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Klub Piercing, BM + tetování [ŽP: 4 týdny] (kategorie Sexualita) moderují Tigo, stanny.
Domovská stránka aktualizována 28.7.2019 17:46

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tigo Tigo Ironical, pedantical, cynical bitch - who wants to touch me? ‹(•_•)› 22.1.2013 12:51  3918
Butterfly [3917]: au
butterfly 22.1.2013 12:27  3917
butterfly 22.1.2013 12:27  3916
marco Marco 16.1.2013 11:38  3915
LCHart : mě zase jako Rhett Butler (ten z předloktí)
lchart LCHart 16.1.2013 11:27  3914
Marco: Připadá mi to jak Don Corleone (?)
bublajsa bublajsa Save the animals - eat people. 14.1.2013 11:13  3913
Butterfly [3911]: Pro mě moc hubená, divné rozložení tetování a divnej postoj.
marco Marco 14.1.2013 10:22  3912
3911 : huh... nelíbí, nevím proč
ta pravá ruka je jak nemocné...
ale zajímalo by mě co to má za pány na té levé, to vypadá hodně dobře udělaný
butterfly 13.1.2013 19:17  3911
butterfly 9.1.2013 08:57  3910
Já bych zas řekla, že úaní je nádherná a tetování nestojí za nic ;DD
laura Laura 100% sure! 8.1.2013 17:52  3909
Butterfly [3907]: Na tý čtvrtý ta pani se mi sice nelíbí, ale ty tetování celkem jo.
butterfly 8.1.2013 16:47  3908

butterfly 8.1.2013 15:04  3907
marco Marco 7.1.2013 01:00  3906
marco Marco 7.1.2013 00:57  3905
Tattoo Nation

"..Tattoos used to be a sign of rebellion. A middle finger salute to the rest of the world. Outlaw bikers got tattoos. Sailors on leave in Singapore got tattoos. Lifers in the joint got tattoos. Now, your mother's got a butterfly on her ankle and your kid's sporting a tramp stamp. What happened? When did tattoos go from the renegade, ready-made, carney cartoons inked as fast as possible to the art form they've become today? That transformation is the subject of the new documentary film, TATTOO NATION. TATTOO NATION tells how a few incarcerated but very talented Chicano artists changed the world of ink forever. It follows three tattoo pioneers, Charlie Cartwright, Jack Rudy and Freddy Negrete, and shows how a new, fine line style using detail and shading to achieve a remarkable realism revolutionized the world of ink. In 1975, Cartwright and Rudy boldly opened the first tattoo parlor in the heart of East LA's Chicano community. They hired a recently paroled teenager who unknowingly established iconic images that spoke to an entire generation of Chicanos while in jail. Freddy Negrete became the first professional Chicano artist employed by a mainstream tattoo parlor - a tattoo parlor that was embraced as a new vehicle for self-expression by the Chicano community. For the first time, these legendary figures tell their stories in a feature-length documentary film. Included are other important figures such as David Oropeza and "Chuco" Caballero, winners of many prestigious tattoo competitions. Their victories brought international recognition to the uniquely American approach known as "Black & Grey". The world of tattoo, and the way we look at tattoos, was forever changed.."
butterfly 5.1.2013 20:41  3904

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