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    Early Automatic Pistol Cartridges - What, When & Why?

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    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 18.1.2025 15:53  34787
    PSA/H&R Clones the Department of Energy Colt 9mm SMG

    Palmetto State Armory, under their Harrington & Richardson brand, has released a particularly neat model of 9mm AR. They talked about doing this "at some point" at SHOT Show 2024, but lo and behold it's here and available on the cusp of SHOT 2025! Specifically, this is the Colt 633, an extra-short version of the Colt 9mm SMG. Originally released in 1985, Colt's 9mm adaptation of the AR/M16 platform was never hugely successful against competitors like the MP5. This particular model, with a 7" barrel, was only produced in very limited numbers originally, with the Department of Energy being the only significant purchaser. Why does the DoE need submachine guns, you might ask? Because they are legally responsible for security for nuclear material transportation and facilities.

    This new clone of the 633 from H&R/PSA comes with a stabilizing brace that is designed to very closely resemble the original Colt collapsing stock. It uses the same sort of modified Uzi magazines as the original Colts, and is a very good external reproduction while featuring modern internals that are rathe improved form the 1985 state of the art. The most evident non-original feature is the threaded muzzle, which gives a level of flexibility that I suspect most people will appreciate despite its non-originality.
    sven Sven ukaž člověku smrt a smíří se s horečkou 17.1.2025 07:44  34786
    progunTo mi poradil J_J a jedná se o mechanický model, který ověří funkčnost a životaschopnost toho principu, prostě zda má vůbec smysl vyrábět funkční prototyp - jen něco dokonalejšího, než ty 3 zapalovače a špejla (☺ pamatuješ přece)
    progun progun 17.1.2025 07:30  34785
    Tou mulou je myšleno co?
    sven Sven ukaž člověku smrt a smíří se s horečkou 16.1.2025 23:28  34784
    ☺ ☺ ☺ Čas mi letí a já nevím, co dřív: MULA - 3D model - učit se na zbroják ( zákon o zbraních 119/2002 jsem si stáhnul, zkušební otázky taky - ale zatím jsem se no to ani nepodíval.. :-( ...)
    sven Sven ukaž člověku smrt a smíří se s horečkou 16.1.2025 23:17  34783
    Zítra jedu na chatu, kde mám "verkštat", tak snad se mi podaří vyrobit tu "mulu"....
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 16.1.2025 19:36  34782
    Praga I: A Blow-Forward Bullpup Semi-Auto-Selectable Vickers Gun

    The Praga I was the first machine gun design from noted Czech arms designed Vaclav Holek. Three examples were made for Czech military testing in 1922, but they were not acceptable. Instead, this design served as the first stepping stone to the eventual development of the ZB-26, perhaps the best of the interwar light machine guns.

    Mechanically, the Praga I is largely based on the Vickers/Maxim system except with a locking wedge instead of a toggle joint. It also uses a forward-moving gas trap sort of action instead of recoil operation like the Maxim/Vickers. The fire control mechanism is essentially a Vickers lock, just built into the receiver of the gun instead of in a moving bolt or lock. It is a truly fascinating system!

    Many thanks to the VHU - the Czech Military History Institute - for giving me access to this fantastic prototype to film for you. The Army Museum Žižkov is a part of the Institute, and they have a 3-story museum full of cool exhibits open to the public in Prague.If you have a chance to visit, it's definitely worth the time! You can find all of their details (including their aviation and armor museums) here:
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 14.1.2025 21:42  34781
    Уникальный пистолет Tribuzio "Lampo"
    Unikátní pistole Tribuzio 'Lampo'
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 13.1.2025 20:09  34780
    BD-44: The New Semiauto Sturmgewehr from D-K Productions

    D-K Productions is a collaboration between the rGerman company Sport System Dittrich (SSD) and an American partner. SSD has been making reproductions of German World War Two small arms for something like 20 years - including Sturmgewehrs. Their guns are really good recreations of the 1940s originals, but there have long been issues importing them into the US. This was solved at last by forming a US company and doing the receiver manufacturing here in the States. While the company has plans to offer a whole bunch of different models, the one currently available is the BD-44, a copy of the standard production model of MP-44/StG-44.

    I was really impressed by the use of not-finish-machined forgings for parts like the stacking rod and gas block, correctly duplicating the original German production. The stampings look good, and the handling matches the original guns (don't expect it to be AR-level ergonomic!). The gut "feel" of the gun is an excellent match for an original MP-44. The 8x33 chambering and use of original magazines (alongside new-production magazines made by D-K) is the correct choice, of course.

    I did not like the mismatch between the magazine well and magazine stops, and I did have a couple malfunctions in the two magazines I ran through it so far. Not that the gun I have at the range is my second one; the first one (which is what you see on the table) had consistent feed problems and D-K replaced it when I sent it back to them.

    Whether the gun is worth the steep asking price is a personal decision, naturally. Hopefully this video gives you the information necessary to make your decision if you were considering getting one!
    666 666 Bože, chraň nás před těmi, - kteří v tebe věří. 13.1.2025 09:33  34779
    Kdybyste chtěli debatovat s Hrabou, Černým, lidmi z Lexu, tak příští čtvrtek je šance. Já tam budu taky.
    mpts mpts Je to jinak, ba přesně naopak! 12.1.2025 01:29  34778
    ED: Už je tam i pokračování, kde si to vzal (spolu s 1911) do soutěže 2-gun. Moc s tím neuspěl, hlavně proto, že se tam střílelo na vzdálenosti, na něž to není děláno (a neměl to na ně ani nastřeleno).
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 10.1.2025 15:09  34777
    Dillinger Gang's Winchester 1907 Self-Loader: The Lebman Conversion

    Hyman Lebman was a gunsmith in Texas who made a variant of firearms for some of the most notorious gangsters of the 1930s. One of his specialties was to take the Winchester Model 1907 Self-Loader and cut the barrel down, attach a Cutt's Compensator, and a Thompson gun vertical front grip on a replacement metal handguard. Dillinger's friend and compatriot Homer Van Meter was particularly fond of this sort of rifle.

    When Dillinger was arrested in Tucson in January 1934, two of these rifles were among the guns taken from him. One was one display at the Tucson PD headquarters for many years, although it appears to have been taken down not long ago.

    Incidentally, I would love to get a look at one or both of those examples - especially to see if they are actually converted to fully automatic. I was unable to get any response form inquires to the Tucson Police while filming this video, but if anyone from the department happens to see this video and can arrange something, please reach out to me at admin@! ! A followup video on an original example would be excellent.

    Anyway, a shop called Bull Creek Arms in Idaho produced a short run of 20 reproduction Lebman-style 1907s about 15 years ago and that is what we are looking at today. For more information on the original Winchester 1907SL, including its use in World War One, I suggest the C&Rsenal video on the subject:

    History of WWI Primer 084: French Con...
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 8.1.2025 13:58  34776
    Steyr AUGs of the Falkland Islands Defense Force

    The Falkland Islands Defense Force is a small organization independent of the British military, run directly by the Falkland Islands government. When it decided to update its small arms form the L1A1 SLR (aka British FAL) in the early 1990s, the British assumed they would purchase the new L85A1 rifles. However, by that time the flaws in the L85 were pretty well known, and the Islanders exercised their independence and chose to adopt something different. After investigating a number of different options they chose to use the Steyr AUG. At this time the AUG was in service with a number of other nations including the Australians and New Zealanders, and Steyr offered good terms and good support for the FIDF.

    The FIDF purchased about 160 AUG rifles in total, including a small number of carbines and heavy-barreled LMGs. The carbines were particularly useful in a maritime role, which was part of the FIDF mission at the time (fisheries patrol). The LMG version, fitted with an Elcan C79 4x optic, was intended to supplant the FN MAG as a support weapon, but was found unfit for that role. Instead, most of the LMGs were converted to standard rifles via simple barrel swap. In addition, the Elcan optics proved prove to breakage, and were eventually replaced with British SUSATs. Indeed, some of the standard AUGs had their factory scopes replaced with SUSATs as well.

    The AUG remained the standard rifle for the FIDF until recently, when the service received L85A3 rifles from the British. The AUG was not configured to use the bullet-trap blank adapters that the British used, and the L85s were intended to allow better integrated training between the two forces. A formal replacement for the AUG has not yet been determined, as it remains a bit unclear what the British military will decide to do to replace the L85 in the coming years.

    Many thanks to the FIDF for giving me access to their armory to dig out these rifles to film for you! They remain today a small but quite well-equipped all-volunteer force dedicated to maintaining the security of the Falkland Islands.
    sven Sven ukaž člověku smrt a smíří se s horečkou 7.1.2025 23:47  34774
    Jako kluci jsme vzali kilovou plechovku od barvy, jeden o 2 roky starší a nadaný chemik přinesl karbid co asi ukradl ve školním kabinetu (v reakci s vodou je myslím acetylén). Karbid do plechovky, plivnout na něj a zavíkovat. Ve dně plechovky malá dírka, sirka a BUM!!! Rána jako z děla. Ten kouř dělal navíc krásné kruhy ( rotační anuloidy ). Snad jen zázrakem se nikomu nic nestalo, pikslu jsme drželi v rukou a houf chlapečků kolem dokola... ☺
    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 7.1.2025 23:23 - Oblíbené kluby (21:48) 34773
    ... a stran debaty předcházející také potato gun plněná nějakým špiritusem, jako v Tremors 3 :)
    sven Sven ukaž člověku smrt a smíří se s horečkou 7.1.2025 21:50  34772
    Ale možná ani TAK moc OT ne - vždyť Archimedes a jeho zrcadla a snad i parní DĚLO....

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