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    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 16.4.2023 18:42  33797
    Hi-Point Leading the People: The New 3095 Carbine (Audio Fixed)

    Hi-Point has chosen to release a new carbine, the Model 3095 - in 7.65mm French Long! Well, not's actually in .30 Super Carry. But it will run 7.65mm French Long, so I clearly need to have one...

    If you are familiar with the other carbine Hi-Point makes, you will find no surprises in this one. It's the same simple blowback action, with 10-round single-stack magazines (which are specific to .30 Super Carry, and not interchangeable with 9mm).
    666 666 Bože, chraň nás před těmi, - kteří v tebe věří. 14.4.2023 15:35  33796
    Tak mám za sebou druhej závod LOSu a dobrý - překvapivě to není o nic složitější než si s kamarády děláme sami. Naopak jsem čuměl, že rozhodčí tolerují třeba prst na spoušti při přebíhání mezi kryty a co se týče kvality krytí, tak tam odpouští opravdu hodně.

    Pořídil jsem si na závody (a i na nošení praktičtější) malou 1911 v 9mm. Na jednu stranu mne bavilo jak se všichni strašně podivují nad mojí velkou 1911 v .45, ale nutnost přebíjet přidá zbytečně čas - to sice s malou budu muset dělat taky, ale ve kategorii malá pistole to musí dělat všichni a budou rovné podmínky.

    Ještě pouzdro od KM Saddlery s monogramem a jde se na další závody :)
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 12.4.2023 22:52  33795
    The 10 barrelled, bolt-action, self-defence pistol with firearms and weapon expert Jonathan Ferguson

    This week, Jonathan is joined by a quintessential What is this Weapon firearm. Designed early in the 20th-century, this self defense pistol still incorporates a hammer ignition system, while being locked in place by something resembling a bolt-action system.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 10.4.2023 15:38  33794
    ocs [33792]: Třeba ho Ian nezná, nebýt tebe taky bych o něm nevěděl...
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 10.4.2023 15:27  33793
    Tallassee Carbine: The Confederacy's Last-Ditch Effort

    In 1863, the Confederate military decided to design a new standard pattern of cavalry carbine. The designs was put together rather quickly at the Richmond Arsenal; a 25 inch barrel, brass furniture, and Enfield type lock. Before production could begin, however, Richmond was deemed too risky of a location. The CSA went looking for new Arsenal sites deeper within the Confederacy, and farther from the threat of Union raids. One site found was Tallassee Alabama - a large cotton mill complex on a river and only 6 miles from a significant railway. The CSA arranged to take over one of the old mill buildings, and there is set up the Tallassee Arsenal.

    It took a long time to get equipment moved to Tallassee, to get the building renovated for use in firearms production, and to source the materials necessary for carbine production. Somewhere between a few hundred and 500 carbines were completed by April 1865, but they never saw service as the Confederacy crumbled. Their ultimate fate is unknown, with various theories suggested including that they were used as reinforcements in the rebuilding of the mill. Today less than a dozen are known to survive, almost all of them in museum collections.
    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 10.4.2023 11:53  33792
    33790: Jistě, to tam píší, a je to i pravda. Ale jak to souvisí? Vyrábět definitely too heavy for practical use se může leccos (.950 JDJ chochocho), ale šlo mi právě o nepravdivost té konkrétní citované věty, neboť Baker actually used in the field, opakovaně (byť zřídkakdy) k lovu v Africe, kulovnici ráže větší než 4-bore.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 9.4.2023 22:41  33791
    Semi Auto Revolver?

    Ok, this is one of the coolest gun designs I've seen in a long time! Really gets my gun designer wheels turning! Based loosely on the GB-22, it's basically a revolver that uses a slide for firing the round and allowing the cylinder to index. Very out-of-the-box thinking on this one! This video is basically a teaser for a much more in-depth video that I'll be doing soon. Enjoy, fellow gun nerds!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 9.4.2023 12:37  33790
    ocs [33789]:
    However, there have been a number of gunsmiths who have built 2-bore rifles, like this example named "Double Deuce" by its maker, Stolzer & Son of Kansas. At 44 pounds, this behemoth is definitely too heavy for practical use, but it sure is an impressively huge piece of work! It fires a 1.33" (33.8mm) ball weighing 3500gr (227g) at about 1250fps (380 m/s)...if you can hold it on target long enough to get an accurate shot.
    ocs ocs sine ira et studio - OCSite 8.4.2023 22:54  33789
    The largest sporting rifles ever actually used in the field as more than an exhibition were 4-bore stopping rifles

    není pravda. Přinejmenším Samuel Baker (a možná i jiní) používal dosti děsivý kanon, jemuž přezdíval mazlivě „Dětátko“ (Baby), a jež se nezřídka označuje jako 2G, ač ve skutečnosti šlo spíše o 3G, jistě však ráže byla větší, než 4G.

    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 8.4.2023 21:24  33788
    The Unusual ALOFS Repeating Shotgun System of the 1920's
    Othais and Mae from C&Rsenal stopped by to film some stuff with me and brought along the fascinating Alofs repeating shotgun. It was a device to make a single-shot shotgun into a repeater for a couple bucks.

    Check out C&Rsenal for more fascinating videos about the history of some of the rarest and most-unusual firearms ever made.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 8.4.2023 20:53  33787
    French 1858 Navy (pinfire) Revolver

    While most countries are still messing about with single shot percussion pistols or tentatively trying out newfangled percussion revolvers, the French navy blows caution to the wind by adopting a metallic cartridge revolver patented by Eugène Lefaucheux in 1854 using the pinfire ammunition patented by his father Casimir Lefaucheux in 1835.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 8.4.2023 14:09  33786
    Adenauer's Zipper: the Bundeswehr MG-3 at the Range
    When the Bundeswehr chose its small arms after World War Two, it saw non reason to move away from the iconic MG-42...but the new weapons needed to be in NATO standard calibers. And so the MG-3 was born: an MG-42 improved in several small ways and rechambered for the 7.62x51mm NATO round. Today we are taking this transferrable example out to the range to try out. It's worth noting that while Rheinmetall offered configurations with rates of fire from 700 up to 1300 rpm, the Bundeswehr chose to stick with a pattern nearly as fast as the classic MG-42. Does that make it hard to control? Nope!
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 8.4.2023 11:55  33785
    Kongsberg M52: A Line-Throwing Rifle (or Harpoon Gun)

    The Norwegian Kongsberg factory has a history of making firearms-based tools for maritime use, and one of the more recent is the M52 line-throwing gun, introduced in the 1950s and sold through the 1970s. It uses a repurposed Mauser action paired with a new smoothbore barrel and a 12mm blank cartridge to fire a rescue line. A couple of different projectile heads were made, including a floating wooden one, a smaller solid steel one, and rocket-assisted ones to increase the range from about 100 yards to nearly 300 yards. Two versions of the same basic gun were made, one for throwing line (for maritime rescue, firefighting, and construction) and one as a harpoon gun for hunting whales. This example is line thrower, and particularly cool because it includes the complete original case and accessories.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 7.4.2023 18:56  33784
    MG-3: Germany Modernizes the Classic MG-42

    When the Bundeswehr was formed, it chose to simply continue using the MG42 as its standard GPMG. This was initially done by converting older MG42s to 7.62x51mm NATO as the MG1 (adopted in 1958), but progressed to production of a brand new version of the gun by Rheinmetall (adopted in 1968). The MG3 included improvements to the belt feed system, added integral antiaircraft sights, and allowed a rate of fire between 700 and 1300 rpm depending on the choice in bolt, buffer and booster. It was the standard German MG until finally being replaced by the MG5 in 2012 - and it is/was in use by nearly 4 dozen other countries as well. Today we are going to compare this transferrable, C&R MG3 to an original MG42 to see the improvements that were made.
    el_diablo El_Diablo Veškerá nepodstatná elektronická zařízen - mimo provoz, včetně kontroly pravopisu. 7.4.2023 12:00  33783
    "Double Deuce" 2-Bore Rifle: A Gunsmithing Spectacle

    The largest sporting rifles ever actually used in the field as more than an exhibition were 4-bore stopping rifles, firing roughly 1" in diameter (25mm) projectiles. These were intended to not simply kill a dangerous animal, but to stop it immediately in a charge, which might require shooting through thick bone or horn protection. For that purpose, the 4-bore could have some value - assuming you had an assistant to carry it when danger was not imminent!

    However, there have been a number of gunsmiths who have built 2-bore rifles, like this example named "Double Deuce" by its maker, Stolzer & Son of Kansas. At 44 pounds, this behemoth is definitely too heavy for practical use, but it sure is an impressively huge piece of work! It fires a 1.33" (33.8mm) ball weighing 3500gr (227g) at about 1250fps (380 m/s)...if you can hold it on target long enough to get an accurate shot.

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