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    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 8.9.2024 13:27  34407
    De Lisle Carbine WW2 Special Ops

    The De Lisle carbine designed by William Godfrey De Lisle was one of WW2`s most interesting weapons offering a superbly quiet fully suppressed rifle for commando raids using a .45 ACP/Auto pistol round shot through a converted SMLE MK3 actioned rifle. This De Lisle reproduction rifle from TW Chambers, Scotland is a superbly accurate rendition in every detail of the Sterling Arms De Lisle made at Dagenham during the war. Perfect for the collector or shooter wanting an historically correct rifle embodying the authentic design of the original. Build quality is excellent and every part is made to be as true to the original as possible.
    25, 50, 75 and 100 yard factory ammo tests and reloads to test this fine silenced rifle to ascertain accuracy and trajectory down range and how quiet off course from this TW Chambers repro.
    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 5.9.2024 19:01  34406
    Ony jsou tyhle pušky spíše jen na parádu, kdežto čtyřkami se reálně dá lovit v Africe :) Další podobná věc je třeba tohleto od Steve Zihna.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 4.9.2024 20:34  34405
    The ultra-rare 2 bore behemoth: The Millennium Gun with firearms expert Jonathan Ferguson

    The Royal Armouries has a rich history of commissioning weapons from the finest fabricators in the world. Historically, we would have procured and protected the arms of the ruling monarchy. This tradition continued into the 21st century when we commissioned 'The Millennium Gun', a big-game rifle produced to the very highest standards of gun making.

    0:00 Intro
    1:30 The Millennium Gun
    2:25 Firearm Origins
    4:40 Firearm Details
    6:06 Firing Process
    8:37 Details & Engravings
    11:20 Henry VIII's Horned Helmet
    12:16 2 Bore or not 2 Bore?
    16:00 Test-Firing
    16:18 To Conclude
    17:18 Outro and Where to Buy that Baby Browning Pin
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 4.9.2024 18:15  34404
    SR3 Vikhr: Russian 9x39mm PDW

    The SR-3 Vikhr is mechanically based on the AS-VAL and VSS Vintorez rifles, but built to be a very compact personal defensive weapon instead of a silenced rifle. Still chambered for 9x39, the Vikhr is intended for roles like executive protection, where the priority is being compact and concealable. With elements like a top-folding minimalist stock and vz.61 Skorpion-like charging handle, the original model of SR-3 Vikhr fits this role pretty well. The later SR-3M model moved to a more traditional side-folding stock and regular charging handle.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 4.9.2024 18:14  34403
    HK21 or Portuguese m/968: The H&K G3 Grows into a Light Machine Gun

    When Heckler & Koch produced the iconic G3 rifle, it was intended to be a parts of a complete small arms package. The G3 was the infantry rifle, and it was paired with the MP% submachine gun and the HK21 light machine gun for a complete set of weapons with the same manual of arms and disassembly/maintenance procedures. The first client for H&K was the West German Bundeswehr, and they were not interested in the HK21 - they had the MG3 already and were quite happy with it. Instead, Portugal would be the most significant early buyer of the HK21.

    Mechanically, the HK21 shares all the same general principles of the G3. However, it has elements strengthened or modified to suit an LMG. These include a reinforced receiver, heavier recoil buffer, better long-range sights, and of course a quick-change barrel and a belt feed action. While an insert was made to allow use of G3 magazines in the original HK21, this was not a common practice. The receiver did not have the modular features that would come later on iterations like the HK21E; this was a gun really intended just for belt-fed use in 7.62x51mm NATO.

    The HK21 was introduced in 1961, and Portugal adopted it as the m/968. Portugal actually purchased a license to produce the gun, and this particular example was one of many made at FMP in Portugal. The gun weighs 17.5 pounds (7.9 kg) and fires at 800-850 rpm. It is a relatively difficult gun to use well, with a comparatively harsh recoil for guns of its type. It did compete in the US LMG trials, but lost out to the FN Minimi.

    Special thanks to Bear Arms in Scottsdale, AZ for providing access to this rifle for video!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 31.8.2024 20:13  34402
    Why 10mm Auto Was a Total Disaster for the FBI

    The FBI's adoption of 10mm Auto in 1990 was supposed to be a revolutionary leap forward for law enforcement. It wasn't. Today, we're walking through the factors leading up to the FBI's infamous decision and why they quickly ditched 10mm in favor of .40 S&W. Find out what went wrong, and the parts played by Smith & Wesson and Gaston Glock.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 29.8.2024 20:24  34401
    Type 63: China Makes an AK/SKS Hybrid

    Starting in 1960, China ran a program to develop an infantry rifle that would combine the accuracy of the SKS with the firepower of the AK. The result was the Type 63, which used the general layout of the SKS along with its short stroke gas piston and an SKS-like fire control system (with fully automatic capability) in combination with an AK-like rotating bolt and a detachable AK-style magazine. The rifle performed well in trials, and as best as I can tell about a million were produced. Mass production quality control was sub=par, though, and rifles in the field failed to live up to the standard of the trials rifles. As a result, the Type 63 was pulled out of service and the Type 56 AK and SKS went back into use until the adoption of the Type 81 year later.

    The Type 63 was made in two main variations; initially a milled receiver and later a stamped receiver. There were 3 distinct types of magazines made for them, all holding 20 rounds and with a bolt hold-open mechanism. These magazines can be used in AK rifles, but AK magazines do not function in the Type 63. A lot of Type 63s were sent to Albania after their removal from Chinese service, and others used as military aid or sales to a variety of African countries, where they are still seen today.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 27.8.2024 20:19  34400
    Luger for my wife

    She wanted a heavyer barrel and adjustable sight. I wanted a challenge so barrel is made in one piece, rear toggle with Windage adjustment is made in one piece and shitload of hours are spent.
    All machining is manual except for the fitting of the gripplates and those are machined in an old TNC155 CNC milling machine.
    Damir Pavlovic made an extremely good work with the engraving, all handengraved to very high standard.

    I spent about 330 h on this gun:)
    I had a great time!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 26.8.2024 20:51  34399
    wz.35: Poland's Remarkably Misunderstood Antitank Rifle

    In the 1930s, Poland decided to develop an anti-tank rifle, and the young designer Józef Maroszek came up with the winning system be scaling up a bolt action service rifle he had already drawn up. The project was kept very secret, out of concern that Germany or Russia would up-armor their tanks if the Polish rifle's existence and capabilities became known. This secrecy has led to a lot of misconceptions about the rifle today...

    Interestingly, the ammunition for the wz.35 used a plain lead core. Polish engineers found that at its incredible 4200 fps (1280 m/s) muzzle velocity, the lead core had excellent armor penetrating capacity. When the German Army later captured and reused the rifles, they didn't trust this, and reloading captured Polish ammunition with German tungsten-cored projectiles made for the PzB-39.

    Rather than explain the full story of the wz.35 in detail here, I will refer you to , where I have posted a full monograph on the rifle written by Leszek Erenfeicht.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 21.8.2024 19:25  34398
    H&K USC: Civilian Version of the UMP Submachine Gun

    Heckler & Koch introduced the UMP submachine gun as a successor to the MP5, with a particular focus on American law enforcement agencies (hence its initial development in .45 ACP). The UMP never has come close to the popularity of the MP5; it is a very basic polymer molded simple blowback SMG, albeit a hammer-fired, closed-bolt one. However, H&K did release a civilian version of it in semiautomatic only; the USC. These were initially made in a grey color like the SL-8, but demand was substantial enough to prompt continued production in black.

    Compared to the UMP, the USC has a neutered magazine well that fits only proprietary 10-round magazines, a thumbhole type fixed stock, and a heavy 16" barrel. I suspect a majority of the demand for the USC comes form people planning to swap out all these elements to properly clone the UMP...
    sven Sven ukaž člověku smrt a smíří se s horečkou 21.8.2024 13:58  34397
    ☺ ☺ ☺Úplně se spokojím s tím, když kopanec od 9mm Luger zmenším na kopanec od 4,5mm Flobert...☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺
    sven Sven ukaž člověku smrt a smíří se s horečkou 21.8.2024 13:52  34396
    OCSMusel jsem se na Okounu zaregistrovat...
    Tedy ten rube-goldberg sice problém řeší docela slušně - ale ta složitost!!!
    ☺ ☺ ☺ Co se mne samotného týká, tak mi trvalo cca těch 17 let, co o té mé vizi fantazíruju, než mi došlo, že někdy jsou kompromisy docela rozumné řešení...
    666 666 Bože, chraň nás před těmi, - kteří v tebe věří. 21.8.2024 13:46 - Oblíbené kluby (22:37) 34395
    Byl jste někdo na Czech Combat 2024?

    Já ne, ale viděl jsem ta videa jsem z nich unešen. Tohle je přesně to, co by mne bavilo - to lepší z LOSu a Military Paintballu. Akorát teda nemám fullgear a vypadá to, že ta B-rdy závody nedělají v light divizi :(
    sven Sven ukaž člověku smrt a smíří se s horečkou 21.8.2024 13:32  34394
    přesněji řečeno - jedná se o odpor při vysouvání náboje ze zásobníku do náb. komory - odpor při pohybu závorníku vzad se dá odstranit výkyvným závorníkeM, (Jak mi poradil El_Diablo - DÍK ☺ ), ale to by byla další složitost s celkem malým efektem ve srovnání se zpětným rázem jako takovým.
    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 21.8.2024 13:30  34393
    Mno, ono se dá vymyslet leccos krajně rube-goldbergovského, třeba by tam mohl náboje podávat namísto pružiny výtah, který by se posunoval chytře v synchronu s pohybem hlavně, a přejezd by byl víceméně bezodporový :)

    Existují různé precedenty, namátkou mne napadá třeba tento :)

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