PT Journey into NyxStanda po smůle skončil v čtvrtfinále, vyhrál známý Patric Chapin s alespoň trochu akčním deckem v tý záplavě nudy...ale i tak, hroznej blok, pokud teda nemáte rádi nekonečný mirrory s Courser of Kruphix, tj. obě knihovny otevřený, každej ví všechno...souboje midrange o tom, kdo si lízne víckrát Elspeth...nevím, nic pro mě.
Každopádně ale Chapinovi gratulace, jemu to přeju.
Taky byl představem podzimní blok:
It is a world torn by war where all the dragons have been killed.
It is the home world of Sarkhan Vol.
It is a Large-Small-Large block.
There is something special about the block, but we don't know what yet.
The lead designer is Mark Rosewater, the lead developer is Erik Lauer (they both served the same roles for Innistrad and Theros)
There are two things in the block that we, the players, have been asking for for a long time. One of them is something that hasn't been done in a long time, and one other is something that hasn't been done in Magic yet.
Vrací se Sakrhan Vol:
Trochu očekávám Snow permanenty, to by bylo príma :) |