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    Early Automatic Pistol Cartridges - What, When & Why?

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    j_j J_J 12.2.2024 12:58  34182
    OC: ta divná věc vpravo od „LR“ na větším obrázku je téměř jistě lutyšská věž na pyramidě, takže ta Belgie nemusí být úplně mimo. Ale souhlasím, že korunka není úplně stejná.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 10.2.2024 21:16  34181
    Turn Any AR into a Gatling Gun: Freedom Ordnance FG-15
    The Freedom Ordnance FG-15 grip contains an alternate trigger mechanism in the form of a retractable trigger crank. The crank interacts with a piston that goes up through the center support bolt and directly interacts with the trigger bar. I thas 3 modes, stowed, neutral, and fire to ensure safe opperation.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 9.2.2024 15:13  34180
    Ultra-Premium S&W Performance Center Model 3566

    When Smith & Wesson introduced their Model 3566 pistol for USPSA use, the company shooting team needed six of them for use at the 1994 USPSA Nationals. The Performance Center made these six guns, and they are magnificent examples of custom gunsmithing. This is the first of them, and designed for use in Limited Division. It has a six-inch extended barrel, brass barrel bushing ring, extended 20-round magazines, and fantastic single action only trigger.
    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 7.2.2024 22:28  34179
    Dokážete někdo identifikovat tohle značení? První obrázek je lůžko dvojáku, druhé hlavňový svazek. „LR“ pod korunkou se podobá belgickému „R“ pro kulovnice, ale nwm — tady je „LR“ a ta korunka taky vypadá malinko jinak. Jasná je značka pro černý prach, ale z ostatního jsem opět zmatený (taky je to ukrutně blbě čitelné, ale lepší fotky nemám). 7.4 netuším, co má být, rozhodně ne ráže, ta je nejspíše nějaká 7.62... a to ostatní nepřečtu vůbec. Dík!

    _ _

    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 7.2.2024 19:18  34178
    A Gatling Revolver? With firearms & weaponry expert Jonathan Ferguson
    This series is all about weaponry wrong turns and the Dimancea pistols are prime examples that begs the question, "Who thought this would be a good idea?".

    In an attempt to improve on the already venerable revolver design, this Romanian take is as striking as it is confounding.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 5.2.2024 14:27  34177
    PT83: The Sneaky Silenced Version of Poland's P83 Pistol

    When the P-83 pistol went into production, the Polish military decided that it wanted a dedicated suppressed version of the gun, and the result was the PT-83. Thw P-83 was a 9x18mm pistol with a fixed barrel, so attaching a suppressor was not going to cause any problems with functioning. However, the designers wanted to have the slide remain closed when firing, and to do something more than just extend the barrel and thread on a suppressor. So, the redesigned the recoil spring to site below the suppressor (ion the regular P-83 it encircles the barrel), and built a clever slide locking system into the trigger mechanism...

    Ultimately, the project was cancelled and never went into production.Only a handful of prototypes were made, and we are grateful to Works 11 for giving me access to film this one to film for you!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 2.2.2024 17:41  34176
    Whitneyville Rolling Block for the Montreal Riot Squad

    In 1875 the Montreal City Police decided that they wanted to equip a riot squad in case of public disturbance. They initially requested funds for 50 revolvers, but this changed to 60 carbines instead, and these were purchased via broker in 1876 from the Whitneyville Armory. Whitneyville was a factory that made a variety of independently patented designs, and their rolling block design was actually protected by a different patent (the Whitney-Laidley) than Remington's, despite the very similar appearances of the two guns.

    The Montreal Rolling Blocks were carbines, fitted with long bayonets and chambered for a .43 caliber black powder cartridge. They were engraved "Montreal Police" on the barrels, and were actually never fired in anger, nor even deployed. They remained in government possession until the 1960s, when they were finally sold off. This example is here for me to film courtesy of Mike Carrick or Arms Heritage Magazine.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 1.2.2024 22:01  34175
    Ruský kulomet RPL-20 je připraven k testování, recenze
    Nový lehký kulomet RPL-20 vyvinutý pro ruskou armádu je připraven ke státním zkouškám. Kulomet byl představen již dříve, ale byl upraven tak, aby vyhovoval požadavkům zákazníka. Kulomet RPL-20 byl vytvořen s ohledem na vojenskou zpětnou vazbu shromážděnou během testování kulometu RPK-16, který byl považován za náhradu sovětského kulometu RPK-74. Lehký kulomet RPL-20 s pásovým pohonem má otevřený otočný závěr a plynový píst s dlouhým zdvihem. Vybavení kulometu pásovým posuvem snižuje pohyblivost vojáka, ale zvyšuje rychlost střelby kulometu. Kulomet RPL-20 má výměnné hlavně různých délek, což umožňuje jejich výměnu v závislosti na řešených úkolech a také v případě přehřátí. V současné době je kulomet dostupný v ráži 5,45×39 mm, v budoucnu bude exportován v rážích 5,56 a 7,62 mm, které splňují standardy NATO. Kulomet má sklopnou pažbu s nastavitelnou lícnicí. Hmotnost kulometu s krátkou hlavní je 5,2 kg, s dlouhou hlavní - 5,5 kg. Kulomet je vybaven lištou Picatinny pro montáž mířidel a dalšího příslušenství. Dosah zasažení cílů kulometem je až 500 metrů, rychlost střelby 700 ran za minutu. Kapac
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 1.2.2024 21:05  34174
    Sa vz.58 Mechanical operation by @DaletheStgwDude

    This is only the Mechanical Operation segment from our full video on the Sa vz.58 collaboration video with @DaletheStgwDude . If you are only interested in the mechanical portion of the video this is the right one for you. However if you are interested in our full Sa vz.58 table top video including some history, disassembly, mechanics and our thoughts and opinions on the platform, I have linked it here:
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 31.1.2024 17:03  34173
    Prototype French MAS-49 SMG in .45ACP

    In the late 1940s the French developed a new suite of small arms, including a competition to replace the 7.65mm MAS-38 submachine gun with a new 9x19mm SMG. The eventual winner of this program was the MAT-49, which became an iconic part of French Army weaponry in Algeria and elsewhere. The St Etienne arsenal also submitted a design though, and theirs was a lever-delayed system. In addition to the variety of models in 9x19mm, it appears that they also made a couple examples in .45 ACP. I'm not sure why this was done, but it is interesting to see!

    Many thanks to the IRCGN (Institut de Recherche Criminelle de la Gendarmerie Nationale) for allowing me access to film this prototype for you!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 31.1.2024 09:50  34172
    Animace3D Animation: How the vz. 58 Automatic Rifle worked
    The vz. 58 was a Czechoslovakian automatic rifle chambered in 7.62×39mm. While it looks like a AK-47, it is a different design based on a short-stroke gas piston and shares no parts with Kalashnikov rifles.

    It was designed by gun designer Jiří Čermák and manufactured by Czechoslovakian gun company Česká zbrojovka Uherský Brod (CZ) from 1959 to 1984.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 29.1.2024 23:13  34171
    M98kF1 ZF41: Norway Recycles Germany's Worst Sniper Rifle

    When Germany capitulated at the end of World War Two, several hundred thousand German soldiers were stuck in Norway (thanks to the efforts of the Norwegian Resistance preventing them from moving south to reinforce against Allied landings in Normandy). These solders' arms were surrendered to the Norwegians, and they formed the basis of Norwegian Army and Home Guard armaments for many years. With hundreds of thousands of K98k rifles to choose from, the Norwegians were able to pick out plenty in good condition. This included 400 ZF41 DMR/sniper rifles that were kept intact and taken into Norwegian service. Three different branches used the rifles, and they are marked on the chamber with either HAER (Army), FLY (Air Force), or K.ART (Naval Artillery).

    In 1950, Norway began to get US military aid in .30-06, and they decided to rebarrel these Mausers to that cartridge. The process began in 1952 and they were all converted by the end of 1956. The new barrels are marked "KAL 7.62", for 7.62x63mm. There was only a small amount of experimental further conversion to 7.62mm NATO. The ZF-41 models like this one were also given a new serial number tag riveted onto the scope mount with the rifle's serial number (150001 through 150400).

    Converted Mausers served in the Home Guard until the early 1970s, when they were replaced by the AG3 (HK91).
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 28.1.2024 23:02  34170
    Why the USSR Changed from the 7.62 to the 5.45. Now Russia has Chosen a New Caliber

    The first AK rifle and the 7.62x39 mm cartridge were adopted by the USSR in 1949. But where did it come from? Why did the Russians switch from the 7.62 to the 5.45, and why did Kalashnikov consider it... a big mistake! And, last, but not the least – what new caliber was recently created in Russia, to replace the old 5.45x39 cartridge?
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 26.1.2024 20:18  34169
    Battle Rifles of World War Two: Overview

    Today we are going to take a look at the three main battle rifles of World War Two - the M1 Garand, the SVT-40, and the Gewehr 43. We will also consider the SVT-38, Gewehr 41(W), and Gewehr 41(M). The United States, Soviet Union, and Germany were the three countries that fielded large numbers of semiautomatic full-power rifles in combat in WW2; how did they differ in their approaches to infantry firepower?
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 24.1.2024 18:41  34168
    The Evolution of Guns After the Civil War | Guns: The Evolution of Firearms | Documentary Central

    From the Post-Civil War military to the wild frontier, the demand for firearms was growing. The need for inexpensive and quickly produced firearms sparked invention and continued the evolution of the gun.

    The history of guns from invention to the present day. Shows the major developments in the evolution of the gun, what made certain weapons so ground-breaking and notable battlefield actions and feats involving particular weapons.

    Documentary Central is the home for compelling documentaries tackling subjects like history, climate change, wildlife, conspiracy and more. Subscribe so you don't miss out

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