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    Video Alova prototypového samopalu
    Early Automatic Pistol Cartridges - What, When & Why?

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    puschpull puschpull být nad věcí, pohoda a klid ... - AV-Com (Homepage) 20.2.2024 15:36  34191
    taipan [34190]: nebyl to Joe Kid?

    Joe Kidd (1972) | Č
    taipan taipan Pozor, kouše! - Nedráždit jedovaté hady! 20.2.2024 13:56  34190
    Já to jednou viděl ve filmu, nějaký western (a nikoliv novodobý). Ale nevím jaký, už je to hodně let. Ale už tehdy mě to zaujalo, a taky mi přišlo, že v tom není optika, je to jen taková pomůcka pro oko.
    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 19.2.2024 23:41  34189
    Viděli jste někdo někdy takovýto zaměřovač a montáž?

    _ _ _

    Ano-li, kde, resp. potěšil by nějaký odkaz. Prý to snad má být bez optiky, tj. žádné čočky uvnitř. Já nevím, ale mám z toho takový divný pocit, zda to není nějaké novodobé domaniko dělaniko...

    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 19.2.2024 14:56  34188
    PSA "Spiker": A Clone of the Chinese Type 56 AK

    Palmetto State Armory (PSA) makes a really wide variety of different guns, but one that they came out with a little while back that appealed to me in particular is their "Spiker". This is a reproduction of the Chinese Type 56 stamped AK with a permanently attached underfolding bayonet. These rifles were available as semiautos directly form China until the late 1980s, when import laws (and Presidential Executive Orders) changed to prohibit their importation. The prices on those original has risen dramatically since, and there has not been any significant source of parts kits or other reproductions until now, with PSA's release.

    The Type 56 is a particularly significant model of AK in military history, as China provided them (both models with and without the fixed bayonets) to a wide array of nations and militant forces. They remain very common today in conflict zones around the world. They are also rather distinct from Russian AK patterns. The Chinese were allied with the Soviet Union early on, and received Russian technical assistance in producing milled AKs. By the time the stamped AKM was in production, however, there had been a rift in Sino-Soviet relations, and China was left to reverse engineer the stamped receiver on its own. The result was a hybrid design with some milled AK elements and some stamped AKM ones. PSA has done a remarkably good job (although not completely perfect) job of recreating this hybrid design, and they have done it at a surprisingly good price point.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 19.2.2024 14:48  34187
    L41: Arado's WW2 Experimental MP40 Silencer

    The German military tested several designs of silencer for the MP40 submachine gun during late World War Two. Designated the L4x series, they were made by the Arado and Opel-Schneider companies. This example is an Arado L41, designed to use the sort of heavy rubber baffles as the Soviet Bramit pattern. The L41 used two such baffles and a single large expansion chamber, giving it a rather short overall length.

    Instead of using a clamp-on attachment like many of the adopted rifle silencers, the L41 is threaded to the MP40 muzzle. However, the MP40 muzzle threads were made without a significant tolerance requirement (as they were only designed for use with blank-firing adapters) and so the exit diameter of these suppressors had to be made substantially larger than 9mm in order to prevent bullet strikes. Ultimately no MP40 silencers were formally adopted.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 16.2.2024 20:13  34186
    Armi Jager AP85: An Italian .22 Rimfire Faux-MAS (Ad-free)
    Armi Jager was an Italian arms-making company that was created in the early 1950s by Armando Piscetta. He initially made .22 rimfire sporting rifles, then transitioned into making Old West style revolvers, and in the 1970s began offering a series of military lookalikes (he was also heavily involved inn development of the 9x12mm pistol cartridge). These were made in both .32ACP and .22 LR to comply with Italian law, and they were also readily imported into the US (with .22 LR models being much more common than .32 ACP ones). The first was the AP-74, mimicking the M16A1. This was followed the AP-80 AK, the AP-84 Galil, and the AP-85 "FAMAS", which we are looking at today.

    The FAMAS was the last of Armi Jager's models, and rather than make new parts to accurately copy the French design, they used a mixture of elements from previous models. The action and magazines are form the AK pattern guns, with a carry handle based on the M16A1 molds and a Galil front handguard. It is the least realistic of all the designs, and today is popular really for its own distinctive appearance, as well as its tenuous connection to the FAMAS.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 14.2.2024 22:24  34185
    Patchett Machine Carbine Mk I: Sten Becomes Sterling

    The Patchett Machine Carbine Mk I is the predecessor to the Sterling SMG. It was developed by George William Patchett, who was an employee of the Sterling company. At the beginning of the wear, Sterling was making Lanchester SMGs, and Patchett began in 1942 working on a new design that was intended to be simpler, cheaper, and lighter than the Lanchester. He used the receiver tube dimensions from the Sten and the magazine well and barrel shroud form the Lanchester. His first prototypes were ready in 1943, but it wasn't until early 1944 that the British government actually issued a requirement for a new submachine gun to replace the Stens in service.

    The initial Patchett guns worked very well in early 1944 testing, which continued into 1945. It ultimately came out the winner of the trials, but they didn't conclude until World War Two was over - and nothing was adopted because of the much-reduced need for small arms. Patchett continued to work on the gun, and by the 1953 he was able to win adoption of it in the later Sterling form - which is a story for a separate video.

    The Patchett was not used in any significant quantity in World War Two. At most, a few of them may have been taken on the parachute drops on Armhem - there are specifically three trials guns which appear referenced in British documents before Anrhem, but are never mentioned afterwards (numbers 67, 70, and 72). Were they taken into the field? We really don't know.

    Many thanks to the Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and Military History in Brussels for access to this very rare piece! Check them out here:
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 12.2.2024 23:59  34184
    Prototype Czech Silencer-Ready vz70

    Courtesy of CZ and their reference library, we are looking at a prototype model of the vz.70 pistol intended to use a suppressor. It has an extended and threaded (with interrupted threads for quick attach/detach) barrel, and a mechanism to allow for locking the slide. This will prevent the slide from cycling, thus reducing the noise of a shot and also preventing the ejection of spent brass. Ultimately only a handful of these were made, and they never got into production or issued use.
    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 12.2.2024 15:04  34183
    JJ: ano, to je určitě Le Perron, ta zmíněná zkušební značka pro černý prach.

    Ono je to mezitím jedno, neboť prodejce po týdnu domlouvání (po celou dobu ví, že jsem ze Středních Čech) prohlásil, že poštou neposílá; a až tak zajímavá zbraň, aby mi stálo za to si pro ni jezdit do Horních Uher, to tedy zase není.

    j_j J_J 12.2.2024 12:58  34182
    OC: ta divná věc vpravo od „LR“ na větším obrázku je téměř jistě lutyšská věž na pyramidě, takže ta Belgie nemusí být úplně mimo. Ale souhlasím, že korunka není úplně stejná.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 10.2.2024 21:16  34181
    Turn Any AR into a Gatling Gun: Freedom Ordnance FG-15
    The Freedom Ordnance FG-15 grip contains an alternate trigger mechanism in the form of a retractable trigger crank. The crank interacts with a piston that goes up through the center support bolt and directly interacts with the trigger bar. I thas 3 modes, stowed, neutral, and fire to ensure safe opperation.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 9.2.2024 15:13  34180
    Ultra-Premium S&W Performance Center Model 3566

    When Smith & Wesson introduced their Model 3566 pistol for USPSA use, the company shooting team needed six of them for use at the 1994 USPSA Nationals. The Performance Center made these six guns, and they are magnificent examples of custom gunsmithing. This is the first of them, and designed for use in Limited Division. It has a six-inch extended barrel, brass barrel bushing ring, extended 20-round magazines, and fantastic single action only trigger.
    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 7.2.2024 22:28  34179
    Dokážete někdo identifikovat tohle značení? První obrázek je lůžko dvojáku, druhé hlavňový svazek. „LR“ pod korunkou se podobá belgickému „R“ pro kulovnice, ale nwm — tady je „LR“ a ta korunka taky vypadá malinko jinak. Jasná je značka pro černý prach, ale z ostatního jsem opět zmatený (taky je to ukrutně blbě čitelné, ale lepší fotky nemám). 7.4 netuším, co má být, rozhodně ne ráže, ta je nejspíše nějaká 7.62... a to ostatní nepřečtu vůbec. Dík!

    _ _

    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 7.2.2024 19:18  34178
    A Gatling Revolver? With firearms & weaponry expert Jonathan Ferguson
    This series is all about weaponry wrong turns and the Dimancea pistols are prime examples that begs the question, "Who thought this would be a good idea?".

    In an attempt to improve on the already venerable revolver design, this Romanian take is as striking as it is confounding.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 5.2.2024 14:27  34177
    PT83: The Sneaky Silenced Version of Poland's P83 Pistol

    When the P-83 pistol went into production, the Polish military decided that it wanted a dedicated suppressed version of the gun, and the result was the PT-83. Thw P-83 was a 9x18mm pistol with a fixed barrel, so attaching a suppressor was not going to cause any problems with functioning. However, the designers wanted to have the slide remain closed when firing, and to do something more than just extend the barrel and thread on a suppressor. So, the redesigned the recoil spring to site below the suppressor (ion the regular P-83 it encircles the barrel), and built a clever slide locking system into the trigger mechanism...

    Ultimately, the project was cancelled and never went into production.Only a handful of prototypes were made, and we are grateful to Works 11 for giving me access to film this one to film for you!

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