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    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 23.5.2023 16:56 - Klub Zbrane (23:39) 33820
    (Jakkoli je to poněkud redundantní, znovu velice děkuji za perexy.)

    Tomu Nylonu je věnovaná hezká stať v Následcích:

    ... Tohle,“ pokračoval, zvedaje ze stojanu třetí zbraň, „je jejich nejnovější model. Říkají tomu Nylon 66. Pažba je z jediného kusu nylonu od DuPonta. Není to zvlášť hezké, ale funguje to dobře. Remington ve své reklamě uvádí, že můžete tuhle pušku přejet nákladním autem a pořád bude fungovat.“ Vzhlédl na Waltera Bowmana: „Není mi známo, že by naši zákazníci měli ve zvyku jezdit auty po svých puškách, ale kdo ví, třeba Remington narazil na dosud nepokrytý segment trhu.“

    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 22.5.2023 20:01  33819
    Llama M82: Gabilondo Copies the Beretta (But More Complicated)

    The Llama M82 was adopted as the new Spanish Army service pistol to replace aging Star Model B pistols. The design of the side is mechanically almost identical to a Beretta 92, while the frame and controls include a lot of DNA from the commercial Llama Omni. It was adopted in 1986, with the first military deliveries taking place in 1987.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 21.5.2023 23:40  33818
    The riot gun with the most 80s promo video ever? With firearms & weaponry expert Jonathan Ferguson

    This is very much an anti-riot gun that's had two lives. That of which it was intended from it's development in the late 70s, and then it's popular culture life as a wholly different weapon altogether.

    Join Jonathan as he examines both of these stories as well as some incredible promotional footage from the team at Enfield.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 21.5.2023 01:34  33817
    Slovenian SAR80: Sterling Out-Simplifies the AR-180

    The British Sterling firm designed the SAR-80 (specifically, their engineer Frank Waters) as a very simple rifle to sell to countries outside the main NATO/Warsaw spheres of influence. Sterling ended up getting a license to produce the AR-18 though, and didn't put Water's design into production.

    When the newly formed Chartered Industries of Singapore came looking for a rifle to produce, the SAR-80 design was a chance for Sterling to sell a production license. CIS needed something to produce domestically to equip the Singaporean Army, and the SAR-80 met their needs. After selling the rifles to their own Army, the company went looking for export clients. They found a few, including Croatia, the Central African Republic, and Slovenia. A total of about 80,000 SAR-80 rifles were made, and this is one of the Slovenian-contract examples.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 20.5.2023 23:35  33816
    Ultralight Silencer: the Carbon Research CR9

    One of the cool new products we found at SHOT Show this year was the CR9T from Carbon Research. This is a small research company that has figured out how to bond metals to carbon fiber in a way that allows them to build a complete suppressor body and baffle stack out of ultralight carbon fiber and then armor the tips of the baffles to give them long term durability. They make a .22 caliber can that weighs just 2.3 ounces, and their 9mm/.300 Blackout can is just 7.3 ounces. That is the CR9T, with titanium internal plating and kevlar integrated into he body tube for greater strength - good for 9mm and .300 Blackout. They also make the CR9A which is the same thing using aluminum, and rated for only 9mm (a 5.56mm version is currently in development).

    Carbon Research sent me two of the CR9T cans to try out, and we are taking them out to the range today. My hypothesis that they won't heat up as much as metallic cans was mostly disproven (although they do cool down faster than metal), but we had no problems running them and the light weight is really nice!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 20.5.2023 21:44  33815
    Successor to the Scout: Q's 8.6mm Fix

    There is a ton to go over in this video...I noticed the Fix when it first came out, but it didn't become really interesting to me until the version in 8.6mm Blackout hit the market. Fundamentally, the Fix is a very light, modular, and ergonomic bolt action utility rifle. In 8.6mm, I think it is a magnificent hunting weapon - virtually silent while offering excellent terminal performance with a heavy expanding projectile.

    I am going to be using this rifle with an AGM Rattler TS35-640 thermal optic in Midnight Brutality, so stick around for that video tomorrow!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 19.5.2023 20:13  33814
    Nylon 66: Remington's Revolutionary Plastic Rifle

    In the 1950s, Remington decided that it needed an inexpensive new .22 self-loading rifle to add to its catalog. In looking at how to reduce the cost of such a rifle, they hit upon the idea of using polymer to replace the wooden furniture typically used - and to replace the metal receiver as well. Remington was owned by DuPont at the time, and DuPont had developed an excellent strong polymer which they called "Nylon" - specifically, Nylon composition number 66.

    Remington engineers developed a massively complex and expensive mold to inexpensively stamp out monolithic polymer .22 rifles in the mid 1950s. They knew this design would cause concern to a large part of their market because of its non-traditional construction, and so they put the new rifles through hundreds of thousands of rounds of grueling testing. It passed these trials with flying colors, and was released in January 1959 to pretty rave reviews. By the time it was finally taken out of production in 1987, more than 1,050,000 of them had been produced - a fantastic success on a pretty big gamble.

    Thanks to Dutch Hillenburg for loan of this example to show you!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 14.5.2023 23:16  33811
    Animace12.5 inch Rifled Muzzle Loading Gun, 1885

    The 12.5 inch Muzzle Loading Gun Mark I of 1885 fired a shell weighing 820 pounds (372 kg) to a range of 6,000 yards (5,586 M). It weighed 38 tons (38,610 Kg) and was generally used as a coastal defence cannon mounted in forts. The gun could fire 3 types of shell - a Palliser armour piercing shell against armoured warships, a common explosive shell for unarmored ships and a shrapnel shell to be used against small craft and assault forces.

    The animation is based upon installation of 7 12.5 inch RML guns at Fort Nothe, Weymouth (UK), which protected Portland harbour. The fort, built between 1860 and 1872, was upgraded to mount these large guns in 1893-4. The underground magazines and shell rooms were also enlarged.

    The video shows how the very large guns were loaded, aimed and fired from within the cramped casements of the fort, and without the use of power or hydraulics. The loading drills are taken from the Handbook of the RML 12.5 inch 38-ton Gun, dated 1885, with much assistance and advice from historians familiar with the period.

    Fort Nothe is open to the public and has many interesting exhibits covering gunnery and torpedoes from the 1880’s to the 20th century.

    While this video focuses on the drill and fort, a further video is planned to show the construction of the gun and the mechanisms of the platform. Please watch this space.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 14.5.2023 22:58  33810
    Chinese Warlord C96 Carbine from Taku Naval Dockyard

    Today we are looking at a second Chinese Warlord-Era C96 Mauser carbine. These were made as fancy sporting or presentation arms for important people - just as the original Mauser-made C96 carbines were. This example was made at the Taku Naval Dockyard, a facility initially set up to maintain the Beiyang Fleet but which expanded into arms production. Based on the pair of Nationalist flags on the buttplate, this was most likely made in the late 1920s.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 13.5.2023 22:04  33809
    "Le Formidable" Pre-WW1 Pocket Revolver at the BUG Match

    "The Formidable" was the name given to one of many different civilian pocket-carry revolvers made by the French Manufrance firm in St Etienne. This particular model was introduced in 1895, although it went through a significant redesign in 1902. The example I have here is the later pattern, which was sold until 1916 (when arms production completely shifted to military weapons). It is a 5-shot, swing-out cylinder double action revolver chambered for the 8mm French Ordnance (aka 8mm Lebel Revolver) cartridge. The double action trigger pull is very heavy at about 17 pounds, and the hammer is bobbed to prevent snagging in a pocket.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 8.5.2023 17:44  33808
    Hunting Rifles for Greenland: M1917 Enfield

    Greenland is a remote and desolate land without a significant industrial base, but there is a demand for hunting rifles there. As the place has long been a Danish colony since 1814, its trade was restricted to Denmark - including rifles. The Danish military received a substantial number of M1917 Enfield rifles in .30-06 caliber, and they were used by the Danish Home Guard after World War Two until being eventually sold as surplus. Some of those surplus rifles were modified by the Greenland Trade conglomerate ("Kalaallit Niuerfiat") and sold as commercial hunting rifles.

    The conversion pattern used was to mill off the rear aperture sight and replace it with a fixed open notch dovetailed into the chamber area of the barrel. A new front sight was installed to match the height of the rear notch, and the bayonet lug was ground off for some reason. This particular example was originally manufactured in 1917 and used by the Canadian military before being sent to Denmark and eventually sold as surplus.

    The M1917 was the standard rifle for the Sirius Patrol, a Greenland military force established during World War Two to prevent establishment of German outposts on Greenland (and very effective in this work). The force still exists today, and still uses M1917 rifles, now paired with 10mm Glock 20 pistols. The commercial sporterized M1917s like the one in this video are not made from Sirius Patrol rifles, however.

    Thanks to the Southern Iceland Shooting Association for helping me film this and other cool guns in Iceland!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 8.5.2023 10:19  33807
    Strangest Firearm Actions Ever Designed
    In this video, we look a five of the weirdest firearm actions ever designed, from crank operated breech-loaders to guns with puck-shaped magazines. We also discuss how successful they were and why most of them failed to make an impact.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 7.5.2023 21:39  33806
    Project Best Millimeter: SIG/GrayGuns vs Hi-Point 10mm

    When I heard about Hi-Point releasing a 10mm pistol (the JXP 10), I knew I needed to do something fun with it. Hi-Point is often derided - and often for good reasons - but fundamentally the Hi-Point design does exactly what it is advertised to. It is a functional and extremely inexpensive pistol. The company has been making essentially the same gun for 25+ years, and they have build a very efficient manufacturing process that allows them to offer a gun that is safe and pretty reliable for a ridiculously low price point. Of course, it does sacrifice a lot of niceties in the process, but that is the tradeoff for the cost.

    Anyway, the question for today is:

    Who would win in a fight, one GrayGuns custom SIG P220 Elite or six Hi-Point JXP-10s? Let's find out!

    Test 1: Accuracy
    Test 2: Reload speed
    Test 3: Mud

    Bruce Gray of GrayGuns provided the P220 Elite on loan; it has been returned to him. Hi-Point donated the six JXP 10s because let's be honest, they can't really be resold after that mud bath and the cost of shipping them back is more than their MSRP anyway. We have some ideas for fun future use of them...
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 7.5.2023 20:30  33805
    Ohio Ordnance HCAR: The BAR of the Future

    The Ohio Ordnance HCAR (Heavy Counter Assault Rifle - a rather fanciful name) is what happens when you take the US military development track of the Browning Automatic Rifle, and bring up to the present day. Why would someone choose this particular product to modernize? Well, because eOhio Ordnance was already making standard semiautomatic reproduction of the M1918A2 (World War Two era) BAR, and this type of modernization was a fairly obvious extension of that project.

    The HCAR retains the .30-06 chambering of the BAR, but gives it much-improved controls. The magazine release is now a handy AK-like lever, the safety sits nicely under the thumb of a right-handed user, and a proper pistol grip replaces the traditional wrist of the M1918A2 (a change that Colt and FN made in the 1930s, but which never got into the US Ordnance system). The rifle fires from a closed bolt, and Ohio Ordnance added a bolt release control as well - something not needed on the open-bolt originals. Picantinny rails on the receiver and handguard allow for mounting of optics, bipods, and other accessories.

    A few holdovers from the US military ancestry inclose the A2-style magazine guides, and the rather tricky disassembly procedure (which was also much improved by FN in the 1930s, but not adopted by the US). The barrel is offered in either 16" or 20"; both dimpled for weight reduction. The receiver, bolt carrier, and many other parts have been substantially lightened, bringing the HCAR in at 11.75-12.5 pounds depending on barrel length - a huge reduction from the 19 pounds of a standard M1918A2.

    The question is, what is the purpose of the HCAR? It is a very expensive rifle, and one is tempted to try to see it in a modern tactical light because of its styling. However, there really isn't much a .30-06 can do that can't be accomplished by any number of lighter and cheaper rifles with more widespread aftermarket support. To me, the purpose of the HCAR is simply to have fun with. It is a very cool rifle, and does not need to be justified as aTier One Operator's choice. It is reliable, pleasant to shoot, accurate, and makes form a fun head-turning day at the range. Sometimes that's all a gun needs to be...
    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 5.5.2023 23:17 - Klub Zbrane (23:39) 33804
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