Abych se tak vratil k tomu, jak jsme tu resili, zda lze (ci zda se to smi ci zda je to vhodne) renderovat X(HT)ML, aniz by bylo cele nactene, tak bych si dovolil primo ze stranek Mozilly:
In versions prior to Gecko 1.9/Firefox 3, the document is not loaded and rendered incrementally. That is, the document is displayed only after the entire document has been received and parsed. Contrary to a common misguided assertion, this is not done in response to a requirement set forth in any W3C specification. In particular, the XML specification does not require the entire document to be checked for errors before rendering can start. The lack of incremental loading and display is simply a bug (or a missing feature). This has been fixed in Gecko 1.9/Firefox 3.
(Nachazi se i s dalsimi zajimavostmi zde.) |