1920
Takze aj In Harm's Way je znovu vonku. Priznajte sa, kto platil tazke prachy za ten japonsky release.:))
lokutus Lokutus watch?v=teBV0EoJJY8&t=232 - prodej OST 17.5.2009 20:08  1918
hmmmm"A (Star Trek) box set is IMPOSSIBLE. You are talking about Sony BMG (I and V), Atlantic (II), Capital (III), MCA (IV and VI) PLUS Paramount's involvement. The cure for cancer will be found before this ever became a reality. Trust me on this. A minimum of 12 separate contracts (6 with Paramount and 6 with each title at their respective record companies) would have to be negotiated with at least 5 sets of attorneys. This would entail contract negotiations, licensing existing music tracks plus the new ones, artwork approval, etc. . . Each record company has their own production facility that they are obligated to manufacture at, so that presents a massive hump to overcome as well. Plus you have the AFM to deal with as well as the publishing companies.

The issue is not Paramount. It is is the record companies -- they own the rights in Perpetuity (ie Forever) and they hold the golden ticket to re-release the music if they want to. They can also sub-license it to an outside record company if they so choose. However, in order to get the rights for any unreleased tracks they would (or the sub-licensor) would have to go to Paramount and get the extra music to include on said cd.

Then, depending on the artwork, you would have to go to each and every actor and get them to sign off on their likenesses... and they may cost a small fortune as well. When I worked at GNP Crescendo I learned all about the likeness situation because it took nearly 2 years to negotiate terms with the actors that appeared on Best of Trek Vol 2. Some series, like Trek, have massive red tape to cull through.

Individual releases, on the other hand, maybe a reality some day. That is something to hold out for."

e_wan E-Wan - Soundtracky na prodej (update 10.9.24) 16.5.2009 23:17  1917
Jerry Goldsmith in South Park ;)
velociraptorx VelociraptorX 6.5.2009 23:48  1916
Netvrdim, ze je Harkit bootlegovym labelom. Pravdepodobne je jeho cinnost v sulade so zakonmi (britskymi), alebo je to na hrane. Distribucia jeho produktov by vsak mala byt zrejme obmedzena na europsky kontinent, co je v dnesnej dobe internetu aj tak nemozne.
Myslim si vsak, ze Harkit svojou cinnostou (pri vydavani soundtrackov) poskodzuje ine labely. Pouzivaju pochybne a nekvalitne zdroje (LP), neplatia autorske prava (odvolavajuc sa na verejne vlastníctvo). To moze viest k tomu, ze skutocni vlastnici prav (napr. velke studia) nebudu kvoli tomu ochotni spristupnit svoje vlastnictvo na vydanie pre labely, ktore maju zaujem o zodpovedajuce vydanie aj s kvalitnymi mastermi. Je to zaroven nefer voci tymto labelom, ktore sa snazia o korektne splnenie vsetkych podmienok, co ich stoji viac penazi. Nejakym pochybnym vydanim "konkurenta" stratia cast zakaznikov a preto je korektne vydanie pre nich nevyhodne. A toto vsetko v konecnom dosledku poskodzuje zakaznikov.
Harkit je povodne jazzovy label a za priameho konkurenta Kendallovho FSM mozno povazovat skor Intradu, Varese Sarabande a minimalne ludia z Intrady tvrdia v podstate to iste co Kendall. Takze ide o nejake sprisahanie zlych americkych soundtrackovych mini labelov, ktore chcu vytvorit kartel proti dobremu anglickemu labelu?
Nebudem nikoho presviedcat o tom, ze je Harkit zlocinecky ilegalny label (co asi nie je). Cital som ale dost argumentov o Harkite a jeho produktoch na to, aby som ich zaradil do podobnej skupiny, ako su Tsunami a Hurricane CD a nepodporoval ich kupovanim ich produktov v dalsej cinnosti.
pepak pepak - 6.5.2009 18:43  1914
Nevím. Neviděl jsem žádný důkaz, že by Harkit byl bootlegovým labelem. Že to tvrdí Kendall mi nepřijde směrodatné, to je přímý konkurent.
tender Tender 6.5.2009 18:18  1913
VelociraptorX: Oki, ja jsem pro

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