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    Video Alova prototypového samopalu
    Early Automatic Pistol Cartridges - What, When & Why?

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    sven Sven ukaž člověku smrt a smíří se s horečkou 16.12.2024 23:59  34602
    OCS☺ Zítra se na to znovu kouknu, ale naprosto na 100% pravdu díš, pane! Že má ten Le Mat osovou brokovou hlaveň mě vůbec nenapadlo. Ale ten čudlík je na kohoutu níž, takže jiné vysvětlení nepřipadá v úvahu!!!
    Mimochodem: Vlastně ten čudlík mohl mít střelec vyklopený ještě před střelbou, s tím, že první výstřel = dvojvýstřel (broky+ 1 kule) a potom už plynule kule - když už čudlík bije opakovaně do vyhořelé zápalky v brokové hlavni...
    Jen mě maně napadá: Jak sakra při ládování tu zápalku na ten brokový piston asi střelec nasazoval?
    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 16.12.2024 22:19  34601
    Napište EU, co si o nich myslíte (raději ne), ale že když chtějí připomínky k něčemu, měli by to nejprv zveřejniti

    Sven: ns gúglí rouru nelezu, ale Le Mat mohl střílet dvěma různými způsoby: normálně jako revolver, a krom toho volitelně brokovou z osy válce. Nemohlo by to být ono?

    sven Sven ukaž člověku smrt a smíří se s horečkou 16.12.2024 21:41  34600
    U toho perkusáku LE MAT jsem snad jednou matně zahlédl, jak ta zápalka vypadává z okruží toho kohoutu, když se znova natahuje. A to jsem si to snad 3x zopakoval..Ale z čeho jsem úplně jelen, jak tam přímo na kohoutu vyklopí jakejsi čudlík a střílí s tím taky.. Proč a jak a na co ten čudlík - nechápu...
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 16.12.2024 20:46  34599
    Sven [34569]: Tady je vidět že ty zápalky při výstřelu zmizí...
    The Guns of Red Dead Redemption 2

    Red Dead Redemption 2 is a masterpiece of storytelling, featuring TONS of iconic weapons from the Western era. In this video, we break down some of the most iconic guns used by Arthur Morgan in the game to see how they compare in real life.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 16.12.2024 19:40  34598
    Daniel Defense H9: The Hudson Reborn and Completely Reengineered

    In 2017, Hudson released a new pistol that was the darling of the firearms industry. It purported to offer a radically low bore axis and 1911-style trigger in a striker-fired system that would be fast and simple to use.

    In 2019, Hudson went bankrupt, out of money and having started to scavenge parts off returned pistols to fix other customers' broken guns. It was an ignominious end to a product with such potential.

    About that same time, Daniel Defense was looking for a way to expand their catalog into the pistol market. They saw Hudson, and it looked like the perfect opportunity to pick up a good design that seemed to have been the victim of management and cash flow problems. So DD bought up the patents and other aspects of the H9 pistol...but when they got a close look at the gun they realized, belatedly, that the whole thing needed to be redesigned.

    In the years since, Daniel Defense has been fixing the H9. The fire control system remains fundamentally the same, but with no interchangeable parts - and now actually drop-safe. The exotic forward-mounted unlocking cams on the barrel are gone now, and the accessory rail is moved up enough to allow reasonable use of lights and lasers. The frame is aluminum and shortened for better concealment. The recoil spring system is much stronger, and the slide stop redesigned to prevent the breakages that plagued the original Hudson. Every part of the magazine has been changed, to fit the same 15 rounds into a shorter body and prevent over insertion. The slide is now cut for optics, with four different adapter plates to fit all the common footprints.

    Shooting the new H9 side by side with the original Hudson, I think Daniel Defense has kept all the qualities of the design while fixing a lot of the problems it had. The gun does indeed have a lot less muzzle rise than more conventional designs, and the trigger feels quite nice. This is not a Grand MAster's IPSC gun and it is not a subcompact pocket gun. It is a jack of all trades piece that can be carried as well as any service pistol (better than most, thanks to its quite narrow construction) and can hold its own in a variety of competition venues as well.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 13.12.2024 18:10  34597
    Beretta 93R: The Best Machine Pistol?

    The Beretta 93R ("Raffica") was developed in the 1970s by Beretta engineer Paolo Parola at the request of Italian military special forces. It took the basic Beretta 92 pistol design and added a well-thought-out burst mechanism under the right-side grip panel. It does not have a plain full-auto setting, but only semiauto and 3-round burst. To help keep the gun controllable, it has a heavier slide to reduce cyclic rate, a detachable shoulder stock, and a folding front grip to help control the muzzle. It uses extended 20-round magazines and is actually remarkably controllable (or so I am told; I have not had a chance to shoot one myself).
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 12.12.2024 01:14  34596
    Frommer Prototype Semiauto Rifle

    Rudolf Frommer was a self-taught engineer and firearms designer who worked his way up through the FEG concern in Budapest to eventually hold the position of CEO. During this time he developed a series of long-recoil, rotating-bolt pistols culminating in the Frommer Stop, which was adopted by the Austro-Hungarian military. At some point during this time he also produced this prototype rifle, which is similarly a long-recoil rotating bolt design. I have no information on its production or performance, but I will give you as much of a look into its operation as I can.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 12.12.2024 01:04  34595
    Mauser 1902 Prototype Long Recoil Rifle

    Paul Mauser was very persistent - if ultimately unsuccessful - in his long-tim goal to create a practical semiautomatic rifle using a full-power cartridge. In total he tried some 17 different designs, including one in 1901 which suffered a burst casing during test firing and cost him an eye.

    This particular rifle came just shortly thereafter, and uses a quite strong and safe long recoil action coupled with a 2-lug rotating bolt. Long recoil designs are fairly unusual in firearms, and this one has an interesting feature of a bolt handle which disconnects the barrel recoil spring when used (rather like Mauser's Gewehr 41(M) rifle, in fact).

    The design reportedly had persistent problems with extraction and ejecting, unfortunately, and Mauser would drop it for other designs. At some point after its testing was finished, this rifle was sporterized with a cut-down stock and express-style sights (it was originally made in full military configuration). While unfortunate, that does not change the fact that it is an extremely rare example of a Mauser experimental rifle.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 11.12.2024 22:54  34594
    The Aluminium Model 1928 Thompson 'Tommy Gun' with firearms expert Jonathan Ferguson.

    Jonathan has a festive conservation-wrapped box for you all today, with something shiny inside...

    Stick around until the end of the video for an announcement - you can take part following the link below:

    0:00 Intro
    0:43 Unboxing
    1:26 Model 1928 Thompson
    2:14 There is an I Next to the U and N Though...
    3:02 The Mysterious Droop
    5:50 Gun History
    7:18 Science Lessons with Jonathan Ferguson
    8:00 Receiver Material Considerations
    9:20 Duralumin? (What's next, Unobtanium?)
    9:50 Kodak (Plastic, not Gold)
    10:18 Existing Receivers
    11:10 Differences
    13:46 Ownership History
    14:30 Weight
    17:00 Conclusions
    18:42 Outro with Special Announcement...
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 9.12.2024 23:06  34593
    ПДМ-42: самый редкий советский пистолет-пулемёт
    PDM-42: nejvzácnější sovětský samopal

    Navzdory dostupnosti docela úspěšného samopalu Shpagin byla na žádost některých jednotek a s přihlédnutím ke stížnostem zjištěným během výrobního procesu v roce 1942 vyhlášena soutěž na nový, lehčí a zjednodušený PP. Jedním z účastníků soutěže byl zkušený samopal Degtyarev PDM KB-P-135, který byl představen v 7 různých modifikacích a vyznačoval se pečlivým zpracováním. Degtyarev daroval 15 vzorků PDM, včetně hlavy sovětského státu I.V. Stalin. Tento komerční přístup však při testování nemohl poskytnout modelu žádné výhody v rámci soutěže, byl výrazně horší než jeho konkurenti z hlediska taktických a technických vlastností.
    sven Sven ukaž člověku smrt a smíří se s horečkou 9.12.2024 19:20  34592
    Tak jsem si zběžně prolistoval toho Lugse. Naposledy jsem to měl v rukou, když jsem byl na vojně a tak jsem žil v dojmu, že je to plné vnitřních schemat mechanismů... Takže trochu zklamání, těch schemat je tam pomálu a aby si na to jeden vzal lupu...
    Textovou část jsem zatím nestudoval.
    Ale - víceméně za ty peníze je to pro mne zklamání - takovej o trošku lepší Žuk...smůla...
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 9.12.2024 18:30  34591
    Steyrs for the Luftwaffe: The G29(ö) aka Gewehr 12/34

    When the German government bought up the controlling interest in Steyr in 1938, they made use of its production facilities to start making rifles for the Luftwaffe. Steyr had tooling for the Mauser 98, but not in K98k form - they had most recently made a Mauser-pattern carbine for Chile in 1934 (the M12/34). Under German ownership that rifle was put back into production, simply chambered for 8mm Mauser instead of the Chilean 7mm. About 50,000 in total were made between mid 1938 and the end of 1939, after which production changed to a standard K98k pattern. These rifles are known today as the G12/34 or G29(ö), and they are quite rare on the collector’s market.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 9.12.2024 11:23  34590
    Lindner's Improbable Tube-Fed Striker-Fired Caseless Ammo Revolver

    Edward Lindner was a Bavarian-born gunsmith who spent much of his professional life in the United States. He was granted no less than 13 firearms patents, and was involved in some very forward-thinking designs. Among other things, he has the earliest patent I am aware of which uses the term "striker" (1865) and also the first patent I am aware of for a gas-operated action (1856). He is best known for some of his simplest work; conversions of muzzle loaders to breechloading - but he also designed this much more complex revolver system.

    This is a proof-of-concept model of a fantastic revolver that used a tubular magazine and paper cartridges with separate primers. It used a roughly .48 caliber pistol cartridge, feeding from a tubular magazine under the barrel.With each cycling of the action, a new cartridge was fed into the bottom chamber of the cylinder, and the cylinder indexed one position and fired. Priming was done from a separate magazine of percussion caps, with the striker stripping one out, seating it, and immediately firing - essentially an open-bolt mechanism in a percussion revolver.

    Only two examples of this system appear to have been made; this one and a slightly more refined proof of concept model.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 9.12.2024 09:34  34589
    Presentation of Dreyse Kufahl needle fire revolver - all three models

    Yes there wasn't only one but three different models of the Dreyse needle fire revolver.
    666 666 Bože, chraň nás před těmi, - kteří v tebe věří. 9.12.2024 09:11  34588
    Jak vlastně dopadl ten polák, co ho smahnoul ten rozhodčí, jak tu připomněl ocs? Víme jestli se z toho dostal bez trvalých následků?

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