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Domovská stránka aktualizována 2.12.2019 04:02
Omlouvám se ale bohužel jsem musel zakázat psaní anonymům, protože nám tu nějaký sabotér vložil "hack" kvůli kterému nešlo přispívat nikomu. Nevím jestli to pomůže, ale snad nad tímto darebákem budeme mít větší kontrolu.
Srdečně zveme do tohoto klubu všechny, kteří se zajímají o zbraně, střelbu a všechno, co s tím souvisí a chtějí si o tom všem v přátelské atmosféře povídat, poradit druhým, nebo se naopak chtěji zeptat na radu.

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    Video Alova prototypového samopalu
    Early Automatic Pistol Cartridges - What, When & Why?

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    j_j J_J 11.4.2024 12:18  34268
    No tak o přebíjení se moc mluvit nedá, ale proč přesně by nemělo jít střelivo do Gyrojetu vyrobit? Stačí si u libovolného slušnějšího Číňana objednat 3D tisk těch projektilů, doma do toho dát vhodné palivo a zápalku...

    Dokonce i vyloženě domácí výroba nevypadá extra komplikovaně:
    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 10.4.2024 22:14  34267
    Zničil jej? Každého Gyrojetu je ukrutná škoda :(, ačkoli jako pistole je naprosto nanic :)

    Vysvětluje tam, kde sehnal střelivo? To je obecně nejhorší problém: nikdo už to dávno nedělá, a doma to nepřebiješ...

    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 10.4.2024 19:23  34266
    I Accidentally Blew Up My Gyrojet

    Today with the help of @BallisticHighSpeed we shoot the incredibly rare Gyrojet pistol, captured in super slow motion! And also…watch it have a catastrophic malfunction in my hands…
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 10.4.2024 18:34  34265
    What is this Weapon Presents: Antiques Gunshow with Ian McCollum and Jonathan Ferguson

    Six firearms go head-to-head in this week's episode, as Forgotten Weapon's Ian McCollum and our very own Keeper of Firearms & Artillery Jonathan Ferguson battle it out to prove they can find the slightly weirder firearms in our collection.

    If you had free rein in the National Firearms Centre, which weapons would you pick? Let us know in the comments.

    0:00 Intro
    0:20 Rules of the Game
    1:06 Cue Montage
    1:25 Round 1: Primary Weapon
    1:40 Charlton Automatic Rifle
    5:07 Sterling Rifle
    6:55 Round 2: Sidearm
    7:20 Schwarzlose Model 1898
    9:40 Mars .45 Automatic Pistol
    12:50 Round 3: Secondary Weapon
    13:51 SA80
    14:35 Did Someone Say Book?
    14:52 SA80 Continued
    20:15 BSA Machine Carbine
    26:05 Conclusion
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 10.4.2024 18:31  34264
    taipan taipan Pozor, kouše! - Nedráždit jedovaté hady! 10.4.2024 10:59  34263
    sabotérAsi nějaký antiguns fanatik.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 9.4.2024 23:59  34262
    Who is the Green AK Given to and What do Cartridges with White Bullets Mean

    No, the Russians didn’t really design the green AK for the Border Troops! This is a myth, quite a popular one. But in that case, who was it designed for and why in this particular color? And what on Earth are those strange cartridges with white bullets that were given to Russian soldiers to use with the AK rifle?
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 9.4.2024 21:40  34261
    Rock Island Auction CompanyFASCINATING Revolving Rifle & Shotgun Evolution

    To put it plainly, the selection of revolving rifles and shotguns in our August Premier is jaw-dropping. Filled with curiosities of design, rare prototypes, and superb craftsmanship, this wonderful assemblage of arms is a comprehensive collection showing numerous little-known variations of these oft-forgotten firearms.

    RIAC Lead Historian Seth Isaacson showcases several of his favorite examples and their fascinating innovations.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 9.4.2024 21:37  34260
    Action of the Berger repeating pistol

    An experimental repeater design made in France, circa 1881. Designed by Marius Berger. Only a handful produced.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 9.4.2024 21:12  34259
    Colt Viper: A Rare Snake and a Great Revolver

    Colt has released seven different revolvers named after snakes, and they have become a popular niche collection for many people. The Python is by far the best known, but several others are very rare. One of these is the Colt Viper, of which only a few thousand were made and only in 1977. The Viper is fundamentally a variation of the Police Positive Special with an aluminum alloy frame and a 4" barrel. They were all chambered for .38 Special, and in fact the only variations are in the finish - either blued or nickeled.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 9.4.2024 20:35  34258
    Omlouvám se ale bohužel jsem musel zakázat psaní anonymům, protože nám tu nějaký sabotér vložil "hack" kvůli kterému nešlo přispívat nikomu. Nevím jestli to pomůže, ale snad nad tímto darebákem budeme mít větší kontrolu.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 27.3.2024 14:12  34255
    Two World Wars: Finnish C96 "Ukko-Mauser"

    A decent number of C96 Mauser pistols were present in Finland's civil war, many of them coming into the country with the Finnish Jaegers, and others from a variety of sources, commercial and Russian. They were used by both the Reds and the Whites, and in both 9x19mm and 7.63x25mm. After the end of the civil war, when the military was standardizing, the C96s were handed over to the Civil Guard, where they generally remained until recalled to Army inventories in 1939. They once again saw service in the Winter War and Continuation War, and went into military stores afterwards until eventually being surplussed as obsolete.

    One of the interesting aspects of Finnish C96s is that many of them come from the so-called "Scandinavian Contract" batch (for which no contract has actually turned up). These appear to be guns made in 7.63mm that were numbered as part of the early production in the Prussian "Red 9" series, probably for delivery to specific German units or partner forces during World War One.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 26.3.2024 19:58  34254
    FORGOTTEN WEAPONS, Ian McCollum famous GunTUBER

    Czech Firearms Podcast

    Ian McCollum is a self-made YouTube gun star ( @ForgottenWeapons ) and if you are a member of the gun community you probably have seen one or two of his videos! He is also an extreme professional who takes his work seriously. Let's dive into the behind-the-scenes of his channel and more importantly to his life. We are happy that he accepted an invitation to @CZfirearmsOfficial booth and our @C.F.Podcast at the IWA 2024 show in Nürnberg so now you can enjoy the whole episode!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 25.3.2024 18:26  34253
    Electrolux Charlton: Washing Machine Company Converts Bolt Action to Semiauto

    The Charlton was a conversion of a bolt action Lee rifle into a light machine gun, designed by New Zealander Phillip Charlton. Some 1500 were made in New Zealand, but a bit later it appears that there was an effort to also produce the gun in Australia. The Electrolux company (the same one that makes washing machines and other home appliances today) made a few prototypes.

    The Electrolux version is different from the original in a couple ways. While the basic conversion mechanism is the same, the Electrolux is more refined, with a shorter gas system and a fairly clean action cover oven the working parts. It is also semiautomatic only, intended to be a should rifle where the original was made for the LMG role. Electrolux also used standard No1 MkIII rifles as its base, where the originals were made from a variety of mostly worn out Lee Metfords and Long Lees.

    The Electrolux contract was cancelled in June 1944, and only a few prototypes were made. This example is in the British Royal Armouries collection, to whom I am grateful for the access and the trust to take it apart for you!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 24.3.2024 12:45  34252
    Adams Patent: The First Double Action Revolver

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