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    Video Alova prototypového samopalu
    Early Automatic Pistol Cartridges - What, When & Why?

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    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 7.12.2023 15:44  34008
    potřebuji testovat powder dispenser ...

    Hm, tak jsem vyzjistil, že právě pro takovéto účely se dělají inertní prachy. Ale marně hledám někoho, kdo by to u nás prodával — nevíte někdo?

    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 6.12.2023 20:19  34007
    Beretta M93R: Exploring the 'Robocop Auto 9', with firearms expert Jonathan Ferguson
    So often arms designers get automatic pistols wrong. But, there's a lot right about Beretta's M93 Raffica. Despite receiving Jonathan's seal of approval, the M93R never really went anywhere, other than featuring in one of our Keeper of Firearms and Artillery's favourite cult films: RoboCop.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 6.12.2023 15:05  34006
    Makarov: The Soviets Adopt Some Weird Proprietary Caliber
    The Makarov, designed by Nikolay Makarov, was the Soviet Union's new post-WW2 handgun. The whole Soviet small arms suite was changed in the late 1940s and early 1950s, and the Makarov was intended to address a number of concerns with the TT33 Tokarev pistols. The Tokarev was a relatively challenging pistol to shoot, with its potent 7.62x25mm cartridge. It was also associated with a lot of accidental discharges, as it had no mnaul safety besides a half-cock notch in the hammer. The new pistol needed to be small, lighter, easier to use, and safer. In addition, with the replacement of the PPSh and PPS submachine guns with the new Kalashnikov, the pistol no longer needed to share ammunition with any other small arms. This led to development of a moderately-powered 9mm cartridge, the 9x18 Makarov (actually designed by Boris Semin). That cartridge used a 9mm land diameter, meaning that it was actually 9.2mm by typical Western measurement (groove diameter).

    Mechanically, the Makarov drew many design elements from the Walther PP family. It was a simple blowback pistol with a single stack 8-round magazine and a double action hammer fired system. It was formally adopted in 1951, with full scale production beginning at Factory 622 in Izhevsk in 1953 and the final perfected design realized in 1955. It remained the standard Soviet military sidearm right up to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

    In addition to Soviet production, the Makarov was manufactured in East Germany, Bulgaria, and China. A greta many of these have been imported into the US, although not very many Soviet examples.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 5.12.2023 20:11  34005
    Cobray Pocket Pal Revolver: Deep Dive, Detail Strip, Inner Workings. Twin-barrel, twin-caliber gun!

    Who doesn't want to see inside of the very unique and interesting Cobray Pocket Pal twin-barrel, twin-caliber "revolver?" It shoots .22 LR out of one cylinder and barrel, and .380 ACP out of the other cylinder and barrel. 5 rounds and 3 rounds, respectively. How odd!

    In this video the Pocket Pal is detail stripped, and its function is explained. Can't say I've seen anything else quite like it! It sure doesn't look like a revolver when it's closed up and ready to shoot. It's actually pretty comfortable in the hand and points naturally. Recoil in either caliber is extremely controllable. Accuracy stinks. Trigger pull is maybe 15 lbs or so... very heavy and very long, and not particularly smooth, either. There you have it... not really a review and no shooting in this video, but I think the inner workings are interesting!

    I suppose it would be effective at contact distances, but I have it as a novelty, really. If nothing else, it's a fun gun with a very unique design!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 2.12.2023 14:56  34004
    East Germany's Secret Walther Clone: The Pistole 1001-0

    When the Allies occupied German at the end of World War Two, the Walther factory at Zella Mehlis was initially garrisoned by American soldiers (who did a pretty thorough job liberating all the guns they could find there) but eventually ended up in the Soviet occupation zone (and later East Germany). This was in Suhl, a major area of weapons production, and the DDR set up a large factory complex of its own there called the Ernst Thalmann Werke (named after a German communist martyr).

    In 1947 a team of engineers started to rebuild the production line for the Walther PP from the tooling and drawings that remained at the Walther plant. The government wants to use pistol for both military, police, and security service. The factory code was 1001, and the pistol was given the designation 1001-0. It took several years to fully reconstruct the production facilities, and once it did production ran from 1953 until 1957 (when the Makarov took over), with about 20,000 produced overall.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 1.12.2023 18:14  34003
    Venezuelan FN49: The First FN49 Contract

    Venezuela was the First Nation to purchase the FN-49 rifle, before even the Belgian military. In fact, the Venezuelan contract was signed in 1948, before the "FN-49" designation was even in place. Venezuela bought a total of 8,012 rifles in two batches - 4,000 rifles plus 12 cutaway training examples delivered in 1949 and a further 4,000 more rifles delivered in June 1951. All of them included the integral muzzle brake and scope mounting cuts, although no scopes were ever procured. They were all semiautomatic models.

    Some of the rifles were issued and used, but some appear to have remained in depots their entire life. Venezuela was also an early adopter of the FAL, and the FN-49 was only used for a short time. In 1966, all of them (or virtually all) were sold as surplus to InterArms, and brought onto the US collector market.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 30.11.2023 01:11  34002
    British Lancaster Pistol
    Small Arms Primer 188: British Lancaster Pistols

    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 29.11.2023 23:23  34001
    Neznáte někdo náhodou „Jardu Pulicara“, měl by být odborník (mj.) na vnitřní balistiku? Kdosi mne na něj odkázal, že prý „kontakt najdete na FB“, tam já v životě nebyl a bohdá nebudu... Kdybyste měl někdo na něj civilisovaný kontakt jako třeba e-mail, budu vděčný za odkaz. Dík.
    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 29.11.2023 19:31  34000
    Ale jdu sem původně s jiným dotázkem: potřebuji testovat powder dispenser; nejde o prachování samotné, ale o řídicí a komunikační protokol toho zařízení.

    Nechce se mi úplně pořád bůhvíkolikrát dokola točit a zase vracet skutečný prach. Naprázdno to ale taky nejde, potřebuji něco, co když dispenser sype na misku, váha roste.

    Co byste doporučili za jiný (inertní) materiál, který by měl fysikální vlastnosti co nejbližší skutečným prachům, samozřejmě dispenseru nijak neublíží, bude se z něj snadno vyndavat, a byl by pro takové testování vhodný? Dík!

    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 29.11.2023 19:30  33999
    To bohužel bezpochyby. Maxima jsem ještě nikdy nikde na prodej neviděl; občas se ale objeví Gatling, a prasecky drahé bývají dokonce i moderní kopie (jež jsou v USA legální, u nás by asi nebyly) :(
    666 666 Bože, chraň nás před těmi, - kteří v tebe věří. 29.11.2023 18:46  33998
    kulomet Déčko bych si taky nechal líbit, ale čekám, že to bude nad moje finanční možnosti...
    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 29.11.2023 16:42  33997
    (Jeden dva bych koupil, pokud je to z '89, pak je to Déčko...)
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 29.11.2023 15:54  33996
    Argentine Brass Maxim: A Machine Gun of the Steampunk Age

    The Maxim Gun was the first successful true machine gun, and it became extremely popular worldwide. Maxim sent his first two working models to Enfield for testing in 1887, and by 1889 he had what he termed the "World Standard" model. No two contracts were quite identical, as the gun was constantly being tweaked and improved, but the 200 guns sold to Argentina in 1895 (50), 1898 (130) and 1902 (20) are a great time capsule into the configuration of the early Maxim guns in military service.

    The Argentine Maxims had gorgeous brass jackets, along with ball grips, triggers, feed blocks, and fusee spring covers. The have the early 1889 pattern lock, complete with a walnut roller to assist belt feeding into the action. These guns were in Argentine military service until 1929 (which included a retrofit at DWM in 1909 to use the new Spitzer 7.65mm Mauser cartridge). They then passed into police use until 1956, and 91 were sold to Sam Cummings of InterArms in 1960. Of those, 8 were exported out of the US, 28 went to government agencies and museums, and the remaining 55 were sold onto the US collector market. They are the single largest group of early Maxims in the country today, and make fantastic collectors' pieces.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 27.11.2023 14:22  33995
    Hotchkiss Portative: Clunky But Durable

    The Portative was an attempt by the Hotchkiss company to make a light machine gun companion to their heavy model (which had found significant commercial success). The Portative used the same feed strips, albeit loaded upside down, and the same gas piston operation, but a very different locking system. Instead of a tiling locking block the Portative had a "fermeture nut" that rotated to lock onto the bolt with three sets of interrupted thread locking lugs. In addition, many of the traditionally internal parts were mounted externally on the Portative, and it was quite the awkward gun to use.

    The Portative was adopted by the American Army as the Model 1909 Benet-Mercié, and by the British early in World War One as a cavalry and tank-mounted gun. The remainder of Portative contracts were relatively small from second-tier military forces, including several South American countries.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 25.11.2023 14:40  33994
    Ballard .41 Rimfire Derringer: An Old West Boot Gun

    Charles H. Ballard is much better known for his single shot rifle design, but he also designed, patented, and produced a .41 rimfire caliber derringer. These were popular concealed weapons during the 19th century, and remain in production even today (though no longer in .41 rimfire...). Production began circa 1870, and a few thousand of Ballard's derringers were made.

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