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    Early Automatic Pistol Cartridges - What, When & Why?

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    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 7.8.2024 20:01  34374
    (Dík, zajímavé! Různé Lorenzonky znám, ale tohle jsem nevěděl.)
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 7.8.2024 18:41  34373
    Kalthoff 30-Shot Flintlock: The First Repeating Firearm Used in War (1659)

    The first repeating rifle used in combat by a military force was a flintlock system developed by the Kalthoff brothers. It was adopted in the 1640s by the Danish Royal Guard, who purchased a bit more than 100 of the guns, and used them successfully in the Siege of Copenhagen in 1659. The Kalthoff is a .54 caliber flintlock rifle with a magazine of 30 balls under the barrel and a powder storage compartment in the buttstock. A lever under the action is rotated forward 180 degrees and then back to completely reload the rifle - this action loads a ball into the chamber, seats it fully in place, loads powder behind it, primes the pan, cocks the hammer, and closes the frizzen. This was an amazing amount of firepower in the mid-1600s, and the mechanism in the gun is brilliant.

    The Kalthoff brothers (Peter, Mathias, Caspar, Henrik, and William) spread out across Europe working for many royal courts although it was in Denmark where their gun saw the most substantial military use. The system would lead to other repeating flintlock designs like the Lorenzoni, but these did not really meet the quality of the original Kalthoffs (in my opinion). However, the system was very expensive to make and rather fragile to use. By 1696 the Danes had taken them out of service in favor of simpler and more durable designs. Kalthoffs today are very, very rare, and it was an incredible privilege to be able to take this one apart to show to you. Many thanks to Jan, its owner, for letting me do that!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 5.8.2024 20:39  34372
    WF-51: A Swiss Intermediate-Cartridge Copy of the FG-42

    After World War Two the Swiss needed a new self-loading military rifle to replace their K-31 bolt actions. Two major design tracks followed; one being a roller-delayed system based on the G3 at SIG and the other being a derivative of the German FG-42 at Waffenfabrik Bern. Bern, under the direction of Adolph Furrer, had been experimenting with intermediate cartridges since the 1920s, and they used this as a basis to develop an improved FG-42 using an intermediate cartridge (7.5x38mm). The program began in 1951 and went through about a half dozen major iterations until it ultimately lost to the SIG program (which produced the Stgw-57).

    Today we are looking at one of the first steps in the Bern program, the WF-51. The most substantial change form the FG42 design here is the use of a tilting bolt instead of a rotating bolt like the Germans used. It is a beautifully manufactured firearm, and a real pleasure to take a look at...
    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 2.8.2024 21:38  34371
    ... „Přesně tak. Takže jakákoli pistole která je jako celek kratší než... něco, nevím teď z hlavy přesně co, se nesmí dovážet. Tvůj Smith s dvoupalcovou hlavní je rozhodně malinko kratší. Přesně stejný revolver s třípalcovou je v pořádku.

    Takže dovozci sem navezou třípalcové revolvery a také krabici samotných dvoupalcových hlavní. Navzájem je prohodí a zpátky vyvezou ty třípalcové, aby to celé mohli pohodlně zopakovat.“

    „To je ta nejabsurdnější věc, jakou jsem kdy slyšel.“

    Henry se nevesele uchechtl. „Tak to's ještě nečtl většinu současných zákonů o zbraních. kamaráde.“

    [Nezamýšlené následky]

    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 2.8.2024 18:06  34370
    How Companies Bend US Import Laws (An Example)

    Part of the 1968 Gun Control Act in the US put restrictions on importation of small handguns. These rules intended to protect US manufacturers and prevent people from having access to particularly inexpensive and concealable firearms, and these rules remain in place today. In particular, revolvers with barrels less than 3" long are prohibited form importation. So how is it that we have Brazilian-made Taurus revolvers with 2" barrels (among many other examples)? Well, today we have a factory oversight from Taurus that lets us see behind the curtain...
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 1.8.2024 19:35  34369
    The FINISHED AK-50

    The AK-50 is back in black. Showing off the new paint job, and some design improvements making this truly a great looking and functioning rifle!

    Thanks to TacPack for helping make this video happen! Check them out and use code “AKGUY” to get your free bonus box!

    Thanks to SDI! Again, it’s for more info!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 31.7.2024 23:33  34368
    How the RPG-7 Actually Works

    This 3D video explainer is about the history, mechanics, operation, and functionality of the Soviet Union's most feared weapon system, the RPG-7.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 31.7.2024 22:16  34367
    RT20: Croatia's Insane Kludged 20mm Anti-Materiel Rifle

    During its Homeland War, Croatia manufactured a wide variety of ad-hoc firearms including a number of anti-materiel rifles. The RT-20 was the largest of these, and its development began with the discovery of a stash of Yugoslav M55 anti-aircraft cannon barrels chambered for 20mm Hispano in a warehouse. These barrels were cut down, fitted with single-shot bolt actions, bipods, and bullpup stock assemblies and became the RT-20s. The most unusual element of the design is the use of gas vents about halfway down the barrel which open into a hollow tube which vents over the shooter's shoulder. This creates a gas exhaust jet upon firing to help counteract recoil (and also reducing the muzzle velocity by about 25%). The recoil from firing is still pretty brutal, but the guns can be used - and were during the war for Croatia's independence. A few remain in Croatian police inventory today...

    A big thanks to the Croatian Police Museum (Muzej Policije) in Zagreb for giving me access to film this rare piece for you! Check them out at:
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 29.7.2024 19:17  34366
    Colt 608: The AR15 as a Pilot's Survival Rifle

    As part of its effort to build out the AR-15 family of small arms, Colt introduced the Model 608 in 1965. This was intended to be an aircraft survival rifle, able to pack disassembled into a small space with four 20-round magazines for use by the US Air Force. With a 10 inch barrel, fixed tubular stock, and cut down grip it weighed just 4.75 pounds and had a maximum length of just 17.6 inches when disassembled. It was only produced as a prototype, with ten or fewer being made in total.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 27.7.2024 22:26  34365
    Enjoying Black Powder Episode 3: The Martini-Henry MkIV

    Black powder military rifles of the 1860s-1880s are a really enjoyable group of guns. A lot of them are relatively reasonably priced, and they are actually pretty easy to reload for. The unavailability of factory ammunition (for most, although not so much for the Trapdoor) makes them seem like a daunting prospect, but for a pretty simple investment in tools and time one can make up ammunition and have a lot of fun with rifles like this.

    That's the idea behind a new series here on black powder military rifles. Each month, my friend - and handloader - Tom and I will take out a different model to have some fun at the range and compare how they handle. And then we will show you how to make the ammunition for them. So grab your pith helmet, pause "Zulu" and join us! Today is Episode Three: the Martini-Henry MkIV!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 24.7.2024 23:02  34364
    Wooden BULLETS in Wehrmacht troops. The secret is revealed!? WW2 documentary.

    Even at the very beginning of the war, it was known that the Germans were armed with cartridges with wooden bullets, which are used in certain conditions. There were several types of German cartridges with a wooden bullet. Today we will figure out why German troops used it during WW2.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 24.7.2024 19:45  34360
    MAGAL: A Galil in .30 Carbine for the Israeli Police

    In the early 1990s, Israeli Military Industries (IMI) developed the Galil MAR (Micro Assault Rifle) and the MAGAL at the same time. Both were intended to be very compact rifles, with the MAR in 5.56mm and the MAGAL specifically for police in .30 Carbine. The MAGAL offered the same handling and ergonomics as the regular Galil family, but with a reduced-power cartridge and only semiautomatic operation for better police suitability.

    Mechanically, the MAGAL uses a totally standard Galil receiver and bolt carrier, with a bolt face made slightly smaller to fit the .30 Carbine case and the gas piston shortened slightly. A magazine well insert is permanently fitted, using M2 Carbine magazines modified to have an AR-style bolt hold-open (which also reduces their capacity to 27 rounds). It is a gas-operated action, not a blowback conversion.

    The MAGAL was tested by Israeli police in 1999, and the guns had some problems. They were never able to get quite as reliable as everyone wanted, and ultimately the police acquired 4,000 of them but decided not to adopted to a wider scale. Attempts were made to market the gun internationally, but not many were sold and total production was only about 6,000.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 22.7.2024 17:59  34359
    OTs-14 Groza: Russia's Over-Hyped 9x39mm Spetznaz Bullpup

    All the best firearms history channels streaming to all major devices:

    The 9x39mm cartridge was introduced in the final days of the Soviet Union as a subsonic round intended specifically for suppressed weapons. The first weapons developed for it were the AS Val and VSS Vintorez. These were followed in the early 1990s by the OTs-14 "Groza", developed by Valery Tells and Yuri Lebedev at Tula. The concept was for a modular multi-purpose rifle which could be assembled on a mission-by-mission basis by special forces or police troops as required. The complete load out included a short barrel with vertical front grip, a longer barrel, an under barrel grenade launcher, and a telescopic sight. The base gun was an AKS-74U ("Krinkov") converted to 9x39mm. Only a few hundred were ever made, all of them converted from AKS-74U rifles rather than being built from scratch.

    The Groza is an exotic and highly touted rifle in the west because it is extremely rare, but it was not really well liked by those who actually used it. It cannot be fired left-handed, it blows a lot of gas into the shooter's face when used suppressed, and its controls are rather awkward to use. the lofty original plan was to produce it in 9x39 for Spetznaz, 5.45 for the Russian Army, and 5.56mm NATO and 7.62x39mm for export sales. In fact, only the 9x39mm version was made and production took place only in 1994 and 1995.

    Many thanks to the Royal Armouries for allowing me to film and disassemble this rifle! The NFC collection there - perhaps the best military small arms collection in Western Europe - is available by appointment to researchers:
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 20.7.2024 22:21  34358
    progun [34357]: Doufám že Alovu sbírku převzal jeho zeť, on k těm zbraním tak nějak vedl.
    progun progun 20.7.2024 19:48  34357
    Je něco nového? V kontaktu s Alovou rodinou asi nikdo není a neví se, jak to je s jeho sbírkou? Co Sven a jeho patent, už to střílí?

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