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    Video Alova prototypového samopalu
    Early Automatic Pistol Cartridges - What, When & Why?

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    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 15.6.2023 00:20  33834
    Rifling on the *outside* of the barrel? The SR-11 with firearms and weapons expert Jonathan Ferguson

    An Antipodean entry with some extremely extremely rare features, but like so many weapons of this series, this week's entry was destined to be a footnote in the annals of firearms history.

    Created by Australian, Russell Robinson, inventor of other extremely odd looking firearms, the SR-11 had an auto-ejecting magazine and reverse rifle grooves on the outside of its barrel in an attempt to counterract effect of the spin of the bullet to improve accuracy. Join Jonathan as he calls in his science pals to see if all that effort was really worth it.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 15.6.2023 00:14  33833
    M1903A4: America's WW2 Sniper Rifle

    The United States Army entered World War Two with neither sniper rifles nor a sniper training program. As troops began to see combat, requests began to come back to the War Department that both were urgently needed. The newly-adopted dM1 Garand rifle was going to be a bit tricky to mount optics on, so while that program began a contract was made with Remington to product a scoped version of the M1903A3 Springfield rifles. This was designated the M1903A4, and it would serve as the US Army's standard (and essentially only) sniper rifle during the war.

    The 03A4 used a Weaver 330C commercial scope (given the military designation M73B1) on Redfield Junior mounts. The scope offered just 2.5x magnification, and used a simple crosshair reticle. It was reasonably effective, but not hardened for military service. The rifles did not have any other particular special work done to them, like bedding or improved triggers. A total of 28,365 were delivered, all made by Remington. They are found in the following serial number ranges:

    3,407,088 - 3,427,087
    4,000,001 - 4,015,000 (only about 3,000 in this block were used. Some duplicated 03A3 numbers; these were given an addition "Z" prefix)
    4,992,001 - 5,784,000 (only about 6,300 were used of this block)
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 12.6.2023 20:58  33832
    Chatellerault Experimental SMGs: MAC48 & 48LS

    Continuing our look at the French submachine gun designs from the Chatellerault Arsenal, today we have the MAC48 and MAC48LS (lightened and simplified). In the development program that would eventually lead to adoption of the MAT-49, Chatellerault began with a couple of very light delayed blowback designs in 1947 ( • MAC Model 1947 Pr... ). When those were rejected, they turned to a style of gun more influenced by the Sten and M3 Grease Gun in 1948.

    The regular MAC48 used a wooden fixed stock and pistol grip, and was chambered for 9x19mm, using MP40 magazines (France did not have its own standard 9mm SMG magazine at this point, and MP40 magazines were plentiful). The bolt is clearly derived from a Sten, and the gun is heavier than the 1947 models but also much less complex.

    A second pattern was the MAC48LS, a lighter and even simpler version of the design. This used a removable cover at the rear of the receiver for disassembly, and replaced the wooden stock with a telescoping wire stock like the American M3. It also brought back the folding magazine well, which the MAC48 did not have. This pattern is starting to get fairly close to the final design that was adopted (although it would be a Tulle design, not a Chatellerault one).

    There were a few other variations on the MAC48 pattern, including a long barreled one with a bipod, and a version with twin triggers to allow semiauto fire - unfortunately we don't have access to either of those today.

    Many thanks to the French IRCGN (Criminal Research Institute of the National Gendarmerie) for generously giving me access to film these unique specimens for you!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 11.6.2023 20:08  33831
    Samopal, který v případě zaseknutí bylo doporučeno umýt v louži (PPS-43)

    Design samopalu, který dodnes překvapuje svou jednoduchostí a vyrobitelností, se zrodil ještě díky jednomu člověku.
    Při vytváření svého prvního vzorku použil Alexej Ivanovič Sudajev originální konstrukční řešení nalezená poručíkem techniky dělostřelecké akademie Ivanem Konstantinovičem Bezručko-Vysockij, který vyvinul vlastní verzi samopalu.
    Koncem dubna 1942 Sudajev představil svůj vlastní model zbraně pro polní zkoušky.
    Navenek měl jeho samopal mnoho společného s prototypem Bezruchko-Vysockij, což není překvapivé, protože v něm Sudaev použil schéma fungování pohyblivých částí a reflektoru použité nábojnice vyvinuté Bezruchko-Vysockij, takže její práce spolehlivější.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 10.6.2023 23:29  33830
    Bullets HITTING Bullets in Slow Motion - THE IMPOSSIBLE SHOT - Smarter Every Day 287
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 8.6.2023 21:50  33829
    Last Gasp of the German Maxim: the Air-Cooled MG 08/18

    The MG 08/18 was developed at the very end of World War One as a lighter alternative to the MG 08/15. It used an air-cooled barrel, and between not needing water and having lighter parts it managed to be about 6 pounds less weight than the 08/15. Only a few hundred appear to have been produced before the end of the war, and they were not used by the German military during the Weimar era (the Mg 08/15 was). The 08/18 barrel jacket served as the basis for the MG34 barrel shroud, interestingly.

    Thanks to Limex for giving me access to this very rare gun to film for you!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 6.6.2023 21:50  33828
    The AK-50 Project - June 2023 Update

    The AK-50 is now here. Well, at least all the parts are, so here’s what we have left to do before getting this new V3 prototype firing!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 5.6.2023 20:52  33827
    Chang Feng CS/LS 06 - China's Take on the Helical-Mag SMG

    The Chang Feng is named for the company that developed it, the Chongqing Chang Feng Company Ltd in (you guessed it) Chongqing. It was designed by one Qing Shangsheng, who had ample prior firearms design experience (including the Type 64 and 67 pistols and Type 80 SMG). The design is based around a helical magazine inspired by the Russian Bizon and the American Calico. Early patterns used the magazine as a buttstock, but it was moved up on top of the weapon. The early versions were also chambered for the Chinese 5.8mm pistol cartridge before being changed to 9x19mm to better suit an export market.

    The final production version included a threaded muzzle device for suppressor use, a rear-mounted rail for a variety of optional optical sights, and a telescoping stock. It was sold to a number of Chinese security agencies as well as being exported to Myanmar, Venezuela, and Uganda.

    Many thanks to the French IRCGN (Criminal Research Institute of the National Gendarmerie) for generously giving me access to film this very rare specimen for you! They maintain an extensive firearms reference collection as part of their mission to fight crime and international terrorism.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 3.6.2023 21:12  33826
    M28/76: A Finnish Competition & Sniper Mosin

    The Finns developed several difference scopes rifles in the 1930s, but none were made in large quantities, and they were not really much used during the Winter War or Continuation War. The first post-war consideration was given to a new model in 1954, but that led instead to a decision to make a competition version of the M28 rifle using nice diopter sights; the M28/57. These were later modified by cutting down their stocks to be better biathlon rifles...up until international biathlon moved form full power cartridges to .22 rimfire.

    In the mid 1960s, Valmet's planned semiauto 7.62x54R sniper rifle on the AK platform failed - it was far too inaccurate. Left in a bit of a lurch, the Army took the M28/57 setup and applied it to the M27 Army rifles, and the resulting M27/66 was an interim sniper rifle, as well as being the standard Army rifle for formal marksmanship competitions. These were supplemented by the old M28/57 rifles, which were rebuilt with new stocks as the M28/76 - which is what we are looking at today. Ultimately, these were all replaced by the TKIV-85 proper sniper's rifle in the 1980s.

    Most M28/76 rifles were made with just diopter sights; only a small number were given scope bases as well. In addition, about 10% were made with left-handed stocks, and I am very lucky to have found an example with both of those features!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 3.6.2023 21:09  33825
    M28/76: A Finnish Competition & Sniper Mosin
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 2.6.2023 22:18  33824
    Star Model S: A Compact .380 for the Spanish Air Force

    Star introduced their first compact tilting-barrel pistol (the Model D) in 1922. The Spanish military was interested in something along these lines, but the Model D was intended to be a civilian pocket-carry gun, and was just too small for military use. What was needed was something still compact, but with a full-size grip - a gun that could serve as a pilot's emergency pistol, for instance. Star developed this as the Model S, still chambered for the .380ACP cartridge, but with an 8-round capacity.

    The Model S was introduced in 1935, but the Spanish Civil War the next year prevented production from really beginning until 1939. The Model S at that point does get a lot of Spanish military and police interest, including a contract from the Spanish Air Force, which this pistol is an example of (manufactured in 1945). They were purchased by a number of foreign militaries as well, and served with Spanish police forces into the 1990s - despite most people thinking they were just a civilian pistol.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 31.5.2023 19:31  33823
    Project Lantan: Poland Designs a Modular AK in 7x41mm

    In the early 1970s, Poland wanted to replace their 7.62x39mm Kalashnikov rifles. The Soviet Union was developing the 5.45mm AK-74, but the Poles wanted to make a more ambitious advance in small arms systems. They launched Project Lantan (Polish small arms programs were code named after minerals and periodic table elements). The plan was to create a modular system similar in concept to the Stoner 63 - a single universal receiver that could be fitted with different components to create variety of weapons. These could include a short carbine, infantry rifle, mag-fed light machine gun, squad automatic, or vehicular machine gun (fired by spade grips or remote solenoid).

    The cartridge developed for the rifle was an indigenous 7x41mm round that was longer and more efficient than 7.62x39mm. Two prototype rifles were built, and courtesy of Works 11 in Katowice, Poland we have a chance to take a close look at number 1. Unfortunately its experimental foam/rubber stock has completely disintegrated in the past 50 years since it was built, but the rest of the rifle is intact. It features separate upper and lower receivers and a quick-change barrel and gas tube.

    Once the Soviet Union found out about the project, they forced it to be cancelled. The Soviets wanted caliber commonality within the Warsaw Pact, and they also wanted to collect a license fee from Poland for the AK-74 and 5.45x39mm cartridge. In this they were only partially successful, as the Poles reverse engineered elements of the AK-74 to create their own unique Tantal rifle design instead of licensing the new Kalashnikov. But even so, the Lantan project was squashed before it could advance beyond two initial proof of concept rifles.

    Thanks to Works 11 and all my other friends in Poland who helped arrange access to this fascinating rifle!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 30.5.2023 23:14  33822
    Finland Salvages a "Tragic Boating Accident": Grafton Vetterli Rifles

    During the Russo-Japanese War, the Japanese government helped smuggle arms to potential revolutionaries in Russia, in hopes of provoking a domestic crisis that would divert Russia military force form the war. This included a plot to buy many thousands of surplus Vetterli rifles (as well as C96 Mausers, Webley revolvers, and a few other odds and ends) and ship them to St Petersburg. The Japanese provided the freighter SS John Grafton , and it loaded up the weapons in Copenhagen.

    The first plan was to unload a few guns in Helsinki and take the rest to St Petersburg; this was scrapped when the ships intended to help unload failed to appear at the scheduled rendezvous. A new plan was formed to drop all the guns in Finland, and the Grafton headed north into the Gulf of Bothnia. When it went to start unloading at Pietarsaari, it ran aground and became stuck. Worried about the response of Russian security forces, a small fraction of the guns were unloaded and then the ship scuttled.

    In a rare true example of a "tragic boating accident", a number of local divers spent several nights covertly bringing guns up form the wreck, including the example we have to see today. Ultimately there was no revolt against the Russian government in 1905, and the Vetterli saw at most very limited use in the eventual 1917 war for Finnish independence. They were not used by the military or the Civil Guard, and mostly became civilian hunting rifles. The Mauser pistols and Webley revolvers did see more fighting, though, as they were more modern and their ammunition more readily available.

    Thanks to the viewer in Finland who loaned me this very cool rifle to film for you!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 27.5.2023 21:00  33821
    Slovenia's Specialized Bullpup: the F2000S

    When the Slovenian Army decided to adopt a new infantry rifle in the mid-2000s, the Arex Defense company decided to submit the F-2000 into the trials. The H&K G36 was widely expected to be the winner, but Arex had already been involved in making F2000 parts as a subcontractor for FN, and wanted a chance at a domestic-production rifle for Slovenia.

    The one major hurdle was that the Army tender required the rifle to have a carry handle, which the F2000 does not. At the request of Arex, FN agreed to design a version of the rifle with such a feature, but balked at the extremely tight time frame required. So instead, Arex made their own new upper receiver for the F2000, with an elevated picatinny optics rail and a carry handle beneath. This was entered into the rifle trials and ended up winning. A contract for 6500 of the guns was issued, and they were delivered in 2006-2007. The final design was designated the F2000S by FN (not to be confused with the civilian-sale semiautomatic FS2000).

    Thanks to Arex Defense for giving me access to this rifle to film, and thanks to Polenar Tactical for hosting me in Slovenia!
    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 23.5.2023 16:56  33820
    (Jakkoli je to poněkud redundantní, znovu velice děkuji za perexy.)

    Tomu Nylonu je věnovaná hezká stať v Následcích:

    ... Tohle,“ pokračoval, zvedaje ze stojanu třetí zbraň, „je jejich nejnovější model. Říkají tomu Nylon 66. Pažba je z jediného kusu nylonu od DuPonta. Není to zvlášť hezké, ale funguje to dobře. Remington ve své reklamě uvádí, že můžete tuhle pušku přejet nákladním autem a pořád bude fungovat.“ Vzhlédl na Waltera Bowmana: „Není mi známo, že by naši zákazníci měli ve zvyku jezdit auty po svých puškách, ale kdo ví, třeba Remington narazil na dosud nepokrytý segment trhu.“

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