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    sven Sven ukaž člověku smrt a smíří se s horečkou 23.12.2023 17:35 - Klub Zbrane (03:55) 34083
    ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ A přeju všem zdejším šťastné a klidné Vánoce a veselého a divokého Silvestra!!!!!!!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 23.12.2023 14:34  34082
    Making Do: South Africa's 7.62mm NATO Bren Gun Conversions

    During World War Two, the South African military used a lot of .303 caliber Bren guns. When 7.62mm NATO became the standard cartridge after the war, the Bren guns were put into storage, as converting them to the new rimless cartridge was a fairly complicated process. Instead, they purchased new FN- MAG machine guns, and supplemented them with conversion of Vickers and M1919 Browning guns (which were much simpler to do).

    However, as the war in South West Africa (now Namibia) escalated, more guns were needed. The embargo in effect prevented purchase of MAGs (or their parts), and so a twofold plan was put into place. A new domestic machine gun went into development (this would become the SS-77), and the Bren guns in storage were converted to 7.62mm NATO. These Brent were a variety of models and in in widely varying condition. Where the British Bren gun conversion (the L4) was done after refurbishing the base guns to essentially factory new condition, the South Africans did not have the parts or facilities to do this sort of rebuilding. Instead, their Brens were essentially each hand fitted to fit the new parts to the different donor guns.

    Mechanically, the conversion required new barrels, extractors, and magazine catch blocks. The barrels were made new by Lyttleton Engineering Works (LEW), and fitted with the sights, carry handles, and gas blocks taken from the original .303 barrels. The sights were not recalibrated for 7.62mm. The magazine locking blocks were designed a bit differently from the British L4 pattern. For magazines, the South Africans made their own straight 30-round mags, and also used standard R1A1 (FAL) 20-round rifle magazines. These did include some of the unique South African hybrid mags, with metric locking lugs and inch-type floorplates. New polymer furniture was also made, but only used on guns whose existing furniture was beyond repair.

    The conversion program ran from 1972 until 1976, and it converted all of the South African stock of surplus Brens. The program was only somewhat successful, because of the mixed states of the base material. While some ran extremely well (as did the British L4 conversions), some were simply too worn to be reliable and problems like runaway triggers were not uncommon. In addition, the hand-fitted nature of the guns meant that as they were used in the field and required additional maintenance, they were not parts-interchangeable. Any further work on them also had to be hand-fitted - not a sustainable situation.

    Many thanks to DSA for giving me access to the excellent example from their reference collection (as well as the L4 for comparison) to film for you!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 22.12.2023 17:03  34081
    Overview of Soviet Military Handguns: Nagant, Tokarev, Makarov

    Today we are looking at an overview of Soviet military service sidearms. This begins with the Model 1895 Nagant revolver, inherited from the Czarist Russian Army. The Nagant was adopted as the standard Red Army handgun, specifically in double action. Soviet refitting led to single-action Nagant revolvers being extremely rare today. In the late 1920s, a development program for a new semiautomatic pistol was run, which resulted in adoption of the TT30 Tokarev. Refinement of the Tokarev led to the TT33, adopted in 1933 and entering significant production in late 1935.

    The Tokarev was considered a flawed pistol, and a new program in the late 1930s looked to replace it. A new design was chosen, but the German invasion in 1941 ended that project, and the Tokarev and Nagant would serve together through the end of World War Two. In the aftermath of the war, the Soviet Union adopted a wholly new suite of small arms. The new pistol was to be something lighter and handier, and with better safety features than the Tokarev. The PM Makarov was adopted to this end, and entered production in the early 1950s. It was used through the collapse of the Soviet Union, with a PMM (modernized) version unveiled in 1990, with a larger magazine. Eventually, the Russian Federation adopted the MP-443 Grach in 2003, a locker-breech 9x19mm pistol to replace the Makarovs.
    sven Sven ukaž člověku smrt a smíří se s horečkou 22.12.2023 02:22 - Klub Zbrane (03:55) 34080
    FG-42Tak jsem napočítal 128 pozic/součástek + dalších 12 ( pažba, nosné řemení s kováním a bajonet).
    Tak to se ještě dá....
    El_Diablo - dík za ten rozpohybovaný řez!
    j_j J_J 21.12.2023 21:45  34079
    FG-42 druhého sériového provedení (zmiňované F, rozeznatelné podle téměř kolmé pitolové pažbičky) už měla pouzdro závěru lisované z plechu.

    Pokud by byla FG-42 vyrobena ve slabší ráži, nebylo by potřeba řešit tu střelbu z otevřeného závěru a rozdíl proti StG 44 by byl jen v ergonomii, kterou někdo chválí a někdo zatracuje. (Mně osobně semi-bullpup s krmením na levé straně vyhovuje.)

    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 21.12.2023 19:29  34078
    An Interesting Possibility: The FG-42 in 8x33

    Here's an interesting thought - what if they made the FG-42 in 8x33mm Kurz? Well, they actually did, in very small numbers. The rifle's designer, Louis Stange, actually thought it was a really good idea, and the Heereswaffenamt office converted a handful of first model FG42s for testing, although it never went farther than that. The Army was very much in favor fo the 8x33mm cartridge in the MP43/44 for a variety of reasons, but the Luftwaffe was determined to issue its own unique rifle in the full 8x57mm cartridge.

    After the war, there was one further addendum to this idea - Waffenfabrik Bern in Switzerland made a couple experimental patterns of what was essentially the FG42 in 7.5mm Kurz (7.5x38mm). These were tested as part of Switzerland's move to a self-loading rifle, but ultimately lost out to SIG's design in the full 7.5x55mm.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 21.12.2023 19:15  34076
    Sven [34074]: How a German FG 42 Works

    The FG 42 is a selective-fire 7.92×57mm Mauser automatic rifle produced in Nazi Germany during World War II. The weapon was developed specifically for the use of the Fallschirmjäger airborne infantry in 1942 and was used in very limited numbers until the end of the war.

    It combined the characteristics and firepower of a light machine gun in a lightweight form slightly shorter (but considerably bulkier and heavier) than the standard-issue Karabiner 98k bolt-action infantry rifle. Considered one of the most advanced weapon designs of World War II, the FG 42 influenced post-war small arms development, and many features of its design, such as general shape, stock style, gas-rotating bolt operation (itself copied from the Lewis gun) and sheet metal and plastic construction were copied by the US Army when they developed the M60 machine gun.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 21.12.2023 19:09  34075

    For the starters. I hate welding. Love fastening. More mechanically challenging and demanding I think.
    More joy for me.

    Everything here is simple hardware materials. An thick wall aluminum tube ( don,t remember how I got it) happened to fit the Gevarm bolt nicely. That had triggered my creative fit.
    Another piece of luck- spacer for the plug fits well and a ‘rice burner’ clip-on bar telescoped inside the receiver making a fake barrel.

    The only serous ‘machining’ done with a drill press, an angular grinder and files: the handgrip/ rear plug bracket . I had some used and holed up piece of I think 3/8 aluminum, an old motorcycle brake bracket …

    The thumb screws for sights just a joke….I might do something nicer.
    The aluminum cover on the trigger group keeps the pins from potentially loosening out.

    Important piece, the mag shroud/ ejector. Genius design by Gevarm a d Voere. 1) it sends rounds perfectly to the barrel. Never misdeeds. 2) deflects used shells as an ejector. They have no room to get stuck.
    In the Voere case- ejects more robustly due to the sharp left corner.

    I wish I was allowed to finish it, but I have to stop here… it was fun.

    I might consider an interesting and aesthetic collapsing wire stock….
    Thanks. Enjoy.
    sven Sven ukaž člověku smrt a smíří se s horečkou 21.12.2023 16:05 - Klub Zbrane (03:55) 34074
    Tak to pouzdro závěru, vyrobené z jednoho kusu strojním obráběním - to teda musí být lahůdka...
    Ale úplně mi spadla brada, když jsem se dozvěděl, že při modu semi-auto to střílí z uzavřeného závěru a při full-auto z otevřeného....tak to teda klobouk dolů.
    Pokusím se najít na netu někde rozpohybovaný řez....
    ☺ A schválně se podle toho německého manuálu pokusím spočítat počet součástek ( ale z toho manuálu se teda nedá poznat, co je lisované a co obráběné)...
    j_j J_J 21.12.2023 13:00  34073
    Mně tedy střeva FG-42 nijak zvlášť komplikovaná nepřijdou, naopak se mi to zdá konstrukčně jednoduché a elegantní, zejména s přihlédnutím k tomu, co to umí. Výroba taky není kdo ví jak komplikovaná. U druhého produkčního provedení (F) už byla výroba i docela levná a rychlá.

    Mimochodem, mám o téhle zbrani docela pěknou knihu (anglicky).

    666 666 Bože, chraň nás před těmi, - kteří v tebe věří. 21.12.2023 12:22  34072
    MG-42 je vlastně taky držák - používá se v armádách NATO dodnes (pod označením MG-3 mírně modifikován a v jiné ráži). Dokonce AČR má pár kousků.
    sven Sven ukaž člověku smrt a smíří se s horečkou 20.12.2023 23:31 - Klub Zbrane (03:55) 34071
    ☺ Hopla! tak jsem si popletl MG-42 s FG-42 !!
    Krásná strojařina, ale vyrábět bych to nechtěl a čistit už vůbec ne. Je to složitější, než šicí stroj. ☺ Pajšl toho FG-42 tady vidím poprvé v životě.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 20.12.2023 16:59  34070
    Gear-Ratio-Accelerated? Yep, It's a Thing: French MAT 1955 Prototype

    EDIT: Shoot, I managed to get the gear ratio backwards. Sorry! The recoil action provides the necessary delay, and then the gear ratio provides acceleration to ensure the bolt can open reliably, akin to the accelerator in a Browning M1917 or 1919 machine gun, or a Lahti L35 pistol. Please excuse the error...

    In the search for an improvement to the MAS 1949 rifle for the French military, all the French arsenals proposed new designs. MAS supplied an updated version that was ultimately adopted as the MAS 49/56, but the Tulle Arsenal (MAT) had a wacky idea of its own. In 1955, they presented a short-recoil, tilting bolt, gear-ratio-delayed system. It was an open bolt firing rifle chambered for the 7.5x54mm cartridge, using detachable 20-round magazines. Today we have one of the first models to look at, and there was a second iteration in 1956, which lightened the rifle by replacing some steel parts with aluminum. Neither was successful, much the the relief of the French Army...

    Many thanks to the IRCGN (Institut de Recherche Criminelle de la Gendarmerie Nationale) for allowing me access to film this unique rifle for you!

    Full video on the St Etienne Mle 1907 heavy machine gun:
    sven Sven ukaž člověku smrt a smíří se s horečkou 20.12.2023 14:02 - Klub Zbrane (03:55) 34069
    Ono se na to opravdu musí dívat hodně pozorně a zblízka ( zvětšoval jsem to do režimu kino) a ten pohyb ozubu vzad + rotaci zajišťuje taková tlačná pidipružina ( musí být uložená samozřejmě na otočném trnu, aby se nezdeformovala - ale ten tam není zakreslený).
    Teď musím běžet, tak na ten kulomet se rád večer kouknu!
    j_j J_J 20.12.2023 13:27  34068
    Na tu variantu přímoběžného úderníku jsem koukal a právě proto jsem napsal, co jsem napsal. Možnost pohybu ozubu vzad je tam opravdu celkem pěkný nápad, nicméně je tam jeden problém: co posune ten ozub dozadu? Z té animace se zdá, že konstruktér spoléhá na to, že se ozub prostě sveze dozadu proto, že ve spodní poloze ho bude pružina přitlačovat směrem nahoru a tření mezi hranou ozubu a spodní částí závěru bude dostatečné.Já bych zase takový optimista nebyl...

    Mimochodem, ten převod mezi ozubem a spouští má podobně řešen FG-42, ale tam se „unterbrecher“ (přerušovač, odpovídá tomu pohyblivému dílu ve spoušti z animace) odklápí do strany poté, co ho nabere závěr. V klidu (závěr vepředu) je tam v závěru žlábek a jeho konec pak odkopne přerušovač do boku a umožní ozubu (Fangnase) vyskočit nahoru. Je to vidět třeba tady na obrázku č. 13

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