Heh, narazil jsem na kdesi na nasledujici prispevek, docela me zaujal:
I think MOFO is going in direction that is not compatible with Free Software principles.
First, they overPRed their poor Firefox 1.0 release, then released 1.5 with 'innovative' features that were in Opera, Safari, Konqueror and Epiphany long time before, then they released a couple of security fixes within short interval between. At the same time there are so many bugs that are few years old! Now they are preparing 2.0 'mega-next-gen-release' which brings almost nothing new to be called 2.0. When it will be released Asa Doltzer and others will be blindly PRing its 'innovative' features again, declining the true facts.
I'm not trying to say that Firefox is bad. But those PRers are trying to make it like the 8th miracle of the world, while describing other browsers' long-standing features as their own 'inventions'. So stupid.
It's all sad. Instead of fixing Gecko all they do is trying to mimic other browsers, like Opera, for example (which is clearly visible in Firefox changes history), Epiphany and especially M$IE (antiphishing, 'intuitive' (read - stripped down to stupidity) and 'user-friendly' UI (read - almost a copy of IE but with different icons (but which will look more Vista-like in 2.0, horray!))). (sorry, I might be more subjective while describing UI here).
They have created Mozilla Corporation, placed ads in mass media, now they are enforcing distro makers to follow their trademark policies. It's all absolutely normal and right, but ...for commercial software. And Firefox is just that - not Free but Commercial OSS.
Gecko and SpiderMonkey are good engines. Not very fast, with some old bugs, and no visible progress until recent dev versions, but good. Old Mozilla (now SeaMonkey) was also a good browser + email client + simple web editor. Thanks for good guys SeaMonkey is live again, Gecko found its place in Epiphany. And Firefox continues to smell more like IE.
Sorry for this angry post. I'm just upset with what Mozilla->Phoenix->Firebird->Firefox became and where it is going. Sadly, there's only one usable GTK2-only (no GConf and GNOME stuff) browser - Kazehakase which I'm going to use for my Xfce now, instead of Firefox. |