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    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 29.11.2024 19:24  34520
    (Já reaguji téměř výhradně na diskuse a skoro nikdy na nic jiného, ale čtu furt a znovu velice děkuji za perexy!)
    puschpull puschpull být nad věcí, pohoda a klid ... - AV-Com (Homepage) 29.11.2024 19:11 - Oblíbené kluby (21:22) 34519
    El_DiabloDěkuji za příspěvky.
    Nereaguji zde moc často, ale chodím sem pravidleně.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 29.11.2024 18:12  34518
    Berettas With Bayonets: The Very Early Model 38A SMG

    The initial model of the Beretta 38A had a number of features that were dropped rather quickly once wartime production became a priority. Specifically, they included a lockout safety switch for just the rear full-auto trigger. This was in place primarily for police use, in which the guns were intended for semiautomatic use except on dire emergency (and the first batches of 38As in Italy went to the police and the Polizia dell’Africa Italiana). The first version of the 38A also included a bayonet lug to use a version of the folding bayonet also used on the Carcano rifles. This was a folding-blade bayonet, and the model for the 38A replaced the rifle muzzle ring with a special T-lug to attach to the muzzle brake of the SMG. These bayonets are extremely scarce today, as they were only used for a very limited time.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 27.11.2024 19:00  34517
    The First Sturmgewehr: The MKb42(H)

    The first iteration of the iconic German Sturmgewehr was developed by Haenel starting in 1938. It was a select-fire rifle chambered for the short 8x33mm cartridge, developed by the Polte company. It used a long-stroke gas piston and a tilting bolt patterned after the Czech ZB-26 light machine gun. What makes the MKb42(H) stand out from the later Sturmgewehr models is that it was an open-bolt design. The original design spec was concerned about preventing cook-offs, and so it required firing from an open bolt. This means a very simple fire control system, but it also made the rifle difficult to shoot accurately in semiautomatic.

    The first MKb42(H) prototype was finished in 1941, with 50 sample guns produced by late March 1942. A major trials was held inApril 1942, in which Hitler rejected the design (mostly, he disliked the smaller cartridge). Development was continued anyway, with a move to a closed-bolt system that would become the MP43/1 which was ready for its first testing in November 1942. The open-bolt 42(H) was put into production anyway, as a stopgap measure to provide some much-needed individual firepower to troops on the Eastern front. Serial production began in January 1943, and continued until September 1943. In total, 11,813 of the rifles were manufactured. They saw use in Russia until replaced by newer MP43 models, and represent the first combat use of the assault rifle concept.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 25.11.2024 17:10  34516
    G24(t): Germany’s Take on the Czechoslovakian vz24

    When Germany took over Czechoslovakia, one of the things they did was buy out a controlling interest in what became known as Waffenwerke Brunn. Headquartered in Prague, the company had two factories; one in Brno (Czechia) and one in Bystrica (Slovakia). The Bystrica factory was already making vz24 Mauser rifles, and under new German control they made a few slight adaptations to create the G24(t). These basically involved adding German sling fittings, as other vz24 elements like the full-length upper handguard and straight bolt handle remained. These rifles were made for two years, with about 115,000 in 1941 and 140,000 in 1942. By late 1942, the factory was retooled to manufacture standard pattern K98k rifles, and G24(t) production ceased before the end of the year.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 23.11.2024 17:02  34515
    “Grey Ghost” - The French Occupation Production P38 Pistol

    When the French took over control of the Mauser factory complex in May 1945, the plant had some 85 tons of pistol parts on hand - 7.3 million individual components in various stages of production. This was enough to make a whole lot of guns, even if many of them were not completed parts. So alongside K98k rifles, HST and Luger pistols, the French restarted P38 pistol production at Mauser.

    German military production ended at about serial number 3000f in April 1945, and the French chose to start back up at 1g. They would make a total of 38,780 P38s by the early summer of 1946, completing the G, H, and I serial number blocks and getting mostly through K as well. A final batch of 500 were numbered in the L series after being assembled back in France at the Chatellerault arsenal.

    French production P38s are generally recognized by the French 5-pointed star acceptance marks on the slides. They will have slide codes of svw45 and svw46 (the French updated the code to match the year in 1946). Many of the parts used were completed prior to occupation, and various German proof marks can be found on some parts.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 22.11.2024 19:54  34514
    World's Rarest Production Rifle: The AN-94, Part 1 with firearms expert Jonathan Ferguson

    We have a very, very special one for you this week.

    David Lake of Small Arms Defense Journal describes a firearm that can "fire, eject, reload, fire, eject and reload, with perfect reliability, while almost totally eliminating recoil, in less time than the human eye can blink. Quite literally... two rounds just 33 milliseconds apart. Your eye blinks in 150 milliseconds".

    Feast your eyes viewers, for this week we have that very firearm: The AN-94.

    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 20.11.2024 20:07  34513
    P99: The Pistol that Rejuvenated Walther

    For a couple decades after World War Two, Walther survived on legacy designs - the PP/PPK and P38 (eventually made with an aluminum frame as the P4) primarily. In the 1970s they developed the P5 for German police use, and this was a reasonably successful pistol, but expensive and complex. Something more modern was needed to keep the company relevant in the market. The first attempt was an all-steel Browning style pistol, the P88. This was put into production, but was never very popular. Next was an attempt to recreate the PP in 9x19 with a locked breech, the PP90. This was a complete failure, never getting past prototype stage. And by this time the company was essentially bankrupt, and was put up for sale.

    German airgun manufacturer Umarex came to the rescue, wanting to see a historic German company remain underGerman ownership. They purchased the firm, and a new R&D effort led to the release of the P99 in 1996. This was a truly cutting edge pistol at the time, with a polymer frame, interchangeable backstraps (the first production pistol of its type to have this feature), ambidextrous controls , and a remarkably good DA/SA striker firing system with a decocking button. With company manager Wulf-Heinz Pflaumer putting a preproduction example into the hands of James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) in "Tomorrow Never Dies", the gun got off to a hot start, and proved very successful, rescuing the company from financial disaster.

    Over about 25 years of production it was licensed to several additional manufacturers (including S&W and Radom), made in a variety of colors, trigger styles, and calibers, and not finally discontinued until 2023.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 18.11.2024 16:40  34512
    Single-Rune bnz43 SS Contract K98k

    In 1942, the SS devised a plan to rent out concentration camp labor to companies in the German armaments industry. Several different rifle production lines were set up to make use of this source of cheap labor, and the one we are looking at today is Steyr’s plant at the Gusen camp (a subsidiary of Mauthausen). A rifle production line was established there in March 1943, and in June 1943 Stern signed a contract to supply the SS directly with 10,000 K98k rifles per month. This production was outside the standard Wehrmacht inspection protocol, and the rifles are recognizable as SS contract guns by having receiver codes of bnz43, bnz44, or bnz4 in addition to:

    Lack of WaA inspection stamps
    No letter suffix on serial numbers
    Serial numbers only on receiver, bolt, safety, trigger guard, stock, and hand guard (later also floor plate)

    The Gusen production line was not always able to produce as many parts as needed for the SS contract, especially receivers early on. To complete the necessary rifles, parts were brought in from other Steyr factories (in particular the plant in Radom, Poland). These supplemental outside parts were marked with single “S” runes to indicate their special destination, and to bypass regular Wehrmacht inspection. Thus the rune-marked receivers are actually the non-camp-produced ones, contrary to general assumption.

    At any rate, this special SS contract lasted until 1944, when it was cancelled and Gusen production rolled into the standard Wehrmacht logistics program. In September 1944 the Soviets occupied Radom, and the loss of the rifle factory there forced the Wehrmacht to find a replacement source of arms. Before that Gusen parts were also used to supplement other factories, but after October 1944 its role fundamentally changed.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 15.11.2024 14:17  34511
    A DAO Service Revolver in the Civil War: the Pettengill Army

    The Pettengill revolver is a 6-shot, muzzleloading double-action-only system designed and patented by C.S. Pettengill in 1856, and improved by Edward Raymond and Charles Robitaille in 1858. In 1859, the Rogers & Spencer company was contracted to put them into production as a .31 caliber pocket model and a .34 caliber Navy model. Shortly after the outbreak of the Civil War, Amos Rogers took a couple of the .34 Navy models to Washington DC to look for a military contract. The Secretary of War was impressed by the double action system, and ordered a contract for 5,000 of the revolvers. The contract was signed on January 10, 1962, and it requires the first thousand guns to be delivered in 90 days, with 1,000 more per month after that.

    When the deadline for the first thousand guns came around, Rogers & Spencer only had a single sample ready. What they thought would be a simple process of scaling the gun up from .34 to .44 caliber actually required some re-engineering, and that had taken time. So they sent the sample, which was duly evaluated by Springfield Armory. They deemed it well made, reasonably reliable, and unfit for military service because of the double action only trigger. As a result, the contract with Rogers & Spencer was cancelled. This must have come as quite the shock to the company, as the DAO trigger was the main selling point of the gun - and because they had invested a whole lot of money in tooling and material to fulfill the contract. Fortunately, they were able to make the case to the government that cancelling the contract was unfair and would completely bankrupt them, and a new contract for 2,000 revolvers was issued in June 1862, essentially just to bail out the company.

    Ultimately all 2,000 guns were delivered in late 1862, and they were put into service in 1863 to good effect. In fact, a second contract for 10,000 more of the revolvers was issued in April 1863, but never fulfilled because Rogers & Spencer developed a new revolver to replace the Pettengill. After the Civil War the surviving Pettengills were put into storage for a few decades. An initial batch of 196 were sold in 1976 for $1.75 each, and the remaining stock of 525 more were sold as a batch for $143.75 in 1882 (that’s 27.4 cents each).
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 15.11.2024 00:48  34510
    Необычная старинная "мелкашка"

    Неопознанная винтовка 19-го века. Может вы знаете, что это?
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 14.11.2024 22:38  34509
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 13.11.2024 20:46  34508
    Colt Boa: Rarest of the Snake Revolvers

    Of the seven revolvers Colt named after snakes, the rarest is the Colt Boa. Only a single production run of these were made totaling just 1,200 guns. They were made in 1985 as a custom order for the Lew Horton distribution company, which wanted something unique to offer its buyers. The Boa was an intermediary between the standard Colt MkV and the high-end Python. It was a 6-shot .357 Magnum with a full underlay and ventilated shroud. The only variation was in barrel length, as half were made with 4” barrels and half with 6” barrels. The serial numbers were “BOAxxxx”, with the 4” guns having odd numbers and the 6” ones getting even numbers. Five hundred of each were sold individually, but the first 100 of each length were packaged together into sequentially-numbered pairs in fancy cases.

    The Boas all sold in 1985, and they are now the hardest to find for the Colt Snake collector. This particular pair is a gorgeous example of an original cased set, numbers 43 and 44.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 11.11.2024 17:27  34507
    Unikáty pro císaře i samopal ze vzduchovky. Muzeum láká na příběhy zbraní
    11. listopadu 2024 11:59

    Pušky a pistole vojenské, lovecké či civilní, ale též sportovní palné zbraně, to vše z období od 17. století do současnosti. Novou a doslova nabitou výstavu otevřelo nyní Vlastivědné muzeum v Olomouci. Láká na mistrovská díla puškařů i podomácku vyrobené zbraně.

    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 11.11.2024 17:18  34506
    Spoils of War: French Occupation-Production Mauser K98k svwMB

    Allied troops occupied the Mauser factory complex in Oberndorf in April of 1945, right at the end of the war. The factory was put under French administration and by May that same year production lines were restarted to supply French forces (who needed as many arms as they could get). In total, just under 52,000 new K98k rifles were made for the French between May 1945 and June 1946, when the factory shut back down (and much of it was dynamited by the departing French forces).

    The rifles made under French control were all marked with the receiver code svwMB. German production had switched to this code early in 1945 after producing an “a” block of svw45 rifles and about 5,500 guns in the svw45 “b” block. The factory shutdown came midway through svwMB “c” block, and the first French-property rifles had been assembled under German control and were waiting for final inspection when the factory was occupied. Mauser production was non-linear, and some “c” block receivers had been finished and shipped to German forces before the shutdown, while others remained at the factory. There is no specific transition point between French and German rifles because of this. Production of the “c” block ran into the 29,000 range, and was followed by three suffixes of entirely French-production guns; “d”, “h”, and “k”.

    The K98k being produced by this point - and what was continued under the French - was the Kriegsmodell, the last-ditch simplified model of the K98k. It had many stamped and welded parts, no barrel band springs (screws were used instead) and no bayonet lug. The French produced the guns in exactly the same configuration as the Germans had, simply substituting a five-pointed star as a final inspection stamp in front of the receiver serial number. At some point later, the French rebuilt many of these rifles and added two distinctive features that are often thought to have been original factory production elements. These are the hexagonal stacking rod under the muzzle and the left-side sling bar on the stock. When these rebuilds were done, the bolts were also scrubbed and renumbered with just the last 3 digits of the receiver serial number.

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